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Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1977, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Horticultural society starts new yar with new president On Wednesday, November 23, the members of the Brooklin - Horticultural Society proved that their talents are nlot imnited to horticulture but extend as well to the culinary arts'1his was evident that evening at their Pot Luck Supper whien spouses and/or friends were invited. to participate, with a total of eighty-two persons in attendance. Following the dinner, President Margaret Davis in- troduced- the Head Table which included Rev. Charles Hainer of Brooklin United Churcli. She paid tribute to aIl members of the Society who had, made it an active and successful year and com- plimented the individual members of the Executive and Directors on the dona- tion of their time and enthu- siasm. A special note of thanks went to Linda Cormack who took care of watering the hanging baskets which adorned the main street of Brooklin this past sumrmer. She also extended her special appreciation to the local newspxipers for their co-operation in printing the events of the Society in 1977. Wh itby's "* ChristmasI First prize for the highest number of points attained in ail flower shows, donated by Marg Davis, was awarded to Alice Dodd: second, donated by Carolyn Stevens, went to Alice Dodd: second, donated by Carolyn Stevens, went to Audrey Young who was also Show Convener and third prize, donated by Valerie Hlundert, was received by Dorothy Barter. A- plaque for obtaining the most new members, donated by Mr. and Mrs. Sandford, was presented to Valerie Hundert and the highest aggregate of points in vegetables, c.onated by Weall & Cullen Garden Centre of Whitby, was received by Dorothy Barter. Following the awards, Marg Davis thanked District 5 Representative, Viola Gillion who chaired the elec-. tion of officers for 1978. The siate of Nominees for the various positions, for 1978, was accepted as presented and consist of: Exe cutive: President - John1 Jefferies; Ist Vice-President- Grace Coe; Auditors - Messrs. W. Burgess and F. Daw. The positions of Secretary and Treasurer would be appointed by the new Executive. Board of Directors: One Year - Margaret Beath, lalleen Crawford. Mary 1978 BROOKLIN HORTICULTURAL SOCIIETY EXECUTIVE These smiing faces belong to the 1978 executive of the Brooklin Horticultural Society, elected Nov. 23. In the front row from left to right are: Treasurer Fern Munns, First Vice-President Grace Coe, President John Jefferies, Second Vice-President. Carolyn Stevens, and Secretary Housego, Val Hundert, and Audrey Young. Two Year - Joan Brak, Ken Brown, Willie Nesbitt, Margaret Powell and Pru Whittick. The new President then gave a short addrcss and re- marked that he hoped sincerely, he would be able to fulfill his position as Marg Davis and that he was very pleased with his slate of officers. He then presented Viola Gillion w/ith a token of appreciation on behaîf of the Society. Mrs. Gillion com- mented on the growth of membership and the wide variety of books obtainable from the Society's library and concluded her remnarks with Valerie Hundert. In the back row from Ieft to . right are: Joan Brak, Margaret Powell, Willie Nesbitt, Margaret Beath, Ken Brown, laleen Crawford, Péu Whittick, Audrey Young, and Past-President Margaret Davis. Photo by Gordon Wick President and hîs Executive. A meeting of the new Executive was then called by President Jefferies and they duly appointed Valerie Hundert as Secretarv and Ferii, IVunrls ae Treasurer. Man' gets.« The new i'resident spoke briefly and reiterated that with the assistance of his Executive, 1978 was certain to be a successful one for the Brooklin Horticultural Society. 10 months for Dayton fraud TO THE RESIDENTS 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY * 00@@0@i GRAND OPENINO ~ Dec. 3rd e y. e e e e e e s UNIQUE ICE CREAM CEDESSERTS IECREAM BIRTHDA CAKES MADE TO ORDER FREE ICE CREAM CONE WITH EACH DESSERT ORDER 10 Ssf.way Contre 12 -8 -SAT. Brock St. Sou*tI SUN. Whltby 0 *00 Lle a th Cordially invite you and your famnily tL) attend an OLO TYMIE CIIRISTMAS PARTY to bc held on Suniday, Decccmber 11lth, 1977, at the Municipal Building, 575 Rossiand Rd. E., Whithy, fromi 2:00 p.mn. to 4:00 p.m. lucre wilI be Entertalumient, Santa for the Children and a Sing-a-Long for everyone. Coffec and Cakes \vilI be served. Childrcn must be accompanied by an aduit. J. C. Gartshore MAYOR NOTICE 0F ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of Brooklin Spring Fair Assoc. will be held on Tues.Dec. 6 at 8:00 in the Brooklin Com- munity Hall, Cassels Rd. E., Ail members and interested persons are asked toattend this meeting to receive report of committees, elect directors for 1978 and discuss plans for our 1978 Spring Fair. Social hour after with coffee and doughnuts. Walter M. Holliday Secretary, Treasurer John Arthur Daigle, 46, of R. R. 1 Bowrnanville, the second man involved in a $ 70,000 fraud of Dayton Tire Ltd. in Wlitby, was sentenced to 10O mon ths in jail last. vee k. His associate in the crime Edward Stephen Golding, 48, of I1158 Cloverdale Street, Oshawa, was sentenced to thiree years in a federal penitentiary, Oct. 1 7 The fraud occurred bet- wveen January 1 973 and Dec. enuber 1976. involving false invoices and non.shipmient of goods froin an Oshawa parts su pplier. Crown Attorney Neil Mc- Crank told the court that Daigle, a former Dayton Tire emDvlovee. lias his house for Ski tessonsî sale as part of an arrangement to repay the company. Daigle had pleaded guilty to the fraud charge last June and had been remnanded for sentencing. He had been in custody for the past five weeks. The Crown Attorney des- cribed Daigle as the "follower" in the schenie though he was in a position of trust at Dayton's receiving depart- ment. Judge J. P. Kelly, in pas- ing sentence,said that Daigle's plan to compensate Dayton Tire had kept hlm out of the penitentiary, and recommend- ed he serve his sentence under the Ternporary Absence Pro- grain. are offtered agam by YMCA staff The Durham Region. Faniily YMCA, thids January, is again offering Cross Coun- try Ski tessons - January 14 to February 4. These classes 'are four weeks long and an indoor/outdoor session. Those weeks that weather does flot allow for outdoor tessons, a class on waxing will be held. Other dry land pro- grains will be with movies giving instruction. Outdoor session-. will be hield on the field at Henry Street High School. A prelude to these classes will be in December. At Henry Street High School on Decemnber 7 movies will be held on Cross Country Skiing. Decemnber 14 Keith Danielsen from the Oshawa Ski & Sports will talk about equipment, care of equipmnent and wax- ing. If there is any further infor- miation youi require cali the Durham Region Family YMC A at 668-6868. M ON*

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