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Whitby Free Press, 25 Jan 1978, p. 3

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Ash Creek enclosure stops floods By BRIAN WINTER Staff Writer The Asti Creek enclosure, currently under construction *will enable the Town ot Whitby to instail storm sewers i the old part of townr and the core area, says Mayor Jim Gartshore . Construction of an exten- sive storm sewer layout in the core of the town was ini- possible up till now, because there was no outlet for these sewers, said the mayor. Construction of the Ash Creek enclosure from Col- borne Street to Ontario, Street began, Dec. 1, 1977, and ,should be- completed by theý end 'of February, although the dlean-up work wil con-, tinue till June 1, says Larry Windover, of Totten Sims, Hubicki' Associates,which de-, sgned the project and are supervising its construction. Pending budget approval, Mayor Gartshore hopes to have the portion oftheé creek between Coîborne and'Mary Streets, completed in 1978, and by 1980-81 the 'en- closure would be completed to Chestnut Street. The Coîborne to Ontario Street section wil join up with a box culvert con- structed by the developer of the College Downs, subdi- vision between Ontario and Burns Streets last year. According to Mr.Windover the pipes used for this portion of the enclosure are some of the largest in Ontario. They ar e called horizontal eliptical concrete..pipes, and are 136 inches wide and 87 inches high.1 A man cari easily stand i- side one of these pipes, which is designed to carry the water fromâ a 25-year storm, equiva- lent to the stormi that de- vestated the Ash Creek area in August 1971.-' Asti creek has been a source of flooding ýproblems for more than a 'century, especially at Mary Street. The contractor is using a well point systemi of hollow probes driven into the ground so that water can be pumped out of the excavation into a nearby diteti, said Mr.'Wind- Ove£. The prefabricated concrete pipe sections. are being placed on a, special bedding of fMI mnaterial called, K-Krete, ,which consists of granular stone, fly ash, sand, cernent and water. This mass will solidlfy to give a, firm base for the pipes to the strength of, 100 pounds per square inch, says Mr. Windover. The pipe is being laid for 1,300 feet, and as ofJan. 10, 400 feet. had been co mpleted south of Coiborne Street. According to Mr. Windover, 40 to 50 feet of pipe can be laid per -day, depending on, the weather and ground con- ditions. The town could have con- structed a box culvert 10 by fthe feet, like the culvert laid per day,dependlng on the soutti of Ontario Street, but the tender for the horizontal eliptical pipes was $50j000 cheaper, said Mr. 'Wndover. The total cost of the en- closure fromf Coiborne Street. to Ontario Street is haif a mnillion dollars, paid for mostly bv development levies, said Mayor Gartshore. The pipe is more economi- cal than an open ditch be- cause less land is required to be purchased, said Mr. Wind- over. The pipes are placed as deep as 15 feet into thé" wet dlay bed oÏfthe old creek. Mayor Gartshore says he is pleased that the enclosure 4 will put an end to the flood-F BR ing of -1Ash Creek and pave F BR the way for a storm sewer program for the otd part of February is Heart Mi Witby. Carolyn Smith braved'ti, Alreadfp-roposed for the building. This year, fort 1978 budget are storm sewers vaiss hi Whitby, and is loc for John and Wanut Streets caîl Mrs. Smith at 668-13( to overcome problemns caused' by deepditches. Building ipermits make ,money, The' Towni of Whitby made more mnoney from buil ding permits in 1977 than it expected, according to Planning Director Kevin Tunney. .Reporting at last week's budget discussions,. Mr. Tunny said the town had planned to obtain $80,00 th.rough building permits, but Theres penty of room for Mayor Iim Gartshore and his colleague front the Public Works Department and the engineering consultant for the Ash Creek enclosure, inside this section of horizontal elipticai cwucrete pipe.. From left to regt are the mayor, Public Works Director Dlck Kuwahara, Deputy Public Works Director Sard Matharuand Larry Windover of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates. The pipe, one of the largest i Ontario, wîIl stop the flooding of Ash Creek and provide an outiet for new storm sewers i the core area of Whtby. Free Press Photo Downtown Comttee Meets on Jan. 31 Do-wntown Action Coi- mîttee Chairman Bob Catton will discuss information he obtained at a seminar on downtown in Toronto last November, at the first meet- ig of the commttee Jan. 31. This year's committee is made up of somne members of last year's comnmttees plus others who were opposed to lait year's proposed improve- ment project. Mr. Catton hopes to estab- fish a common policy with- If, thi e ommttee for down- the final figure ended up at $95,636. Deputy Treasurer AI Claringbold says the town is* being reasonably ýcautious on its outlook for' sub- divisions in 1978, andlias allowed for another $8 0,000 from building permnits thisý year. The Caoadian movement Or personal 1ftness Ftnes. hI >»tr beau-t you know it's righi. Ontario MINISTRV 0F CONSUMER AND' COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT, 1975 NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Meeting ef The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario wili b. held at 1THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION HALL, 217 MURRAY STREET, PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO, 'on WEONESDAY, FEBRUARY 15th, 1978, at the liour of 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon. at which time thie Board will hear applications for new licences in accordance with The Liquot Licence Act, 1975 and Regulations thereunder. Th. following establishment has applied for a licencem of thie class indicated. and theo application will bu entertained at the aforementioned location and time. swlss Chaet e-" S- Weturn 1U04-OM DuodasStreet Hast, Whitby ownlgLeUW iUcence AND FURTiIER TAKE NOTICE that any Per- son Who is resident In the niunicipality Mid objecta to any application may f ile th. grounds of objection in pemsn<#jt the time and place of the meeting or in writing copies of whçh will be fo«w»"e to applicant> te: Executive Director. Uiquor Licence Board of Ontario, 55 Lakeshore Boulevard Eest, TORONTO, Ontario. MSE A4. SALE Is Sti On SAVING;S up f0 75.% off AIL WINTER MERCHANDISE Um.ke pechas.wfth y..BeaulchiqBo ue m ue.r w m mw Mde 1 ÇHAUCEN MIIB RE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1978, PAGE 3 Use to elpyou get yOur own home With our Registered Home Ownership Savings Pl an you can obtain tax be'nefits in saving for your own home and receive an attractive yield on your money with guaranteed growth. Register your plan today at Victoria and Grey. j~fi ServÎrg more and îm people since71889 WCIORfl4adSGE~Y TRUST- COMPANY KEIIN LAWES > Manager 308 Dundas St. W., Witby 668-9324 (JARY IS'HEART MONTH [onth, and Mayor Jim Gartshore and MHeart Fund Chairman he cold weather to raise the T-IeattFund flag at the municipal the first tinte the Heart Fund is conducting a door-to-oor can- ýking for campaign workers. 'Anyone interested i helping may W3. > Free Press Photo BROCK THEATRE 668-3618. Children"'Matines, SATU RDAY 1:30 p.m JERRY LEWIS IN #"DON'ïT RAISE THE, BRIDGE LOWER IRE RIVER" BRING A-FRIEND PRESENT- THIS AD FOR ONE FREE ADMISSION WITH ONE PAIO ADMISSION TO KID'S SHOW. EVENINOS, JANUARV 26 - JANUARY 31 ""VOYAGE 0F THE DAMNEDfà PLUS ""CARRY ON ENGLAND" COMPLETE FROM 7:05 ,P.M. ÂLIJULT -ENTERTAIINMENT Our-*Pre-Inventory

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