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Whitby Free Press, 16 Nov 1977, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, NOYEMBER 16, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS SPEND 15 MINUTES WITH US TOMORROW AND FIND OUTT WHAT IS GOING ON IN DURHAM! Noon, Eveniings & Nlight eèports 12:*020 6p.m. & lpemi Weather, Sports and News 1350 THE, OSHAWA STATION SPEND 15 MINUTES WITH US TOMORROW AND FIND OUT WHAT IS GOING ON . IN DURHIAM! Morning Reports 6:e20 & 7:020 Weather 1350 ,Sports and News THE OSHAWA STATION __________________1'. Mmor h The following is a round-up of mninor recent hokev action in Whitby: MAJOR BANTAM At the Don Beer Arona Nov. 3 County Town Fuels soundly defeated Pickering 9-1 withi two goals by Don Perkins, and one each by Stu Catterall,Randy Taylor, Tom DeMille, Lorne Bruce, Billy Eyre, Johin Fusco, and Bob Middleton. On Nov. 5 at Bowman- ville, Councy Town Fuels de- feated Bowmianville 6-2 wi th two goails by Johin Fusco, and one eadi by Don Perkins, Stu Catteraîl, Greg Plattiand Bob Middleton . MINOR BANTAM On Nov. 5 a t lBowimani- ville, tie Ontimist Beavers de feated Bowinan ville 6-1I witli goafls by Mike Wells, Kerr Kingston, Paul Shiatîhl, .al>aoI Ricli , i c IlDonaldson andi Ed Sve 1er. On Nov. 7 at Markm thie Optinîists sint ont NMark- lain -')- withi goals by Paul Rýich. D)eck Kotyluk and.Jeff Donaldson int an einpty net. Goahie Ricky Wood Liad hiis lirstitiht-otit of' Ilie season. Nov. 8 a t Brook lin Arcua ,îhîcOptî;uîsts d(letmd WaY Ridges 3-2 vithîol by l);an Cîîî h )cî ck Koyluk anîd k.cll% l)zikc\vicli. hn ail exlîîbitioîi gaine Nov. (). Stevc's Steak h lotise of, 0Slîýaa dclcaîcd fdic Beaivers 4-2. Whiîhy goals \vcrc scored hv Chiarlie Nlason aîn dWay lice s Ibok ,ockey roundup BANTAM NO. 2 on Nov. 5 at Iroquois On ov.5 a th Brok-Park, Fer reo Ingincring ied Oi r n Nov. t the o ok-l Po rt Perry 4-4, with tw o goals defeated Uxbridge 9-1 with by Drek Debos and o ah three goals by Scott Burns, Wa Dkels n Jh two by Calvin Avison an d OnNo.9atBowan one each by Wayne Crossan, ville9 a Bowman efae Jay Martin, Don Mowat and vilercowmEnie ering -3 Ron Maguire. Frc niern -. MAJOR ATOM Whitby goals were scoyed by In a exibiton ameDale Baxter, Wayne Middle- Nov. 5, at the Oshawa Civie MIn n R iDGETlon Auditorium, Whitby Hiorne MNRMD B3akcry deféated the LNHIL On Nov. 9 at Iroquois Canadiens 8-1 with two goals Park, Commerce Capital tied- by David McWhirter, Tom Bowmanville 5-5 with goals Clark and Jason'V Bruneau, by Charlie Meitner, Tom an on eah h Bily ells-Cotton, Darrell Blacquiere, andoneeali yVandy eburn Mike Brier and Ron Burns. tine, and Steven Vadrua AJOR PEE-WEE On Nov. 6 at B3rooki in O o. ,M Boki l>cerh orîgh 33 wîîh goalsArena, the LASCO Steelers Peeby og 3-3ly Kletegoalsdefeated Bay Ridges 4-2 With CyBl elar ad ai McWhirtr.two goals by Andre Cadieux Chikan Daid eWlirtr. and one eachi by Paul Neu- MINOR ATOM maniand Terry Dupuis. On Nov. 5 at Lindsay, MINOR PEE-WEE B3rooklin Concrete shiut out. Un Nov. 6 ai Brooklin Lindsay 4-0 with three goals Arcna, the Laidies Auxiliary by Billy O'Meara andl one by Team ltied Bowmanville 7-7 B3lair I laslami. Goalie Colin with two goals eachi by Joey llaiselI got flic shut-out. On Nieuwendyk and Gary Nov. 6 at Brooklin Arena, Roberts and one each by Brooklin Concrete defeatcd Bobby Ryan, Billy Callan and Bo()vnîanlville 7-2 with two Joey McCulloughi. goals hy Grant Reveler, and NOVICE one eachi by Greg Roherts, On Nov. 6 at Brooklin Kelly O'Con norBi3air I Iaslam., Arena the OPSEU \Varriors Bihly O'Meara and Mike tied Styurffvîlle 2--2 wvith goals 1%anîikas. by Robert McCullough and MAJOR Mll)GET Dcrek Middleon. On Nov,. 4 ai Peter- ho)rotnghI, Fe rrco Engineering nU Ie S dc fcated-l-)îcrhorough 4- with goals by Ray lNcWir-tr, lik io. Keitlh Wilson and Gimlbcrt Niçti\vwcndýk. Askus aboutyou Corne and tell us "wb.î vou>re lookinçcr ajo Tell us wvhat you are tod,', and wlhît you wvaît Io ho tom-orrow. Ask us If wc ý:.ir offer opporturisties arnd challenges to match you: i&erols. No-oliçiatioris on etihel side. W&l hgcjad in tdlk And ve niay Lavefo; whai, you're Iookinçj for 1But yo,ý1! neveil know o Lntil you ask. Mobile Canada I OSHAWA WEDNESDAY, 16, 23, 30 NOV'. 10:00 a - 300 p.m. STHIE SCANADIAN S ARMEID FORCES. basketball Starting in J ailuary, Whli îh)Y xill have a co-ed basketball leaguie for cJildren age d 0ighit lu 14. The Durliani Region Farnily YMCA is curreiitly nîaking arrangenien ms -b ope rate ch the progranî in conjuinc lion with tlie niational YMICA and the National Basketball Lelaguie Players' Associationi. Planîs caîl for practices, discuissions abouit fair play, leaguie ganîes and family events. lUe prograni is beiQg directeci by Mark Corey, who is looking for interested aduits to sit on a- steering cornmittee to co-ordinate budgeting, and scheduling of the league. Anyone interested may caîl the YMCA at 668-6868. EdiLor'e luote Book Democracy is the worst Jorm of government except ail others. Wrnston Churchill PHONE 668-9454 FOR FREE ESTIMÂTES -t. 7Vh»rowe _ I NURSEIIY LTD. ' ëWLA N DS cApI1 N G S.W. CORNER 0F DURHAM ROAD 23 and BAYLY EAST Visit our Re%-,.ru iting Unit Vanpower Centre GROWERS 0F FINE EVERGREENS ý 1 1

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