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Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1977, p. 17

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FORSAE Peanut Travel Traiter by Rambler sleeps 4, 3 way fririge, complote with hitch, etectric brakes, mirror 2 glass botties used 6 nmths.$2,800 668-8-432. Winter Coats, chitdrens,- mens, womnens- We have ail sizes & styles, casuals ta furs, at a price range of $8.00 & up at the Nearly New Shop). 131 Brock St. S. Whitby - Shop daily - 9:30 -5:30 6684100 3 pce. chesterfield ste. price $225. wrought iran tea wagon, price$25. Lounge exerciser price $25. 668-4780 Piano, Mason & Rischi upright, with mirror inset, price $650. phone between 7 p.m. & 9 p.rn. 668-1045. TOULS Brand new, neyer used, ail namne brand, Westward Gray tTC etc. on Snap On, professionat gurateed' by maiutacturer, ciaig out at less than hatf price. Hydraulic floor jacks, bottte jacks, car stands, vices, socket and wrench sets (metric and standard), tap & die set, pipe wrenches, impact tools, drill presses and many other hand tools for plumbers, carpenters and handymien. Cati 683-1753- 11/ year otd hens suitabte for freezer. phone 668-3855. For sale - 3 long dresses neyer worn, size 18, $20. each. Red velvet coat, size 18. new $45. Suede Coat size, 18, $30.Portabte Dishwasher $25. Bodyshiirts $5. each size lg. cati - 668-6078. Mesh playpen $20. Swing-o-matic $12. Joliy jumper $6. G. M. Loveseat $25. Baby Carniage $15. Bottle Steilizer with bottles $5. Baby Scates $10. Crib Bumper pad $3. Infants 3-in-one sno'v- suit $20. Etectrahomne humidifier $50. catI - 668-1 326. Upright humidifier for sale $40. cati - 666 - 1828. WANTED - Old Decoys, Wooden or otherwise cati 655-3158 after 5 L 0NIOS FLEA MARKET OPENING Old & New - something for everyone. Vendors invited Refreshments. 1I/2 miles north of Brooklin - Eastside - caîl- 655-3815 or 655-4117. 2lst West Lynde Brownies and Guides are holding a Christmas Bazzar on Thursday Dec. 8 Frorn 6:30 ta 8 p.m. at West Lynde Public School. Itemns for sale, include; Baked goods, crafts, plants,X-Mass decorations & White Etephant. Corne support your include: Baked goods, crafts, plants, X-Mas decoratiorls& White Elephant- Corne and support your girls. Oily Reply While resting in bed late one morning. the harried husband was greeted with the ?amiliar eall: "Stew. Smail quilts, doit bedding and clothing and other smalt items done at reasonabte rates- Samptes available. caît 668-5497. Viking sewing machine and table recently overhauted, straight and zig-zag stitch-, built in buttonholer Good working cond. $50. 668-1 238. 1972 Firebird, 350, Hydro-matîc trans. p/s, p/b. new tune-up. Black with Gold trîm, many extras, $2100. certified, or best offer. 668-9862. 1971 Gremin, 3 spd. 6 cyl. 56,000 -miles, good running cond. $650. certified or best offer. 668-9862. 1968 Coronet 500, 318, 2 dr. hrtp., auto, p/s,-radio, $200. as is or best offer 668-5060 cati after 5 ¼h.n. eeti motor $ 10.00 1977 Yamaha 125YZ Motocross Like New used only two months Must seli $900. 655-3022. Tetescope for sale, features include: 3 inch mirror,long focal length* (700 mm) racinpinion focusing, 3 eye pieces, 5, 12.5 & 23 mm, zoon lense, sun fitter and finder scope, asking $140. 6684948. Freezer, 22 cu. ft. Gibson Chiest type, $150. cali after 7 p.m. 839-5944. 1/4 ct. diamond ring - white gold solitare setting, appraised value $650. xiii sacrifice at $500. 579-3094. Aquarium 15 gal. with stand, lights & filter $50. 668-4495. For Sale: Girls skates, size il $5. girls white rain boots size 6&7 $2. each: pink ballet slippers, sîze 13/ $4; tap shoes size 11/z $9.; single bed spread & drapes yelloxv with white kittens $15. 668-7614. FOUD Lost - Fernale Cat 6-7 months aid White, with Black & Grey mark- ings, answers ta Pilsner cati 666- 1298. ELPATED Part-tirne co-ordinator needed, to organize volun- tee-delivemed outmeach services for the eîderîy in Whitby. Expemience in vol- unteer management pre- ferred. Saiary level $6,000 per annumn, 19 mnonth contract, starting January 3. 1978 Apply xith resumne, includ- ing 2 refemences, no later than Wednesday,December 7, 1977 to: Cornmunity Came, Personnel Commit- tee, 801 Brock Street S., Whitby, Ontario. hurry. I heard a mause squeak. -Well, answered Stew," what do yau want me ta do, get up and oit it? " WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY' NOVEMBER 30, 1977, PAGE 17 SEVES J. WAINWVRI GH>LTD. HIOHESI PRICE Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, jewelry, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil paintings and sealers. Friendly Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAI LERS CALL TORONTO 416-864-9381 CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramic Tiing, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cali 668-4686 Firewood for sale $25. a cord mixed wood, picked up only. please phone 668-7993 ICUT THE DRAFT DOWN We have 3000 8 track tapes in jAND SAVE YOUR FUEL, stock used variety, Jazz, Rock & HAVE YOUR WINDOWS & Roli, modern, country & western DOORS CAULKED. your pick .75c each cali in at 513 FREE ESTIMATES CALL Perry St. Whitby. 725-8331 CHLPWAN TE D DENTAL CHAI RSI DE ASSISTANT Excellent opportunity for experienced chairside, pre- ferably with certificate, with knowledge of ail duties. Healthy Atimosphere, New mnodemn facilities in downtown Whitby. Must have pleasing personality and a desire to join a stronge dental teamn. Salary comnense rates with experience. Reply with Full RESUME to: EXPANDING CANA- DIAN OIL COMPANY needs dependable person who can work without supervision. Earn $ 14,000 p< bonus. plus Mrs. B. Wood 8-519 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ontario Contact custo mers around Whitby. We train Write A. C. Dick, Pres., Southwestern Petroleui Brampton, Ont. L6T 2J6. Enniakillen, Ontario LOB 1iHO Have A Good Day Accounting and Consulting ser- vices Available indludirig Personal and Corporation Taxes,.839-5554. Earn exva money. Show our exclting lins of Christmas cards end vlfts to friands, neighbours, relatives. No uxperlence nueded. Our big, colourfully illustrated catalogue moaes it easy and profitable. $tort now., Write today for-free Christmas catalogue end inf ormation. Monarch Greeting Cards, Dept. 201, 21" Cannon, Hamilton, UON 3K3 or phone (416) 527-3891. FIREWOOD - Flash Forestry Service. Pick up or Delivery DON'T DELAY CALL Today 655-3654. (416> 263-8072 PETS SPLE Part Lab. free to good home, one year aid & house trained, good with children 666-1 171 The Oshawa Obedience Associa- tion. Dog training classes starting Jan. 11. Advanced registration only 623-5686. or 576-1167. IRISH WOLFI-OUND PUPS- 9 wks. Family Dogs Promn Champions. H.D. Clear and Replacement Guarantees. $350.00. SANGPUR KENNEL REG'D. 613-332-2024. FOR RENT AJAX APARIMENTS PROM $325.00 TO $345.00 PER MONTH. 2 AND 3 BEDROOM WITH DEN, 2 BATH, BROADLOOM THROUGHOUT',RECREATIONAL FACILITIES,TENNIS COURTS, AIR CONDITIONING, ýPARKING, IMMEDIATE POSSISION, FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL CULLECT MISS LAPORTE 1-416- 965-1 698. BRANTON CUSTOM HOMES REC. ROOMS. GARAGES & RENOVATIONS. FREE ESTIMATE WITHOUT OBLIGATION JIM BRANTON - 668-7629. Oxford Park Towers, 822 Glen Street, 2 bdrm. $230. + hydro 3 bdrm. $265. + hydro. Close ta G. M. Schools, and shopping. 576-3739. We wish ta thank relatives, friends & neighbours for their kindness,' sympathy, donations, floral tri- butes, and masses. received in the sad toss of aur dean son and brother Randy. A very speciai thanks ta Fathen Harrington & Father Meaghen, the students & staff of Denis O'Conno r High Schoi and aur very kind neigh-1 bouns and friends. Our deepeat thanks toalal. Lloyd, Delta, Kimn & Annette Kameka.1 Basement apt. for rent, south Nhitby, Private entrance phone 668-9910 after 6 p.m. EBLE NTrENNA ERVIGE WANTED GOOD USED TV TOWERS HIGHEST PRICES PAID PHONE NORM 668-6901 SAVE ENERGY NOW! Stay cooler in summer, warmer in winter... INSULATE NOW By adding RAPCO FOAM ta your wulls and cavities or by adding cellulose fibre to your attic. Rosidential - Commercial - Industrial KMP INSULATIONS Whltby# Ont. "The Q ~ %alitrMeat» THE MANAGEMENT of IVAN'S HAURSTYLUNG 1400 Dundas St., E. Whitby would 1ke to welcome back Marions to our profossional staff Doc. 1 st OPEN Mon. - Sot. &Evenings Tues., Thurs.,& Fri. 668-4321i 10 UNDERGROUND PHONE 86el877

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