EERSAE 1977 BE 250 - in A-i condition 1500 miles, asking $1 ,350. éaIlI655-4238 . 350 Englue 1973 Oldsmobile Cutlass 42,000 miles goud coud. $80 or best offer. Cail 655-3031 Dune Buggies complote with rol cage & lots of extras $150. each. also parts and access. 655-3481 1 single horse trailer $400. and trail bike $275. or best offer. cal after 6. 655-456t FOR SALE: Winter PotMLoes, Sebago, and Red Chieften, Keith Bell Farm, Myrtle Road 5, 1 mile east of Hwy. 12. 655-3326. Baby crib $50. matching dresser $40. girls bike $10. 668-8626. Go Cait Frame Good Cond. neW front wheels $100. cali after 4 at 655-4369. TOOLS Brand newv, nover used, ail name brand, Westward Gray IC etc. on Snap On, professional guaranteed by mahnutacturer, clearing out at less than haîf price. Hydraulic floor jacks, bottle jacks, car stands, vices, socket and wrench sets (metric and standard), tap & die set, pipe wrenches, impact tools, drill presses and many other J hand tools for plumbers, carpenters and handymen. Caîl 683-1753. PRIVATE: Bay Ridges, Beautiful 4bdrm., 2 storey home, newly decorated & Broadloomed finished bsmnt. central air, swvim- ming pool, large lot asking 69,900 hslarge first. caîl 839-7260 for an appt. mens curling shoos, size 8, $10. Ladies tapshoes size 71/2, $15. school desk, 1 piece $10. white sewing machine $35. woodcn storm door $35. each, cord organ apt. size $70. T. V. game Blk. & White new $20. Block Plane An- tique $14. 728-2327 68 PONTIAC PARISIENE, 2 dr. Hrtp. tilt steering wheel 35 2.$l100, 68 BUICK WII ,DCAT 4dr. Hrtp. Top Mechanical Condition $500L after 6 cati 666-1665 Peanut Travel Trailer by Rambler sleeps 4, 3 way fridge, complote with hîtch, electric brakes, mirror 2 glass bottles used 6 mths.$2,800 668-8432. 72 Cheve Impala, air cond. p/s, p/b and power windows. Tilt steering, good cond. $1295. certified. cail 668-3468 or 668- 5346. 77 Chev Impala Station Wagon 9 seater, 21 options, undercoated still under warranty, $6,500. phono after lp.m. 668-9585. Snowtires pair mounted on rinis good coud. Dunlop fibreglass belted G 78 15 $30. pr. Brooklîn area 6554365 evenings oniy. TeePee tont trailer, sleeps 4, good coud. brand new canopy & cover $600. 623-5715. 3 bedroom,Whitby deluxe duplex upper 1071 sq. ft. nicely decor- ated, $300 mouthly plus utilities No Pets, references required. 668-7134 infants bunting bag, 2 pink pile, n slightly used 1 new, 1 uew quilted nylon $4 & $5 each. 655-3006. Small qults, doil bedding and clothing and other small items doue at reasonable rates. Samples available. caîl 668-5497. One 200 gal. used fuel oil tank $25. or best offer. 725-8872. Top Quality Teak Dining Room Ste. Dining table 4 high back chairs, buffet and hutch, owner must soîl due to redecorating $1,000 or best offer. Bella Vista by Collin coffee table & end table $75. or best offer caîl - 683-7609. Aquarium 15 gai. with stand, Ights & filter $50. Older Fridge- daire electric stove $15.6684495. Oxford Park Towers, 822 Gien Street, 2 bdrmn. $230. + hydro 3 bdrm. $265. + hydro. Close to G. M. Schools, and shopping. 576-3739, Pair of uiowtires on Ford Rims size E7814 - IHiway - Biway, approx. 4,000 miles. $35. 668-5423. 1977 Chovelle Malibu,. Classie with Landau top & many oxtras $2,500 miles phone 725-4698. Ex. older home. Central Oshawa 8 lg. rooms 2 four pce. baths under $55,000 private thxough PRINCIPALS ONLY 655-4492. Viking sewing machine and table recently overhauled, straight and zig-zag stitch, buiît in buttonholer Good working cond. $50. 668-1 238. EÈAUTIONS. Home sewer wanted fully ex- porienced on slip covers bed- spreads & draperies, for small fabric shop, cail after 6 668-9210. DAY CARE - Mon thru Friday 802 Vernon St. Whitby,668-8659. Wanted -Babysitter for week days 4 to 5 hours a day. Preferably in our home. West Lynde Area. Caîl anytime after 2 668-6079. 1-orese Boarded-Individual care and feeding programis. Large box stails, miles of wooded & open trails. Ex. location $80. monthly Double H Stables 852-3942. ELPNATED EXPANDING CANA- DIAN QIL COMPANY needs dependable person who can work withou t supervision. Earnl $14,000 per year plus bonus. Contact custo mers around Whitby. We train Write A. C. Dick, Pres., Southwesterfl Petroleulu Brampton, Ont. L6T 2J6. SALES REPRESENTATIVE MALE/IFEMALE Progressive Mercury Lincoln dealershîp due to expanding sales volume requires sales person. Company car, com- pany beneflits. High rate commission. Apply in person to Maitland Motors. 1 Kingston Rd. corner of Church St. E1BLE NTENNA ERVIGE WANTED GOOD USED TV TOWERS HIGHEST PRICES PAID PHONE NORM 668-6901 IWe have 3000 8 track tapes in stock used variety, Jazz, Rock & Roll, modern, country & western your pick .75c each caîl in at 513 Perry St. Whitby. j Who's Crazy? Afler trying without suc- oess to reason with an un- cooperative telephone oper- ator, the caller finally lost his patience and hollered through the phone. "Arn 1 crazy, or are you?" "l'm sorry. sir," she rV- plied, "but we don't have that information." CRAFT WORKSHOP 1626 Chodes St. Whitby 668-9511 668-1202 We have a larger, more' spacinus studio ta offer classes in pottery and ceramics. We have increased aur stock of supplies. Greenware, and Finished Handmade Pottery...... D[)o) in. Poftelry classes Suppies Giftshop HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, clocks, jewelry, 4ishes, furniture, crocks, oil paintings and sealers. Friendly Flea 'Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa LARN TO DRIVE CALL TORONTO 416-864-9381 CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywall,' Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cati 668-4686 GUITAR, LESSONS - ail levels, reading, ear trainingand theory, popular, rock, folk, country etc. Special '/2 price until. Dec. 15, c.111 Lou at 666-1979. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F 1 WHITBY NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING , AT WHITBY SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24,1977 at 7:30 parn. in the School Gyrnnasium Neighbourhood Improvemnent Progt-arn "The Enniskillen, Ontarlo LOB 1iHO Have A Good Day Accounting and Consulting ser- vices Available mcéluding Personà l and Corporation Taxes. 839-5554. Earn êitia uiioiy. Show -our excltlng lino of Christmas cards and lfts te frlends, ueighhours, relatives. No experience neud. Our big, colourfully illustratedl catalogue maites it easy and profitable. $tart now. Write today for free Christmas catalogue and inf ormation. Monarcli Greeting Cards, Dept. 201, 21" Cannon, Hamilton, LON 3K3 or phono (416) 527-3891. FIREWOOD - Flash Forestry Service. Pick up or Delivery 655-3654. (416) 263-8072 Auction Sale - Stit. Nov. 19 11: a.m. Prince Albert Hall, 2 miles south of Port Perry, Property of Mrs. A. E. Rudd, Toronto. Quantity of good antiques and collectables, good fiituire Sports equipment, 14' canoe, stereo sound system, spaceheater fridge, stove, Solex Moped, Certified '73 Datsun too good to miss. John Pearce Auctioneer 416-985-7492. Insualte trucks, vans motor homes, Urethar' foam-spray, Haymner Auto Clinic 6554492* Winter Coats, childrens, mens, womens. We have ail sizes & styles, casuals to furs, at a price range of $8.00 & up at the Nearly New Shop. 131 Brock St. S. Whiitby - Shop daily - 9: 30 -5:30 668-4100 FOR RENT AJAX APARTMENTS FROM $325.00 TO $345.00 PER MONTH. 2 AND 3 BEDROOM WITH DEN, 2 BATH, BROADLOOM THROUGHOUT*,RECREATIONAL FACILITIES.TENNIS COURTS. AIR CONDITIONING, PARKING, IMMEDIATE POSSISION, FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL COLLECT MISS LAPORTE 1-416. 965-1 69ý. BRANTON CUSTom HOMES REC. ROOMS. GARAGES & RENOVATIONS. FREE ESTIMATE The Ministry of Htbusing has approved the designation of the area botinded by Brock/Dundas/Gardefl/C.P.R. (see map) as an improvement area under the Provincial Neigh- bourhood Improvement Program. île Neighbourhood Improvement Programn is a Pro- vincial program designed to encourage and support the efforts of munîcipalities towards the improvenient of the environment in older neighbourhoods. The Planning Department will be holding a Public Meeting on Thursday, November 24, 1977 at 7:30 p.m. in the Whitby Senior Public School Gymnnasium. The purpose of this Public Meeting is as follows: 1) to explain the nature of the Neighbourhood Improve- ment Program as it applies to the designated area and how it affects the residents within the area. 2) to outline the planning and implementation stages of the program. 3) to determine the nature and extent of public participa- tion and involvement throughout the Planning and lmn- plementation Stages of the program.' Furhter information regarding the Neighbourhood Improve- ment Program may be obtained by contacting the Town of Witby Planning Department at 575, Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario (416) 668-5803. WITHOUT OBLIGATION JIM BRANTON - 668-7629. DESSE.mRT rFOR 1THE FESTIVE SEASON 2 talohnnbutter cRemoe anom iha.tyasiwnd. icupKllog'scOrl flkes n ma frmixing boetl bet cereal cream cheese until smooth. Add 1 pac kage (8 oz.) creamn cheese, sugar gradually, beating con- softened stantly. Mix in brandy. Gently 1,/2 Cap sugar fold in 14 cup of the cereal, the 2 tablespoonS brandy or 113 cup cherries, the almonds lernon juice and whipped creamn. 1/3 Cap quartered mnaraschiflo Portion mixture evenly into cherries 12 paper-Iined muffin-pan cups. 1/4 cup chopped almonds Sprinkle approximnatelY 1 tea- 11/ cups whipped creamn spoon rernaining cereal over 6 maraschino cherries, halved each serviug. Freeze until firm, Meit butter in small frypan 4 to 5 hours or overnight. over low heat. Stir in corn flakes Garnish each with maraschino corenl, coating well. Cook, stir- cherry haîf before serving. ring frequently, until cereal is Serves 12. SAVE ENERGY NOW! Stay cooler in summer, warmer in winter... INSULATENOW By addiflg RAPCO FOAM to your walls and cavities or by adding cellulose fibre to your attic. Residential - Commercial - Industrial KMP INSULATIONS Whltby, Ont. 66È-1877 ~~WIîITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1977, PAGE 13 SERVIES71J.WAINWRIGHLD 1 CALL Today UNDERGROUND PHONE