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Whitby Free Press, 18 Jan 1978, p. 7

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16-riuiWinter's H istorica'i Whitby CLERGY LETTER, 1851i. The problerns facing a clergyman are many, as shown in th.e followlng letter, a copy, of which was loaned to the Wltby Historical Society recently. It was written on April 3,- 1851 by Rev. John Cunning- ham Geikie, minister of the Whltby Congregational Church. Mr.Geikie was writing to a fellow ministerRev. J. Burchard, at Markham. A blography of Mr. Geikie was publlshed intbls 'column, Mig. 17, 1977. Whitby was his first appointmnent, and he served as pastor of the Congregational Church here frorn 1848 to 185 1. He went. on to becorpe a noted author on Biblical subjects. The following is his letter, describing the problems he faced as a clergyman in Whitby ini 1851: Dear Sir: I have haci thepleasure of reçceivipgyour tbrea letters for which 1 nowýthankyou. I àwould have answerçad'you sod>ner, but *hiat witb Wsich'sm &'ther thinfIhave .been so pressed thiat I cannot blasie myseif for the delay. It rejoices me ta hear. of your doing so much good i Markham. God grant that it may bhe still increased, and that it înay bepermanent.-You have had my prayers and the prayers of niy people since you left us, and we still con- tinue to hold up your hands before the Lord. The Young friends here continue, with, peihaps here and there an exception ta give good evidence of a saving, charge. They still meet twice a week by themselves under the-care of Mi. Coîbiens, bath sexes nieet together. I found it like ta make quite a commotion to attempt to separate theni, and so was forced ta let theni continue i their own -way. We have two meetings a week in? the Chapel-;-one on Tuesday for prayer and an adoren from me, and one an Friday for, Scripture instruction. Bath are pretty well at- lended, yet not, 50 well as would hie for the peoples good. There is a terrible amnount of mere heartheas formalism i the world, and perhaps, a little of it in Whltby. Sice you left, we have had nuie applications for meni- beiship. Mis. Fisher, iNs. Gallagher, Mrs. Soripture, Mis. HIiram Post' Miss Cath. Christian, Mî.'Robertson, Mis. Wflcirson, Mi. Wilkinson and Mrs. Sherwood. We shahl ad- BY FREE. PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18,1978, PAGE 7 mit them-next Sabbath Day, God willing. 1 have hopes of Mr.> Abner Nash, Mr, & Mis. Merrick,4 somne others joiniii- My congregatIQns'have been very good since'.yop left, coming pretty near 300 a Sabbath. Yet they aie tather, i a great rnany cases, hearers, tlian bopia fide members of my congregation. Ve ry rnany contribute nothitig to my support. 0f Mr. Wilkinson 1 think very favorabley-of Mr. Kennedy 1 cari hardly speak with confidence. Hie seenis rather rest- less & uneasy and speaks at times in such a way as makes it difficuit to know whether he lias really experienced a change of heait or not. Hi l a sensible mani, but very nefvous and excitable. I hope he may find peace before long. 1 have taken Mrs. G. to Toronto to have the advice of medical men there and so, if with God's blessing, we may, not have her ini sonie reasure stioig, again.. In her name 1 have to thank Mis. B.. for her Jclnd expressions of Christian love, and now reciprocate them. Now, Dear Sir, May the Great God -wbom you serve be wlth you & bless you-be your slield &ç your exceeding great servant.- May I ask an interest in your 1prayers. I have need -of ahl the grace of every ind, God ina> confer upon Me. Asscept the assurance of my friendshp & love, and be. lieve me, Dear Sir, with much respect,' Yours very truly, J. C. Geikie-. Top of the Mornin' ta ya! The 1 st Bîaoklin' Scouts are iooklng for aur help. The«y are in need of camn.ping equipment. If you have any type of camping equipment, suc h as; tents, staves, canteens,, etc. anything that yau don't ar can' lit use, please give them ta the Boy-Scauts. After ail, if yau have a son in the Scouts, Paul ýRimstead's car. recovered at Whitbhy Toronto Sun columnist Paul Rimstead's car was sta- len fram aà Toronto parking lot iast week and was recav- ered by Durham Regianal Police at Whitby. The car was recovcred at a Whitby service station Jan.- 10 when the attendant thaught the driver was toa young ta be operating a car and cailed police. Chaiged with possession of stolenpropérty is,,Frank Carnovale, 17, of 88 Gibson Street, Hamilton. . He and twa juveniles who accompan- ied hlmn were returned ta Hamilton ta' answer ta the charges in, prQvinci 'atV court. Mr. Rimstead sgidwhc had left i 1975 Pontiac LeMans iunning i a Toront9.parking -lot beocause it had',been stand- ing for three days. The colurn- nist offered his ' thanks ta Detective Gharles Gallogley and Constables Jimn Brown and. Bart Vas, who handled the ,case. Student Honored John Kalîna, son, af Mi. and Mrs. Raîf Kalina ,of Whltby, was pîes ented, with an Honourabie Mention A waîd atthe, Herzing ,Insitute Fal Graduation Ceremonies i Toronto. The award is prçsented, ta students who have achieved standards of excelence i their studies which nenit special mention. Mr. Kalina is a graduate of' -Henry ShtreeHigh School,- Whtby, and roceived i diplomna in, Advanced, Pro- gramining gnd Systems STOVES yau're ging it ta him. For further information on whére to take the equipment, please contact Ian Stewart,,Scout Master, at 655-3252. *Get those ivorie s polished! Rail Lucky Boxcars! Seven or eleven wins! lt's time for Monte Carlo Night. The, Kinsmen are sponsoring this gala event to be held at the Brooklin Community Centre on Friday February 10 staît- ing at 8 p.m. Thé price for a good time is $5.00 per cô'upie, or $3.00 per person! So grab a date Hurry!,,don't wait.. Corne to Monte Caria. The Kinsmen's regular meeting will -be an Monday, January- 23. They, are iooking for new members. If you *want -ta help in 1 the. finishing, of the iýatk and help aur, commuaity cali Ross Batten. Memrbership Chairman,a-t 655-4778. The Kinsmen need our support. The YMCA hay~e staîteci their pragramns for pre- schaaiers an January 15. But! don't fret; there are stili apenings for your tot. The programn is held at Meadawcrest Schoi in. Brookiin. The agenda is; Kinder Gym- beginning at 9:30 a.m. and KiddyKraft foilawîng at 10:15. Far the aider children 'flaor hockey' willbe availabie.at 10: 15 as well. A, -special fee'is availabie far those tats tiaking bath Kinder Gym. and Kiddy Kraft. For mare information regarding fées and program Iength please cali the YMCA at 668-6868. A reminder ta pre.schaoler's moins, that the Pre-Schoai Stary Hour at the Bîaakiin library starts on Tuesday> January 24 at 1 pm. tilI 2 pm. At the samne time your yaungster (between' the age of 3 and kindergarden) learns crafts and has fun you can jpin in their Afternaon Dis- cussion Group. James P.A. Prentice Optiýcian <400A Duindas Street W. cf Kent. Whitby 668-1646 Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Fridey 9:30 arin. - 9 P.m. Saturduy 9:30 a.. - 2 p.un. Rodenstock, Marwitz framnes , * Repairs & adjustments B iuq Cross welcotne FISHIER TMON, Avtborizd AMANA Dealer Sa«ve energy with high off iciency $1680 $168" central air condit'ioning installations sales and. The Iibraîy is having aWinter Sale. They decided ta do some "Spring Cleaning' a littie early, tis year. Old' mysterie.s ta, curl up by, love 5tories-for a good cry, and child fiction - to relax by, are for sale. Corne and browse aro 1und. Pick Up that treasured story o'f yesteryear. The sale,,started last -week so hurry before ail is gone! Something else for the Brooklin library! They are having, a public play somnetime in February. Not mucli information, about it yet. More to corne in the next few weeks. OiQd'Man Winter must be. upset about something this year. He has been thiowilg sno w our way; more than we need. His strong chilling winds, are bitteriey coid and freezing in our veins. But Alas! Ail is flot iost!! Oid Man Winter will only be around for two and a haif more months. Happenings! Monday, January "23, - Kinsmen ReguIar Meeting, New »Memnberswelcomne cail Ross Batten at 655-4778. Tuesday January 24,-Brooklin Public Library Pte-School *Story Hour- 1:00- 2: 00 p.m. Children 3 through kinder- garden welcome. Tuesday January 24, Brooklin Publie ,Library, Afternoon Discussion Group - Ail concerned aduits welcomne 1:00 tiil 2;00 p.m. Friday February 10 - 8:00 p.m-. Brooklin Conihunity Centre -,Monte Carlo Niglit - Sponsored by the Kinsmé'n., Awise man changes his mînd, A fool neyer Winl Marie 655-3061. I DELOITTE, ,ASKINS &SELLS,,LIMITED. I Trustee in Bankruptcy Bell Canada« Buflding Oshawa Cetre, Oshawa Phone 579-8202, F. Alan Lawson, C.A. Vice-President *P.O. 1Box "00 -Oshawa L11H 7N 1 a 'new year.. A.NEW $0500 Otkoe. Me"dolCMWId@b Stoc - ~MITcIELLhOTE Repairs to ail makes Of freezers, refrigerators, air conrditioners, dehum idifiers. We clean & service residiential and commercial air conditioners Repuirs to Ail Makes Freezers - Ref rigerators - Air Coriditioners We Recharge Automnobile Ait Conditioning LA CONTESSA .BEAUTY LOUNGE -in

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