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Whitby Free Press, 21 Dec 1977, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1977, PAGE 7 Bhian Wiînter's F Hîistoric ~Whilýtby cal CHRISTMAS , 1916 Christmas is a'special time of year, every year, and it was no différent 61 years ago, back in 1916. The First World War was raging in Europe at the time, bringing a different feeling, than is usual at Christmas, but a look at Whitby's local newspaper of this very date, Dec. 21, 1916, shows that Christmas at homne was some- thing everyone looked forward to. There was a reminder for ail citizens to "Corne to the Whitby Christmnas Fair, Saturday, December 23, 1916; $300 in Cash Prizes; get a copy of the Prize List and make your entries early." It was a timre for the people of Whitby and the sur- rounding farming district to exhibit their produce, such as turkeys, chickens, geese, ducks, hogs, sheep, heavy and light horses, butter, ladies' work and knitting. First, second and third prizes were offered in every category. The activitdes at the,churches were of speciai interest to everyone at Christînas. Notices such as the fullowing appeared in the local paper: --"Don't miss the Baptist Sunday school entertain- ment, this evening, 8 o'clock, A splendid programn has BSkiIe e BYlines Merry Christmas Everyone! Group '74's Olde Tyme Christmnas ;vas a great success. It was amazing how many people were able to nmake it,even though the weather was so terrible. .Santa Claus miade a rernarkable entrance, dancing and singîng. With the help of the clowns, he gave the boys and girls Chocolate Santas. .Carolling was carried off well with the help of Gord Cou'pland and bis sons. supplying the miisie. ('ail Moor. Kitchen TaIlk. by Joan Fielden Home Eccnomist Consultant "Seasoneci Butters for Zesty Sandwiches" It's THE season for sandwiches the time of year when the lunch box takes over. Every year sand- wiches take on more importance as an ideal meal- in-the-hand food to keep pace with the needs of busy people. They are no longer j ust "snack foods" h but may be substantiaily filled with a variety of foods such as meats, .chicken, eggs, fruits or vege- tables, butter and cheese. Butter, next to bread, is the basic ingredient in sandwiches. It adds rich flavour and food value and also serves to join the bread to the f'iiiing. A smnooth coating of butter keeps noist filiings iromn soaking into the bread. Remove butter from the refrigerator ahead of timne to soften. Cream until lighit and fluffy but do not meit it as it wouid soak into the bread. Use a pliable knife or a smali spatula for spreading evenly. Savory butters are used as spreads or filiings for dainty sandwiches and canapes, or as a base for other filiings in more substantiai sandwiches. WHIPPED BUTTER 1~l Makes i12/3 CUPS Icup butter, softenied 1/ cup milk Beat butter. Gradually beat in miik until Iight and fluffy. president of Croup '74 led the singing. After Santa came, and the carolling was over, refresh- nients were served. 1Hot malt cider for the grown-ups and orange pop for the kids, with aIl kinds of cakes and cookies nmade by group '74. Town Couticilor Bob Carson was there with his wife and fai-nily and Mayor Gartshore was able to make it. On behiaîf of ail the girls in Group '74 i would like to take this opportunity to wishi everyone a very rnerry Christmas and a safe happy Newv Year! Group '74 would like to bring to your attention the beautiful hanging donated by thern to decorate the Cori- rnunity Centre. Most of the work, (ail the macram-e) was donc by Group '74 mnember Cathy Nealy, She certainly did a fantastic job- please go and see it, l'ni sure you'1Ilail be as pleased as the group. Crouip '74's next regular meeting wiIl be held onMonday January 9, 1978 instead of January 2. On Christmas Eve starting at 11 :30 p.rn., the Anglican CARAWAY RUTTER: To ¼ 4cup whipped butter add 11/2 tea- spoons caraway seeds and 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley. CHILI SAUCE BUTTER: To V/4 cup whipped butter add 2 tablespoons cili sauce. CURRY BUTTER: To 1, cup whîppcd butter add 1/z teaspoon curry powder, 1 teaspoon lemon juice and dash cayenne. BLUE CHEL-SE BUTTER: To ¼/cupwhipped butter add ¼/cup crumbled blue cheese and V/4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce. DILL BUTTER: To '/4 cup whipped butter add 1 tablespoon dried diii weed. HORSERADISII BUTTER: To 1/4 cup whipped butter add 2 teaspoons horseradish, 1 teaspoon dry mustard and 1 table- spoon chopped fresli parsley. TANGY BUTTER: To V/4 cup whipped butter, add i table- spoon ,m inced onion, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard and dash celer>' sait. NIPPY CIIEESE SPREAD: To 1/c up whipped butter add i cup.(4 ounces) grated oid cheddar cheese, and I teaspoon Worcestershire sauce. Fo r fijrther information write to: Joan Fieiden, P.O. Box 35, Station "W",-Toronto, Ontario FISHER REFRIGERATION I SERVICE Aiithorized AMAI dealer Save enorgy with hoh efficioncy central air condltinîg ss ud instoflstio Repais toeln makes of freeers, teri" utrs, a* condltouers, d.huoaldlrs. W. comnu servibe resideOWt lmd Freoveré -- A*Mg.rtoiu - Air Condltione WM Recharge AutomobileAir Conditionini 20 QUEEN STREET tRO N NAI 543 been prepared. Sunday Schiooî orchestra in attendance. Admission i15c." --"The 'Baptist Sunday School cntertainment this evening wili be the best yet. The Sunday School orchestra will accoînpany ail choruses, Dialogues, recita- tions, songs, drills in abundance. Sec Santa Claus i Sc." -TatBrooklin's reputation of always having good musicaf andcf fterary talent was* weli suistained by the performers at the various church entertainmen ts and also the concert given by the school last week, is certain. The teachers have been busy for weeks, but were well rewarded by the excellent showing. The concerts were well patronized, the oniy regret being that there were not more of such e ntertainments given." --"Join Us; Xmas Tree,& Entertainment by the pupils of St. Andrew's Sunday School, including "Canadian P~a iry 'l'ale," wtucti promises to be very entertaining, besides instructive, and is one of our best numbers. There are to be Carols,.Tommy Thumbs and Little Grandmothers, ail of which are very cute and amusing. This wilI be the finest entertainmcnt we have put on, and wc hope to sec ail our friends. Admission, 15c. Friday December 22nd at 7:30 p.ni., St. Andrew's Sunday School." The town merchants were busy piugging their speciai Christmas offers in the advertising columns' of the Gazette and Chronficle. lere are a few examples: --Christmas Suggestions for Men; tics, tics, tics, 50c to $1.50. Leather handcrchief boxes, $1.50. Leather coilar boxes, $1 .25 and $1 .50. Linen handkcrchiefs 25c ýand 35c. Everything put up in seasonabie boxes, A store full of useful gifts. Harry T. Thompson, the Menswear Store." --"Make the chiidrcn happy and have a reai Christmas Trec ready for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. Send us Chiurch is having a choral communion. A beautiful thing to sec and hear. In conjunction with the United Church the Youth CGroup wili be gctting together to sing to the town in a sleighi. Lt commences at 7:30 p.m., also on Christmas Ev-1. For Christmas there will be a special 'family service' with Communion, starting at 10 a.m. Don't forget that paper day will be on Saturday January 14, 1978. More information later. Not to-every much going on, now with Christmas being 50 near. Evcryone is having parties, but evcryone forgot to cail and tel] me - So if 1 didn't write about it - sorry! Anyway - 1 would like to wish everyone the very bcst Christmas and miay God Bless. Christmas What is Christmas? But a time of joy. Love for a friend Even for your foc. Be happy, be joyous, The loving is stronger. The feelings are warmer. lt's the giving! That is Chiristmas. On Christmias miorning at 11:30 a special family service, with the theme 'Christ on Christmas Day'. At 4'30 pain. an Early Evening service with Caroling with MarleneWalling singing Marumba Music. A family film will also be shown. The filmn is caîled "Peace Child". A mussonary film. Nursery service wiIl be provided at both services. Happening's MERRY CHRISTMAS nothing to do!! Marie 655-3061 A good exanipie is a good sermian. il your order early and we will deliver it ln good time. Prices according to size. A. T. Lawler, The Grocer." ~-"Santa Claus Suggests Sensible Gifts. There is an in- crease in the demand for sensible, uýeful gifts. Such gifts are not devoid of sentiment for they combine good judgement and good will. Our stock should suggest somnething appropriate for everyone on your list. Whitfield's Drug and Stotionery Store." --"l3uy Oranges for your Xmas table. We recommend the Floridas at this scason--are heavy juicy, swcet luclous and healthful, large size. 40c doz. Candy. A Beautiful Mixed at 15Sc lb. Your Business Friend, Wmn. Meeker." --"Oh for Xmas at homc--anywhere, cverywhcre. Good going December 21 to 24; good tili 27 to return,at fare and one-third........ Decide your destination and then, at your Icisure, get those and ail required tickets at Stephenson's, Whitby's uptown general ticked and tele- graph office." Ail the above notices are what one would Iikcly find in a newspapcr at Christmas, but the following advertis- ment doesn't quite secm to fit-the Christmas spirit as we know it: ON CHRISTMAS NIGHT "Moving pictures of the Great War, also a big extra attraction, Mr. E. W. Campbell, in an illustrated lecture on "Life Behind the Prison Bars of Sing Sing." Don't miss this treat inthe Music Hall, on ýMonday cvening, December 25th. Admission 25c. See bill announcing. the features." Ohi weil, even at Christmas there is somnething for every taste, whether it be 1916 or 1977. Merry Christmnas to youaIl! 1 11 oop

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