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Whitby Free Press, 14 Dec 1977, p. 5

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1977, PAGE 5 N eighborhood improvemelt Cont'd from P. 4 Mr. Houghton istne Co-ordinator for the N.I.P. Pro- gramme. WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? The next step in the Planning Stage is to corne Up wth some alternatives for the Neighbourhood Plans aànd we wotuld suggest that these be completed and ready for pre. sentation to the public by the latter half of Januiary. We have tentatively set aside Thuirsday, Januiary 19, 1978 for this purpose. Notification by mail will be given confirming or giving an alternative to thIs date. Hope.fully, a Neighiboturhood Plan can he finalized by the first of March and the Implemnentation Stage can begîn. FIRE DEPT. RETIREES Planning Dinecton Kevin Tunney (centre) points out some of the features of Whitby's Neighbourhood Improvement Area on an aerial photograph. Observing the map are Planning Technician John Austin and Steve Houghton, senior planner and co-ordinator of the Neighbounhood Improvement ProgranI.WhtyrePesPoo Order of St. John explained On Wednesday Nov. 30 memibers of the Whitby Division of St. Johin Amnbu- lance Brigade, together with the Chairman of the Whitby Branch, Tom Robertson, joined others froni Durhanm Region Corps at Durharn College. to hear a..niost in- Norm Schell,Qeft) eceived a plaque from Councilor Gerry Emm, recently, on bis retirement fnom the Whitby Fire Department after 23 years of Service. MIr. ScheIl was a nimber of the Hali One detachment at Brooklin. Matt Agar and bis wife Ruth hold a chrome plated axe which was presented to them by the memnbers of Hall One of the Whitby Fire Department at a recent reception in honor of Mr. Agar's retirement from the department. In front of Mr. and Mrs. Agar is a model of a horse-drawn fine engine, presented by the Town of Witby. Mr. Agar had 38 years of service with the Town and Township of Whitby Fire Department. iImnports Ld * Scond inavion :~ ~ ' For the besf selection"in à, cross-country skis and. equipmient drop In f0 the 'Pro-F Inn Shop" *See Our Selecti0fl in Clothiflg, i'~eHàtsetc. *WIth over 40 years experiiflce of crpss-cpuntry !àkiing we wiii g.ve you the'besi posrýib1e service and advice. *Cross-Counltry Skiing Instruction is available privately or for groupS by Certified Instruclor of the "Canadian Association of Nordic Ski Instructors" iris and Erîc'Hook PROmFINN IMPORTS Ltde Whltby Mail Tlsfl41 wealth. Othier coun tries such as Canada haýve thieir indepen- dent Priorics; althouglh lier Majesty Queen Eliza beth is the Sovereign llead, the Gov- ernor General is our Prior. This is the Order which the uniformed Brigade who give first aid help at public gatherings. The Association also organizes classes for the public in first aid, Patient Cire in the Home, and Child Care. - - .. g *1 interesting presentation. Prin~1e Ureek reaay Dtr.sîi Ian M. atplan Dp.t Chief Surgeonng ofCrek panthed Brigade, Associate Professor in the Department of Anaes- thesia at the Universitv of Toronto, showed sldes of the Ilistory of the Order of St. John. Soi-e of these lie had taken in the past montlî in Rhodes and Germany. The Order began inorethan 900 years ago when a 1-lostel for pilgrjns was built ini Je rtsalem. The slides depicted the varlous fortif ications and hos- oitals these priest-soldiers had built in the l-oly Land, in Rhodes and ini Malta. lie showed pictures of the head- quarters of the Most Vener- able Order in the British Realmi at Clerkenwvell, Lon- don, England. This building which was renovated in the 1 6th Century provides a meeting place for Chapter General which directs Association zand Brigade work When Central Lake On- tario Conservation Authority Chairman John Goodwin ap- pears before counicil Jan. 1 6, hie wvill likely be presenting to CLOCA plans instead of one. Recently lie announced that hie would be presenting the MasterPlan for the Lynd e Shores Conservation Area to council's administrative com- mittee. Now the operations corn- ASPECIALGIEL For special fniends. Laura Secord Chrstmas Candies made with sweet dairy cream and f resh country butter Christmas Candies fromn COURJICE-ALLINS PHARMACY ~ 117 BROCK ST. N., WHITBV, ONT. - PHONES 668-2394 - 668-3726 mittee is inviting Mr. Good- win to reveal the contents of the preliminary engineering study of Pringle Creek. The study is nearly com- Ieted and CLOCA wants the engineering consultant to miake a formal, presentatiih' to the cornmittee. CRAFT WORKSHOP 1626 C HA R LES ST. WHITBY, ONT. Offerlng: Cèlasses Un Pottery end C.remlcs :Supplie$ :Gelft Sh@p 668-9511 669-1202 YOUR KEY TO SATISFACTION When you buy a certif led USsd car from MacDoflald Ford TAKE DELIVERY NOW AND RECEIVE A SEVEN DAY MONEY-BACK WARRANTY and if you're not satisfid for any reason u relurfl the car you purchased forFULaREUN T 75 DATSUN PICK-UP 4cyl., 4 spd., radio, only A 21,000 miles LIC. E8213 .......... $2388 74 MUSTANG Il 4 cyl., auto., radio, elec rear R LIC. JBJ 750 .....$2377R F 75 TOYOTA COROLLAA F 4 ~dr., 4 cyl., 4 spd., radio l elec. defrost. ALIC. 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