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Whitby Free Press, 18 Jan 1978, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1978 whit-by si Voice of. the Cou nty Town ,.hIe only Whtby newspaperi 'EIVING OVER 28#000 LEiADERtS Michael Ian Burgess, Publisher-Mani endently owned and operated by Whitby residents for Published every Wedxiesday Con ributing Editor -Jîrn Qua Production Manager -Marie Bt Print & Promotiorial by M.B.M. Publishing Maae -Robin L and Photography hIc. Classified Ad Manager -S. van D) Phone 668&6111l Circ~uation Manager -Sharon1 Mailing Permit No. 460 Press Bufiding, Editor rresidents. Member of the- siness Bureau of Ti Tru< Letter to the Editor: The furor created by the proposed moving of Canada's largest insurancc coinpany from Montreal to Toronto has, brought into the fray the Liberal big, guns including Fi-' nance Minister Chretien' and other federal M.P.'s charging that Sun Lif is playing into the separa- tists hand's. -Look who is calling the kettie black. .The whole issue is based oni the language' * policies of the P.Q. and its discriminatory Bill, No. 101 making French the only officiai language, contrary to, t he federal govemments 'law making Canada offically biling- ual. We have one law for, Quebec and one law for the rest of Canada. Is it any wonder many Cana- dians are fed up with this hypocracy? Prime Minister Trudeau and. his gang of Frenchi- speaking cabinet Ministers have done nothing to challenge Bill 101. the r shou1d ci Bill 101 real reason' behind the mnoving of Sun Life and other Urusinesses to Eng- lish speaking Canada. The Trudeau government is at the real core of the 'pro- blern by not challenging the divisive unilingual Bill 101. P. Q. Finance Minister~- Parizeau says he'11 pass a law (after, the fact) to force Sun Life to pay a "detachment fee" if they leave Quebec. What hypocracy! While they advocateý splitting fromn Canada on one hand,they threaten recrimination. a- gainst Sun Life for leav- ing Quebec. Some free enterprize? Sounds like Cuba or some bannana republic.'* What compan y would ever consider'in- vesting i n Quebec after this? If and when Quebec separates.ü(e me souviens)' let us ail remember this issue by issuing Quebec with a detachment fee to repay Canadians for the. BILLIONS spent by Sidewalks.ne'"dedf Dear Sir; My, family and 1 are recent arrivais to the Town of Whitby, (Aug- 77). We have purchased a home in the new sub- divison of College Downs. This is a Menkes develop- ment project of eighty nine hom es (89), of a scheduled one hundred and ninety seven (197). This development is boardered by Blair St. to the east, Burns St. to the south, and raîlraad tracks on the west. To miy mmnd the. most, urgent prot>lemn we face is the safe movenient of our young children too and from sehool. A very large nuniber of the resi- dents of our sub-division have elementary schoql' children (plus many pre- sohool children), ail of whom must get to and froni sehool in some way A numnber of the child- ren are. currently trans- ported by taxi at school board expense, however a great many others are leftto walk. The % mrile walk to the Kathleen Rowe Public School is not in itself a probleni, but it is when these child- ren aie forced to walk without the benefit of a sidewalk. From the sub- division to reach the nearest sidewalk at St: Lawrence Street ncsi tates approx. 250 yard wallc along the srne of Huirne Stre2et.. (averv busv tracks and the'n across Burns Street itself at some point. This is a very serious safety p'ro- bleni, since the. chiIdren must comjplete this route (4) times per school dav. twice in both directions. Momning - 8 to 9 Noon 12 to 1 Afternoon' 3 to 4 Whenever possible, available mothers from the area have ýassisted the children by walking them along Burns Street and across and even -they found it -,.inerving and hazardous. S.Also , during inclement weather the ýmothers at- tempt to organize drives for the children which because of available cars and the pre-school child- ren that cannot be left behind, cannot always be, done. The only permanent safe answer is a sidewalk and cro sswalk. Burns Street is often used as a through road by trucks and, according to the children, by fast driving teens. Furthermore, it is difficuit for thie children to walk on the side of the road because of the ditch and in the winter the snow. They also find it difficult to cross Burns Street. because of the many cars, some of which travel at excessive speeds. 1 (Cni very sure none of 'us wish to see a child, or cnge Ottawa in-- Quebec tor buildings, airports, the seaway, harbours and ser- vices prior to separations. They belong to ALL Canadians.. not just. Quebecers. -The P. Q.' want their; cake and eat it too. They know full well they can- not exist withôut an eco- nomic union with Canada., They cannot have it both ways!. By letting them know right' know there wilbe no ecomonic union - it will hit them in the pocket book where it really hurst' most and maybe they wiIl sec the folly 'of< their ,ways in seeking to break up Can-' ada. Sincerely, Dean J. Kelly, President ASSOCIATION 0F DEDICATED CANADIANS Box 1000, Port Perry, Ontario, LOB INO o r s afe'ty for the Town of Whitby to see the light and have asidewalk and crosswalk constructed. Needless to say, we ail desire to see our municipal taxes put to the best use and no one, I suspect,,wants to see resourcefullnessbeing used to overridesafety. I reiterate this'is avery serious safety problem and I arn sure no one in our sub-division wilf rest easy until a sidewalk and crosswalk is in, place. I hope, and "indeed trust that appropriate actions can be'initiated forthwith. A coimunity newspaper This- month the Whitby Free Press mnasthead indicates that we are starting, Volume Eight, and our eighth year of serviug the people of the Town of Whitby.,ý The Whitby Free Press- is a community news- paper, oriented toward what's happening in our conimunity that would interest the residents of our community. Througb our columuns such as Brookîju Bylines and Corridor Capers,we inform the residents of the various parts of our town what is happening in their own part of town. Through columus such as Historical Whitby, we show how our community developed into what it is today. Tbrough our news stories andi features we tell you, our readers,what's going on in town and inform you about the inter- esting people we have in our' community. The 'Whitby Free Press is the 'littie guy' in a nmarket virtually monopolized by tbe multi-million dollar chain operations, such as those surrounding this'area andi is the only independently-owued newspaper in the Whitby area. ît is flot owned or coutrolleti by any chain with its headquarters eut- side our community. The Witby Free Press owners andi staff members are ail local people who flot only have liveti in the Whitby area for many years and knnw the town weil, but are ail ac 'tively involveti in community -groups andi projects. Often people ask how a small comrnunity news- piper can survive witho'ut the financial lx.cking of a large chamn or corporation. The answer is simple; we relv on our ativertisers to pay the costs requireti I, and the other parents, will be anxiously awaiting your actions. I have taken the libertv of distributing copies of' this letter to variousother places in order that all those Who should be concerned are aware of the present situation. Yours truly, William G. Arnmstrong 72 Teresa'Dr., ,Whit1ýy, Ontario ,,e have many taithful acivertisers wflo have supported us for years, and in supporting us they provide'a service for you, the reader. Through their advertising, you learn what's on sale, what services are available, and who bas for sale what you need or want., A number of tues, our advertisers put coupons in their advertisements, which you eau eut out and take to their stores to Set special saviugs. ThIe next time you see a coupon in oneof their ads, make use of it, and. let the advertiser know where you got it. If he sees that his coupons are being used,his business wiIl do well and so wîll ours We at the Free Press feel there is a need for a conimuuity newspaper. in Whitby, especially with so many new residents coming to our^ town.. Tbrough a community newspaper, they will be able to fiud out what's going on and where the facifities are that they need. A community newspaper holds a community together andi gives it an identiîty in a world where personal ientities are fast disappearing. We as a commuuity newspaper have a responsi- bility to the residents of Whitby to bring themn the. Iatest interesting and topical news of their com- 'munity, and we also have a responsibility tu our advertisers to bring their messages to you. Iu turu, you cau let our advertisersknowthatyou bave seen their atis ani you have corne to their businesses because you saw what they hadt t offer in the Wbitby Free Press. It is a reciprocal reitionship. The newspaper serves the readers, the ativertisers support the -newspaper, andi in turn, the readers support the ativertisers. After al. that's what a commupity 1*3 ail about p

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