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Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1977, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9,,1977, wlïl Br~1in ~ Byl es Two days fromn now, Novemiber il1, is a very special day. It's no one specials' birthday but many, of us hold this day dear to our hearîs. This day, 'Armistice Day' (to some) gives us the chance to 'Remember' those who fought to rnake us free.' 'Remetnbrance Day' as it is called now, is a way of saying thank you to ail those people who died for us and those that were lucky to live, and are still with us. Rememnbering, thosewho were close to us, on this day, may bring tears'to our eyes. But those tears are not those of saddness, but those of pride and love. Join with us to. remnember those brave men and. woinien of our country, even if we personally don't know them,our thought are theirs. Ail that is asked istwo brief moments alone with silence. Our prayers will reach those who deserve themn and need them. Life is short enough We nedd not figlit War is mean and tough. Ujfe is shorter now Guns killing with., rmight Let's take the vow. Uife is gone forever Ail is Out of sighit Mavbe now we'll remember, 1 lý BROWN'1S FOOlDMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 'O URI inIS DELIVERY AT NOMINAL 3 BIG DAYS CHARGE TL.M~u 1 fimn Su t. Nov. cmJTFROId CANUA AGaAfl< "A-lcm LOIN STEAKS t Sirloin FC CUT FRom UCNADA Gu£RA- AKI' ROUND STEAK TO6P l9H SAUSAGE -MVON NEW YORK SHOULDER CONTAINS irtFO REC OAST .« CHOP- POU Tou* ROCIFICAT IOms .U litCUOÇ30 WECHà AILBOI 99FA stR. - LAMB CHOPS 98 IT FROM CANADA GRADE *"A"lU ElF Mnptin A o"* ML SLUESAUSAGE s~98« WIENERS SIISS79i P4 UDRANCH STYLE BOLOGNA lb.S5 I U D$1.48 CUOP! EOU!U!T 7 iTEnAK eSTEIGBEEFi 15tl'S Aut USTER.5 AYOEMWa Pds ,79c Wmo G 8-03L P4 indiessRACON'.5 59CACoeS 4L 59C mRindE LF- r wi.5 COTTAGE ROLLS (cov) lb.$.1 e TBY FREE PREý$ Làf is short', Let's have war as a memory only. An ugly,scary memory for many, Spare the children'of today, so they and their childrerl can live and rule in peace for ever more. The de- cision is ours! ; The purpose of the November 2, Counil meeting was to find out where the people of Brooklin want developmeflt. 1 was dissappoiflted at the so few that showed up. As 1 saw1 it, nothing was really settieci. Council was there to, 'entertain' our ideas, comments and questions. Although when the question of cost to the indîvidual was asked, Professor Pinker said that that had not yet been discussed. Councilor Gerry Emm brought the question up again and got no where either. I don't feel that anyone can make a decision for or against without knowing the cost to us or the behind the scenes information. To find out more about the real developmeflt,attefld the meetings. And say what you feel. One more thinig, Due to incorrect timne given to me most people came later. 1 promise 1 will verify my information more accuratly in the future as to the time. Remember the' littie Elf's in Santa's Workshop? Well this year the littie darlings are going to, do somethiflg special. They are doing, a favor for the Brooklin,United Church. They'll be here on Saturday November 26, What are they doing? You'Il see soon. Keep tuned int Teachers and concerned parents of the l-Iarwood Vo- cational School are organizing a Pare.nt's Group. The meetings are held every third Wednesday,,at 8:00 p.m. The next meeting is on November 16. Corne out to a meeting and find out what kind of school it really is. Go and talk to teachers and students and find out they're attitudes-toward the sch-mol. Be sure and give themn your support. For more information please caîl Betty Jean Blyth at 655-3679.- She will be able to, tell you anythin you wish to know. zÉmm~iiEW mal' We Ae AentsForPRODUCT 0F U.S.A. & ONTARIO 1'~I LEITUCE X4-1Ooz. Dt- .9 ~24-O@Z.Reguar-2.57 AQIAFRSU 10ML è9 PUwT t- t $.5 SEASOING MX,»33 ivant soinething différent at Christmias' W4e have that sornething starting wvith 9,000 onîe of a kind Xinias ornarients, Mla,î ilade Novelties, Garlands, iVreaths, and Door Trins, ivou wiill flotý find anywhere else. This season refer to us as Whitby'9S Give the school a chance. Another short note for Remnemberance D)ay. The Brook- lin Legion Branch. 152 ,Iw1llbeholding a 'Remnembe rance Da y Parade on Sunday November 13 at 2:30 p.m. sha,ýrp. The Whitby Brass Band will help the Marchers along. They will march to the Brookiin Memorial Arena and back.. Go down and see. the parade. Don't forget to buy your Poppyl The poppy is like giving a speciai tribute to those who have passed on during our turbulant years at war. In the November 2, column n1 said that the 'Story I-our' at the Brooklin Public Library was for school age childrefl only. ApparentlY mother's have been taking their youn- sters there ail along. After speaking to the librarians they expressed the opini on that there a re too niany children if they have both age groups. They don't have the-staff for it. Also the crafts and programs would have to be changed to suit the younger chidren ,then the older ones lose interest or becrne bored. A simple sol.ution!-. If some rnoth&xs could get together and go to the library during the Story Hours and 'volunteer' -theii services. Withthe help of the librarian on hand mothers can have the Story 1-our for the pre-schoolers and schooler's. Talk to the librarian about it There is no harm in trying. This is only my own opinion. Maybe you have a better suggestion! If so take them to the Library. Whats Happening! November 12-19 _ Public library - Canadian Childrens Book Festival. Suinday Noveniber 13-2:30 p.in..Rememberaflce i)ay Parade Wednesday November 16, 8:00 p.m. - Harwood Vocational School . -arwood Parent Group; Saturday, November 26 - Brooklin United Church - Elf's sur- prise. Ail '~'~ Marie 655.3061 charge laid. A Whitby man is amnong fÎve persons arrested by DurhaITi Regional Police who broke Up a major theft ring last week. Chiarged with con- spiracy to possCSS 'property obtained by a crime is 1-lerruan Martin Versehuuicfl, 46, of 1705 Dundas Street West. The others are froro Stouffvjlle, IPickering ,,and Etobicoke. focs ro Police fre rr l)urhiam, Toronto, and Regina SaskatchewVan were involved in the investigation~ of the theft ring, vhich involved stolon cars, trucks and hecavy construction equiprient. The thiefts took place in Metro Toronto,. Durhami aîid York Regions, police said. ith the ring being based iji lurhiam. Police said thie stolen property was shipped to Regina and sold by auction. More arre,.ts are ex- pected as the investigation continues. Whitby's Christmas Wonderland Store All doors open to coui tuby 1 Christmas vvrneip.*rlàn

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