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Whitby Free Press, 23 Nov 1977, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1977, WHITE -'How are things?' To start us off today, we will hear froin the Ashburn Area. On Friday, December 16 at 7:30 p.m., in the Ashburn Comrnity Centre, a Christmlas Concert will be held. Along with the rnusic will be skits, plays, and carrols per- fornied by the children of the area. There will be a 'Silver Collection and ail proceeds go to charity. Go out and en- joy the Christmnas fun. The next Eucre Night will be Friday December 2 at 8 p.rn. Admission is 50c for adults and 25c for students. It is at the Ashburn Cornrunity Centce. Oh! Ladies don't forget to bring your goodies. Small cakes or cookies. You know! Ahl that fattening stuff!! A Candlelight Buffet is being featured at the Brooklin United Church, on Friday December 2 at 8:30 p.n. The affair is sponsered by the 'Couples Club'. Tickets are $7 .00 per couple and obtainable from Mrs. Jackson at 655-4878. Something that has been bothe ring a few of the Sunday Afternoon skaters is the fact that there is no Rink Patrol. Apparently there are a good deal of people skating during this time and thdpeople feet that this should warrant some kind of patrol. Fatrol for the ice should be there regardless of crowds; it should be in the safety of the chldren in our comrnunity. Aslo the skatinn- time is being shortened. BY FREE PRESS Having a hockey game within mýinutes of the public skate- the skaters are being kicked off the ice early, in order to flood the rink. To begin with, the ice is in terrible shape for the public skating. Let's see what can be done about im- proving our skating conditions at the Brooklin Mernorial Arena. The Town Criers are coing! The Town Criers are coming! Watch out for the Town Criers!! A very special thanks goes -to Bob Fisher, of Brooklin His heart gave way for the people of his comm-unity. After reading in last week's column about no lights for Brooklirîs Christmas Tree - he picked up the phone and called me. He was hurt that there were not going to be lights. Like me,.he said "Just isn't Christmas without lights!" So to inisure we have lights he has offered to buy ail the lights that Group 74 will need to decorate the tree. AIl of Group 74 thank you, 1 thank-you-and 1 arn sure everyone in Brooklin thanks you. You're a great person.[ A reminder that this Saturday Noveraber 26 at the Bro- oklin United Church is the Jolly Holly Mart. Corne out for the furn if not just out of curiosity. 1 know 1 can't wait to see, what 1 can find in Scrooge's Attic! How about you? One of the major issues in Brooklin today is ail the talk about Lynde Creek being lâoluted. People have been warned that the creek is sdangerous to our health. Since 1 live near the creek and have noticed nothing threatening about it, 1 decided to do some checking on my own. Also I feel, that as a member of Brooklin's community. 1 should be interested in finding out the truth or knowing for certain what is happening. I decided to give Dr. Watt a cali. Dr. Watt is involved with Public Health in the area. 1 figured if anyone knew the real story it was him. He told me that the creek is polluted - like any other body of water is polluted. Granted it may be a littie more polluted due to some people letting their septic tank Il0w into it. Even though this is against the law people stili do it-them wonder why there is the pollution. Dr. Watt stated that there is NO serious health hazzard to the creek. If there was, the area would be placarded. Now that does not mean you can go and drink the water from the creek-raw. You just might corne up with a problern-such as diarrhea. So you can rest at ease. The creek isn't going to hurt our livestock or us for along time to corne-if it does. Just think we could be like Sunderland-They are a lot worse off than we are. Like they say you can't believe ail you read. If you don't know who to believe me, or what you have read ail along - find out for yourself . Phone Dr. Watt. He will tell you the truth. Af ter ail, don't'you want to know for yourselfjust to feel that little bit safer. New's of the Future! Saturday November 26 - 2 p.m.-4 pet.-Brooklin United Church. Jolly Holly Mart. Thursday, December 1 - Cake Decorating by Block Parents cail Bey Stanley 655-3770 Friday December 2 - 8p.m. Ashburn ComrnunitY Centre Eucre Night Aduits 50c Students 25c Ladies - don't forget the goodies. Friday December 2 8:30 p.m. - Brooklin United Church - Couples Club Candlelight Buffet - Tickets from Mrs. Jackson at 655-4878 for $7.00 per couple. Friday, December 16 7:30 p.m. - Ashburn Community Centre, A christmas Concert - come and have fun! Sunday, December 18, 2.-4 p.m. Brooklin Communtiy Centre, Group '74 present Olde Tyrne Christmas. Tuesday November 29, 8 p.m. Meadowcrest Parents group - Meadowcrest School - Guest speaker Gail Brimbecom and Given Smith - re film 'Bridging the Gap! All Welcome. A good deed is neyer lost. Marie 655-3061 ~s I It's Christmas BROWN'S 4FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 Lcr> i o uIl>pC DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE 3BIG DAYS opiN -ýsix î,.YS AW 8.30 m.-6 *~ i-x<'VrTH';hiUst 1i PORK ROASIS Frsh Picnicc Style 85d Shoulder BUTT ROASIS Tendef Meaty .9 porto 9 Rindless Bacon Maple ceaE*Ol Cottage ROIS MAPLE LEAF Sweet Pîckled~* 8l Florida White Grapef ruit Size 48's 10/994 No. 1 Spanish Onions Product of U.S.A. 2/494 Sleeper Radish 6 oz. Cello Package 21394 We Are Agents For 24- l00z.Diet - 2.29' 24.-1Ooz. Àegu lar- 2.67 12-300oz. Regu lar- 2.99 ,Ref undable DepOs.t for Slfies à C00 3.0 OISWWAS44IR -Oil CASCAI PUE PRCTO $ iR çPIc& *Cou rosyValue Stisfaction 1901GIN PMI PRCIo S7PACFRAGI 50.l.bol$199 SAVARIN DINNERS 75c 1,AN 11,39 CHUN ING 1PRoFENt EGC ROLIS 6-,,. p&g .69C LAYE CAKES 13-,t. p&g 99c R E I tlO G O s C HA E SU o u MTE IE 4 . 157 - 0 1 P A C A G E MINI PIZZAS sl.69 MOUTMWASRI S C M P I 24 H.,b d. $1.8 9 ANTI PRRtSPIRATSUPER DRY SCImNTo SI~EM 6 ot.<ont. 31.39 ARRosIoL OR IIOUIO R[G. & LIMON PLEOGE 2feoL cot 2.3 9 STRIPS $129AIM TOOTHPASTrE 69c RIOS b $1 .29 Fruit Cake s3.5 LIVER lb- 35c -,PTO - . etYI Ufl<KS lb- 63 C Mixed Nuts sl.49 e Dol Mote ASSORTED FLAVOURS PUDDINGS 4 s tu TINS 89 aovm UJAF SOLID LIGHT TUNA 7 oz YIN 79C TIDEM POWDERED DITERGENT 5-tb a00 s2.4t9 "A! On Tuesday Nov. 8 at the Legion Hall Byron Street South, the Kinsmen Club of Whitby was addressed by a representative of Durham Region Lung Association, local branch of the nation- wide Christmas Seal Organisa- tion. The speaker, Dr. B. Malek, (a Whitby family ,practitioner), showed a short film to illustrate the hazards of neglected respiratory pro- blems, and distributed sample packages of health literature dealing with asthma,chronic bronchitis, emphysema, tu- berculosis, smoking and air pollution. Dr. Malek stressed that funds for the Lung Associa- tion's many free services to the peo pIe of Durham Region come only fromi the annual ,,Christmas Seal Campaign, which commenced on Nov- ember 1I. Strike policy wanted for police Couincillor Tom Edwards wants to have the regional police commission draft a policy regarding police activ- ities during strikes. Speaking last week when Durham Region Chairman * Walter Beath appeared before, council, Councillor Edwards, said the recent Sandra Coffee strike in Ajax wvas badly handled by the regional staff. "You should try to per- * suade the police- commission to draft a policy to repair the irreparable harm between the trade unionists and the police," said Councillor Edwvards. "4Execîlent relations wvere practicalîy destroyed by this situationl. Mayor Jiim Gartshore ca t ioned Countcillo r Edwards w~hen lic began niaking com- nients about the ternis of setulemenit of the strike, and stated "a liandftil of people had their righits trarnpled up- on." During the 2 1 -We4 strike, police escourted non-union workers across the picket hune, and there were several scuffles and arresis of pickcters. Mr * Beath assured Counicit- loi Edwards that the issue of police action ini strikes wil conie helo re regiol Icouincil "11 due couritse and letter havc ulrcady 1hecu writ teln 10 the coîîicl on Uic subjeet Thurs Nov. 24 to Sat, Nov. 26 EVISCERATED -71/2 to 3.Lb ovg. CANADA GRADE "A"àvà QUARTERED CHICKENS lb 79c MINUTE FRY GOLDEN FRY SAUSAGE tb$1 .1 8PORK SPARE, BEEF STEAKETTES $1 .98 SLIcED PORK CCION PICKLT A PUI iTO iUNCIITOR 5 990<0 EM c (11< TASNOIRR LUNCH MEATS mAPLE LEAF 170099Toz PR PALMLIVE s1.29 QUAKER OATSS89c E PTON PACKAGE et 4 CUP -A -SOUP 55C CRUR ING -oîVIoE0 PAR DINNERS 40 -oz. tn $1.6 9 CONYERTEO RiRC', ACRAG, UNCLE BENS s21.6 FACIAL TISSUS SCOTTES p&g of 200 65c BIJRG(Il ?Aq PACKAGE KEN-L-RATION $2.49 HERRSHEY . INSTANT 2 Lb CONTAINER aIoCOLTE $1.79 MOAT="MPLUS $1.99 1.10010 WAX FOT 1.07TIN AERWAx si.69 SUNSPUN PARCHMENT MARGARINE T Eh PACKAGE 4t9c WHITE WHITE SWAN BATH ROOM TISSUES 99, Monarchý CAKE & F«S'TRY FILOUR 21.6 IIAG L sl.35-.£ PHILIPS STANDARD LIUGHT BULBS 25 40 60 -IOOWATI -PKG eot2 59C Sugar Ripe SeedIess Raisins 12 OZ. Pkg. CODNBLEU ASSORTED sTEFWS 24 FL. OZ TIN 7 9c SCOTT ASSORTED COLOURS TOWELIS 2-ROU PACKAGE 9 9c ALL VEGETABLE CRISCO SHORTENING < 1th PACKAGE HEINZ BABY FOOD 41, FLOZ JAR 5«051 vu - :ImlýW k nvlmtp --- U%é -

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