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Whitby Free Press, 23 Nov 1977, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS à- 10 u terrA» l Local United Way fund EQWIPMENT CENTRE 320 Hopkins St., P. 0. Box 365 WHITBY, Ontario Tel. (416) 668-1801 W. ore pleased to ani lounce our uppointment as a HAYES - DANA DRIVE - UNE SPECIALISTS with a complets rmne of power train parts and in-plant service Let us keep your trucks makig money Just cali us for your replacement of.... Driveshafts, Joints, Flianges, Yokes, Hnager Bearings Etc., or bring them in for expert correction YES, We handie the Whitco 4 Convertible 'Top, andi Luggagç carrying -racks for 1/2 1/ 1 ton pick-ups, Open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.rn. Mon. thru Fri. $1.90 PER PERSON e 'n Easy every Easy on your budget. For just $1 .90 per person, you can satisfy 30 or more people with finger-lickin'1 good Ken- tucky Fried Chicken, Salads and Grecian Bread. Every- thing' s provided right down to the forks and napkins. Ail you do is provide the guests. vay! tasy on you. Just give us two hours notice, then corne and get it! What could be easier when you' re expecting a large crowd! Col Sandets RerP #Kfitucky Fied Ckickei Colonel Sanders' boys and girls make it "finger liokin' good.',!, OVER 100 LOCATIONS IN 0NTAR110- SEE VOUA PHONE BOOK FOR THE ONE NEAREST YOU. ,ham YMCA supports Dur lPeople is the narne of the1 gai-ne at Durham Region Famnily YMCA*. And as an1 active niember of the Cana- dian noyemrent of YMCA's, the Dur ain Region famnilyi Y in W itby promotes a fel- lowship' dedicated to the growth of people, their sense of responsibility to each1 other and to the hurnail coin- niunity. .To succced, the Y depends very mnuchi upon the strengths of individuals from the coin- niunity it serves. It is an or- ganîzation with its ear to the ground listening andi respond- ing to the signais from al corners of the neighborhood. Thiese signais reveal the need of the area and are the actual basis for deveiopmient as far as future programns. Also, such activities encotirage vol- unteer'cotniinity lcadership which takes speciai pride ini passing on skills and exper- iences to fricnds and neigh- bors. The Y believes in the "4peopie building" concept and goes further than sim-piy organizing people into activity groups. It is aiso finportarit to build character, leadership and tinderstanding as wel as strong, skiiied The Y's programs there- fore, include varied programs of physical, social, education- al and cultural activities. This mandate not only serves as a viable direction for creative leisure time, but also in- fluences the attitudinal as- pects of motivation. One case in particular in- volves John a i 4-year-old who did not have ai summier job or any concrete marketable skills in wbich to obtain gain- fui empioyment. Through the YMCA's 'Odd Job Employ- ment Service", lie received an opportunity to work in the newspaper business. This turned into a part-time job for hini and eventually, through consientous work ai- lowed hini to becomne ern- pioyed on a fuiltirne basis. John, now 23, successfuiiy financed hirnself through uiniversity with the job the Y hieiped imii to find. Bruce on the other hand, was in a different situation. A class buiiy, neighborhood, "tough guy" and coming from a poor enviornment, comibined to place hirn into a rnould of an outcast. lus leadership petentiai anid energy level wvere being wasted so that upon referrai, the Y stressed personal in- voveieent and leisure couin- seiling. This wouil hopefuliy aiieov Bruce the epportunity te becemne invelved ini a variety of activities. Leadership deveiepnîenit was highiy strcssed and over a peried ef time. after stuccesses anid faîltires. Bruce was able te titilize hiis energy toward moere prod uct ivc inias. île becaiine aware eof the rneeds of et bers iiid bis own st re ngthis iii lilping thelie an d eve nt - tealiy. lie became a vainabie anid bill skiiicd leader - tea cieg activi tics t eet lie rs, shiaring wi tii t bese iii need. .Appreciatien an d thainks et tee cerne te thle Y Ire ni wovleînoet variotes eighberl- lieeds wliere tbe Y lias brouglit prograinis wi icbilp te) eliiiate a lieg, teneveiit- ftel (ay. 0f ceurse, there is stîli imuch te be donc. The chiallenge of the future is hiere and throtigh the financial and seippertive assistance froin (lhe Oshawa-Whitby United Way, the Durhanm Region r,.am 1 7ILy dMCA is ble 1 ex CHARTER MEMBERS These smiling charter members of the new Iota Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, which was recently organized ini Wlitby, lheld and investiture cereînony at the home of Sandra Frise where they received their Ritual of Jewels. In the back row, ieft to righit are: Kathy Mather, Antje Faulkner, Sharon Cooke, Terri Armnstrong, Sandra Frise, Claudia Husted and Margaret Stone. In the front row are: Cheryl Irvine, President; Bonnie Peacock and Marrianne Henderson. The Iota Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, a sorority open to ail Whitby area women, is the newest or- ganization in the town, having been formed in May. Dogs are kilii*ng sheep Break-mns and sheep killed by dogs were the major items handled by Durham Regional Police in Whitby last week. Last Wednesday the home Loo king for a earefree, easy- to-manage liair- style you cati do on your owni? JVe'1l eu t your hair according toi ifs type and natural iendezcy for best body and lianageability. rlan ic fwo GUIDA & DINO i-i at 1"sll>, beai INSTITUTE 0F BEAUTY flO, healthy h, SPECIALIZINO IN PERMS, COLOURING, CU1TING & Computorized Perms lair. of Helen Keys, 301 Johinson Street was broken into and a coin collection and camera stolen. Police have arrested two juvenile suspects in con- nection with this case. Thursday $100 worth of drugs was stolen from Short's Pharr-nacy on Baldwin Street in Brooklin. Police said the receiving door of.the building was forced to gain entry. On Friday there was an atten'pted bréak-in at the KentuckY Fried Chickefl building at Dundas and Centre Streets, but no0thlInl was taken. Police report that a dog killed a sheep on tle fartm of Peter Levinle On iHalls Road Thlursday, and SatturdalY 'a lailb vas kjlied on Bruce 1lannani's fanu ji at RR. Brookllin. 1 66-321 109 qBYRON St. S, 668-6031 OLDE TYME CHRISTMAS Allie Morison, Pam Sadler and her daughter Heather are aIl ready for Whitby Arts' Annual Olde Tyme Christmas to be heid at the Station Gallery Friday from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday fromn noon to 5 p.m. Seen here are some of the band-made crafts prepared for sale by local artists and members of Whitby Arts. Plenty of Christ- mas gifts will be available and there will be bot eider, spiced tea, coffee and cake served to visitot& Free Press Photo 1

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