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Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1977, p. 3

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1977, PAGE 3 Chamber of Commerce -reports 1977 was a productive year The Whitby Chamber of Commierce had an exception- ally productive year in 1977, and there are even better pro- spects for 1978,sa,ýys President Gord Hanna. Mr.Hanna, who was elected for a second termn as president of the Chamber at last week's annual meeting, will also be the president of ACCORD for 1978. ACCORD is tlhe Association of Chamnbers of Commerce of the Regîin of Durham. Mr. Hanna, in his annuial report to the niembers, liste d numerous accomplishnients of the Whitby Chamber in 1977. During the year the memn- bership of the Chamber grew from 85 to 182, and Mr. Hanna told the meeting there is definitely an interest in the business community for a mnore active Chamber of Com- ymerce in the town. One of the new members of the Chamber for 1978 is the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, represented on the Board of Directors by the hospital's administrator Michael O'Keefe. Mr. Hanna said the hospital is an impor- tant part of the community and its niembership is imn- portant to the Chamber. Commenting on the Peter5 Perry* wa a c t e ffcil oeigof the carnival, Mr.1 Hanna said the evening was1 asopeng bt hepofs sional entertainment by Dinah Christie and Tom Kneebone added a new direc- tion to the proceedings. Mr. Hanna also reported that interest has increased in the award itself, for the num- ber of ballots cast for the out- standing citizen of the year increased 10 times over the previous year. The circus at the County Town Carnival was something new, and was flnancially suc- cessful, making about $ 1,000 for the Chamber, he said. Also the information booth at the Four Corners for il weeks in the sumrmer was quite successful, said Mr. Hanna. New service club signs are presently being erected at the entrances to the town by the Chamber, and these will en- hance the image of the town, said Mr. H-anna. The president reported that this yea r's trade fair at the County Town Carnival was very successful, and the newsletter of the Chamber is one of the best the organiza- tion has hiad. Mr, Hanna reported that ACCORD ran a small business seminar this year and also a successful industrial seminar in co-operation with Norm Cafik, Ontario Riding MP. Mr. Hanna said he met recently with Regional Chair- man Walter Beath to report that ACCORD is providing a united voice for ahl Chambers of Commerce in the region. He told the members of the Whitby Chamber that the Durham Board of Education recently set up an advisory jcommittee with Chamber of ar tli b3 te il In H- pz w innounced that a sketch of ,e new municipal buiilditig y Hlarry Thornpson will be uit on the cover of the news- etter in the ncw year, and Or. Thompson will be invited :o attend the inaugural mieet- 'ig.. Execuitive niembers of the ýVhitby ('hamiber of Corn- nerce for 1978 are: Gord tanna. president; irnCaiger, ?ast-president; Jack Wood- Yard, fiïrst vice-president; Oike Buraess. seconid vire.- Wrong mi kiled de-, Misinformation iîromn Queen's Park killed a down- town developmnent project iii Whitby last year, Duirhanî West MPP George Ashe told members of Whitby counicil at a recent couincil meeting. M r. A she said the St. Bernard's Sehool site on Dundas Street West could have been sold to a developer without the Separate Sehiool Board being penalized, if it was hanidled right. As long as the proceeds of the sale wvere puit into a fund for future capital projects, the board wvould have re- ceîved its granits as usual, lie said. Mayor Jimi Gartshore said the sehool board was xillinig to seil the site, bt h ad been told that the money frorn the sale would be taken off the next year's grants. The town couilcl have ex- propriated the site, hie said, but he consiclered that to be a round-about way of solvinig the probleni. \Vhen the problein arose which put the developnenit in jeopardy, Whitby souglit.a change ini the legislation governing such sales, but the president; Shirely Aker, secrctary and Fran k Bennett, treasurer. Directors are GAry Adams, Bruce Bagg, Bill Bonnetta, Marion Crocker, Dan Duerden, Clare 1lewson, Sharon Hewson, Carnet Juby, Margurite Kulik, Michael O'Keefe, Andy Paterson, Rich Raczkowski, Ralph Ritche, Johin Roberts, Rich- Ritchie, John Roberts, Richi- are Spence, andl Bill Wallace, formation velopineft cieveloper deciclcd to invest his money elsewhiere, and Whiitby lost a pote-ntial coun- mercial-ap)artuiienit comiplex. Kiwanis Club builds fence Developmlenit of l-ieyden- shore Park is proceeding this year as a project of thc Whitby Kiwvanis CIlub. During the surnnier, play- ground ecluipment wvas iinstal- led in the park, and the club reports that it hopes to cect a wrouIght ironi fenice around the patio at 1 lcy(leishure Pav- ilion Ibc trc Christimas. Wood benclies will be at- taclhed tu the railing once il is erected. A few years ago thc 1978 CHAMIBER 0F COMMERCE EXECUTIVE These happy business people are the executive and directors of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce for 1978, elected at the Chamber's annual meeting last week. Seated from left to right are First Vice-President Jack Woodward, Secretary Shirley Aker, President Gord Hanna, Second Vice-President Mike Burgess, and Treasurer Frank Bennett. Standing are directors, Gary Adams, Sharon Hewson, Rick Raczkowski, Margurite Kulik, Marion Crocker, Michael O'Keefe, John Roberts and Dan Duerden. Absent. are Jim Caiger, Past President, Bill Bonnetta, Clare Fewson, Garnet Juby, Andy Paterson, Ralph Kiwanis Club installed the patio on the south side of the pavilion 'and erecte(l a picnic shlter iii the park. United Way ROD WIWLAMSON ends today 78 557800IRD Today is termination day ;> BRAND NEW AND for the Oshiawa-Whitby Unit- FACTORY EQUUPPED ed Way of 1977, and it looks cIne. FREIGHT& like the appeal will make its HANDLING& $860,000 goal. Last week, Campaign PRE-SERVICE Chairman Blaine Boswell re- - 576-1 800 ported that 88 per cent of -aDNL)FR AE 1 IGS.WOHW the goal had been reached 1aDNL)FR AE 1 IGS.WOHW anci~~~. t-irewaiaston ihica tion nt - would be surpassed, possibly reaching $900,000. Mr. Boswell has praised the citizens of Whitby and Oshawa for their communlity spirit iii supporting the the 28 agencies suppu' u.cu uy Unlited Way. the Unlited Way have gone An inidication of the cam- 54 per cent over their target naign's success, said M r. figure in contributionq. Boswell, is thiat enployees of Commerce memters on, iL. Plans are to have speakers from the business community fi visit the schools in the region, and tea.chers and department ai head vîsit business, he said. "The Chamber of Com- nierce can have a strong in- fluence on the type of educa tion our children receive," h said Mr. Hanna. , The inaugural meeting of the Chamber for 1978 will be held in, January. Mr. Hanna SELBY, MADGETT, BOLER & HAAR Chartered Accountants W.A.D.Selby cA.,M.C.A.B.V. C.J.Roberts -C.A. B.K.Madgett C.A. Offices 171 King Street East, Oshawa Il18 Walton Street Shieridan NI al], Pickcring R.W.Boler C.A. C.W.Marlowe C.A. T.Haar' C.A. Telephones 579-5531 885-2335 839-0153 ~ Loo king for a carcfree, easy- 1-manage lhair- style you can do On vour c)xn? lVc 'il eutyour hair according to lts type and natural tendeticy for best body aninzanageability. GUIDA & DING Gi/ius aly fori INSTITUTE 0F BEAUTYfilhcthhir SpECIALIZING IN PERMS. COLOURING, CU1TING & Computerized Penns 668-3621 109 BYRON St. S, 668-6031 F ireplace ÀAccessories For Your Home; As Christmcs Gifts firelighters screefls tool sets g rates log toters brooms bellows lamp oit custom arches gasdios oitlas u woodholders matches candieholders and more on display at: Heatilator Fireplace Centre 900 Hopkins at Burns St. E. Whitby: 668-3192 TUES. - SATURDAY Chargei / master Charge The Fireplaoe -Plus Ritchie, Richard Spence, Bruce Bagg, and Bill Wallace. Free Press Photo A.D.Chapinan c.A. -1 IV 011 lamps m

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