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Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1977, p. 5

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RAIL WAY EXCURSIOI Last week this columin told the story of the officiai op ing of the Grand Trunk Railway to Whîtby and Oshawa a the great 'civic receptions which accompanied this eve: This week we look at one of the first excursions on t Grand Trunk Railway (now the CNR) from Oshawa Toronto. The excursion took place ini mid-September 1856, ab( two week s after the railway was opened. About 240 residents of Oshawa boarded the train Oshawa, but miany more wouid have attended hiad iti beeni for bad weather andi the launching of a sailing ship Whitby harbor wl-ich drew away somne of the crow T>e launching of the ship at Whitby was to be follov WHITBY )FREE PRESS, W9PNESDAY, NOYEMBER 9,,1 9-71, PAGE S51 by a trotting race open to horse breeders , hroughout durîng its construction. One Whtby carpenter, Walter Ontario County. Harper,, Nad the copt,ýaot .fQr the' woqd -"Wprk in aIl the The buÏsinessmen of ,Qshawa wanted to enddur'age the statiori and fieiàhtýhèdî-from Tûronto to, Cobourg. use of the new ralway. One man, a cabinet manufacturer, The oàther thing the railway aécâiyplished'was to provide gave fis employees a holiday and furnished ail 60 of them afsteasonoigpssge»14fehtroTrnt wih xcrsontikes.to -Montreal. This was,,consideid-' blessing by'ýthe mer- Ahl thé horse.drawnbue of Oshawa were put into chants alon g he line, but the raiwytogltUbsns service to take passengerg to the station, and people shouted, away from, Whitby harbor ,andits prérnoter'$.,'* fromi their doorways if there was anymore room to set on. The owners- ofthe Whitby harbdôr.:ad,*,i-ts-grain outlets The erain was compàôsed of four passenger cars and'a had'suýppdrted thé railway, and also pianned tobuilari- post office car. The engine was decorated'with evergreen way froni Port Whitby to Lake Huron, but an economic de- boughs and flags. The Bowmanvil le Brass Band occupied pression in 1857, a year after the,-Grand Trunk opened, ~T the post office car and *provided mugIc for the passengers ail killed thePort Whitby-Lake Huron railway project. EN the way to Toronto. The band provided a special concert at Raiiway cars were yather primitive in the 1850s. . The, each station where thetrain stopped. pasnescr esmlrt tg oaches*, ad if the .re The passengers remarked on how smooth the ride was, were"not enough passenger' cars, the, people Would hiav6, 40 )en- and the absence of jolting found of other railways. There sit' on open' platforwi, cars, sm1a to today"'fiI.t.cars. nd was also comment that there were no sharp curves which The locomnotives'burnedl- wood, and black smoke and nt. liad been talked about by opponants of the railway, or dust cne ece rmtersoesak.I sitrsigi the f hro ainm th onRvet theroad bed. t of out poliution-conscious socityo noictatrlasan o Tetio a the Dakgontveratd the easteer imt of industries put pictures of smoking chimneys and locompo- Torntowasth emarkng po, ad te pssnges~tok tives on their letterheads as a symbol of prosperity and- Dut carniages from here to the various places they wished, to visit. industrial weaith. How different today iat AIl were back in time for the return trip to Oshawa. Also different today is -the laok of' dependence on rail not The Grand Trunk Railway was hieralded as the groatest transportation for 'passengers, whereas rail was the faste st at contribution to prosperity that could happen to the towns means of moving people from city to city in the l 9th 'ds. aiong the shore of Lake Ontario. cantury. ,vd For one thing it prcQvided employment for rnany men Corridor * Capers Jovial Paradise Subdivision Located between Bowman Avenue and Elizabeth Crescent The draft plan for Jovial Paradise Investments Limited xvas discussed at the administrative meeting on Monday November 7. As this column muist be prepared before Monday evenigg, 1 have no information as to the ouiteoie of tne mneeting. The plan to be shown to the area residents is certainly NOT. and I repeat, NOT the plan the developer suggested in July. There seens to have been a change of heart,either by the developer of at the Planning level of the Town of Whitby. May 2nd Plan The original plan as submitted on May 2, contained 100 single famnily units, 36 serni-detached units and ai three acre parcel of medium densîty. This plan xvas flot approved by the administrative cornmittee. In the July plan, show to the area residents. the deve- loper's suggestion was to increase the lot size for single family detached and replace the 3-acre parcel of nmeditir density area. (Medium density being not miore than 50 bodies per acre). The July plan seerned to satisfy the concerns of the area residents The new revised plan, to be subrnitted, will likely cauise a lot of di;content, and no doubt will delav the developer further. Many questions comne to mid. - Why is Council not being given the opporttunity to see the July plan? Who changed the medium density area from semni's to apartments? When the developer was happy with the July plan why is yet another plan being stubmitted? The people in the area deserve answvers to these, andci any more questions. They have invested a great deal of timne and energy to say nothing of cold hard cash, into making their area attractive and pleasant. Thle developer lias invested timne and nioney creatting a desirable subdivision that the resident and new comners alike would welcomne, andi would be econoricaily feasible. Where did the July plan go!!!!!!! By the tirne you read this, maybe we will have the entire picture of why the residents are being subjected to yet an- other inferior plan of subdivision. Whitby deserves better. 25th Wedding Anniversary For the past two years there has been a rash of 25th wedding anniversaries in our area. This week, it is John and Jean Umphrey froni Hlunter Street. Congratulations to both of you, and do enjoy your anniversary trip and vacation in sunny Florida. Westminster United Churcli Westminster Chimes Bazaar Corne to the Bazaar!!! Next Saturday, November 1 2 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.ni. Shop at any of these booths. - knit- ting & sewing, novelties, green thumb,white elephant, good used clothing, and for the children, young and old, candy, Popcorn and a fish pond. Homne Baking will be sold every hiour and Luncheon served from 11:30 to 1:30 nm vwih beverages and snacks. available any time. Special feature wilIl be the SILENT AUCTION at 3:30 p.m. See you there-- Westminster Anniversary - next Sunday, Nov. 13 with the Guest speaker being the Rev. Roger Maggs, Chaplain of the Oshawa General Hospital. Blood Donar Cliniv The Blood donor clinie wiIl be held at the Whitby Legion Hall on Wednesday Nov. 16 from 2 p.m. until 8p.m. 1978 Church calendars are availableat the low price of $1.00. Limited number of mailing envelopes for the taking. Have a good week, and remember to SMILE --- m - McEachern 725-8967 Toastinistress club meets On Nov. 17 at 6 p.m. the Pine Rige i oastmstress Club will mieet at the Grenada Restaurant, Sheridan MAil, Pickering. Interested women fromn the Whitby area are invited to visit and share in leadership training and practice in public speaking. t'on information,ca1l 668-1680 BAKE SALE The 22nd. West Lynde Browv lie Pack will be holding 4w~ its FaIt *White Elephant and Bake Sale on Monday, Nov- ember 14, from 61.m. to 8 p.nl. at West Lynde Public School, located on Michael Blvd. in West Lynde Sub- division. Everyone Welcome! CHRISTMAS BAZAAR AIl Saints' Anglican Church will be holdinig its Christrnas Bazaar and After- noon T'ea Nov. 12 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.nl., featur- ing a sale of baked goods. knit- ting, crafts and fancy goocis. NATIONAL TRUST CLOCA to build centre APPOINTMENTT TOP SCHOLARS AT HENRY IIiGH A nuniber of the top students of Tienry Street Iigh School's 1977 graduatingclass joined Mayor i Gartshore and Nancy Winter, winner of the Mayor's Medal for a group picture at the school's commencement exercises Friday. In the back row are: Ron McClure, Bill Mondria, Steve Whittaker and Ed Andrews. In the front row are Mark Andrews, Jim Piekard, Nancy Winter, Mayor Gartshore, Mark Sanderson, and School Principal Harry Thompson. Free Press Photo 73 Corolla Automatic; Radio, Only 46,000 miles. Lic. BRT 009 $1 695.00 72 Corona Automatic; Only 46,000 miles.Frost Green, Lic. EFD0 273 $1 595.00 71 Corona Auto matic; Only 44,000 miles, Harvest Gold, Lic. EBP 358 $1 595.00 71 Corolla Automatic; 1200 c.c., Real gas saver. Lic. DYP 793 $11 95.00 Ail above cars tully re-conditioned & certified. Many ottiers to choose frolm. WHITBY TOYOTA 1025 DUNDAS ST, W. 668-4792 " %lu

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