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Whitby Free Press, 1 Feb 1978, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS whitby Voice of.the County Town The only Whitby newspaper indépendently Miçhael li SERVINO ovER 28,000 READRSr an Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor Àr- ILM &I -AL1 * owuvea nauperate Dy TftDbyresiments for YYWy resîdents. CoITlmunity Editor' Published every Wednesday Contri5Mtîng Editor' Production Manager Elrint & Promotiona' by M.B.M. Puhlishing Manaer and Photography Inc. Classif ied Adl Manager Phone 668-6111l Circulation Manager mailing Permît The Free Press Building, Memnber 121 Brock Street Northi, Better Business Bu( P.O. Box 206. Whitby, Ont. Whîtby Charnber cl -BrIan Winter -Jim Quail -marie Burgess -Robin Lyonl -S. van Deelen -Sharon Lyonl ît No. 460 rof the. ireau of Toronto of Commerce Create more jobs; flot more b ilingualism Dear Sir: 46I WILL NOT REST UNTIL CANADA IS IR- REVERSIBLY BILIN- GUAL" 'so said Prime Minister Trudeau in Feb. 1975.* We are now paying the price while Trudeau and his band of French-speak- ing Cabinet Ministers waste hundreds of mil- lions on its "P.E.T." project. From the Bi-Bi Commission costing more than $500 million to the $600 million funneled in- to the provinces to push bilingualism for- the past 5 years t'O the newly announced whopping ONE THOUSAND MIL- LION dollars theTrudeau government is shelling out starting in, March to the provinces- to push French. (CP. press re- lease Nov. 16/77) AI- though TV channel 25 is completely in French channel 19 and other stations are pushing more and more programfs in French. All of this ini the face of repeated statementsby Levesïue that hie and his izovernment could care less about the French language outside Ouebec.1 Quebec's problem, like: the, rest of Canada isj economic. . not language.g More than TWO THOUSAND MILLION down the drain! Instead of, creating unity it is creatmng a backlash of disunity and balcanizing the country. There will1 be no winners, only twoi losers if Quebec breaks1 up Canada. The innocent1 sufferers will be the1 Maritimes cut off from the rest of Canada, the land where it was all made possible in Chariot- town P.E.1. in 1867. A _'While the country faces a winter with near 1 mil- lion unernployed, infla- tion near 9%, bankrupt- cies up 33%, manufactur- ing and mining industries closing down-the Trudeau government announces a BILLION dollar give- away for second language Trudeau has virtual dictator powers in these matters. The voices of the opposition parties are being ignored not only on this but on matters vital to the economy o>f the country. The Unity task force--loaded with Liberal party supporters, is creatinga backlash from ethnic and native people and anger from the West. Many are already bilin- gual with their own native language-some tri-lingual. While the country is sorely in need of jobs, low-cost housing, and manufacturing forexport to cut down our huge trade deficit -$1 .7 billion for tourists,$3 billion for auto parts, $1 .5 billion for oil imports the govern- ment turne it head to the frivilous matter of bilin- gualism. Canada borrowed $8 billion from foreign countries last year-larg- est of any country in the world. The continuing price hikes ini the cost of gas and heating oul im- posed by. Ottawa is used to subsidize rnainly Quebec to the tune of $ r billion a year. Ontari- ans are bemng ripped-off for about $550 million a year or more to equalize où prices in Quebecwith a much lesser amount to the Maritimes. When the pipeline was constructed fromn the West some years ago Quebec was offered to shan, mn the supply of Wetern il-thcv refus'ed! The reason:- they were enjoying oil at about 6c' a gallon cheaper than Ontario, imported from outside -Canada., Now the OPEC have raised prices they demand and get a pipeline to Montreal and the lions share of'ai billion dollar subsidy paid for by the other provinces. It is interest- ing to note that Prime Minister Trudeau's father, was an oil broker and mhade a bundle on cheap imported oil, while the rest of the country west of the Ottawa walley were forced to, buy the higher priced Canadian product. On the basis that for every $5 billion spent on imported oul, we lose 200,O00jobs (figures an- nounced by- Président Carter a few days ago) we miglit assume that the $2.5 billion being spent for, bilingualism would create 100,000 jobs directly, with a spin off « of thousands more-all paying taxes and unem- ployment insurance ad- ding to the economy rather than depleting it. While Ottawa fiddles with scandaIs it is ignoring the real economic: and social pxoblems of its people. .tAhe main issue behind the breaking up of Canada. A MARI USQUE AD MARE! IJnless somcthing dras- tic is donc to croate jobs and improve the econom - It is happening allaround ic climnate we could face us. As' the noted writer sefious social unrest in- Carl Sandbur-g said, "idle cluding violence, terror- men are living dynamite" ism, kidnappings, hi-jack- iesrunngot ing and hostage-taking. Tm srnigot Sincerely, Dean J. Kelly, President, Association of Dedicat ed Canadians. Box 1000 Port Perry, Ontario. February isHeart Month, Door-to-door canvas starts Dear Sir: 1The Canadian Heart Fund is the sole volun- tary, health agency in Canada devoted entirely to the study, control,and prevention of heart and blood vessel disease. In twenty-one years nearly $50,000,000 have been channeled into re- search, professional edu- cation and 'public educa- tion. The annual Heart Fund Campaign is the main source of funds for the Foundation. Ninety- one cents of every dollar raised is used in either research or education. This February, the Heart Fund will be can- vassing door to -door in Whitby. Prior to this, an. envelope was mailed to each home and those who wished to make a dona- tion did so by return mail. This method was not at ail successful. For example, Uxbnidge; a community about one- third the population of Whitby, raised more money in last year's Campaign with a door to door canvass. In order for theWhitby campaign to be successful volunteer participation is essential. We require people to cal on an aver- age of twenty homes each during the month of February, which is Camn- paign Month. As well, we need Captains to or- ganize the efforts of our canvassers. Anyone who wishes further information about the Canadian Heart Fund and or is willing to Parti- cipate is asked to contact the Heart Fund Chairman Carolyn Smith at 668- 1303. Sincerely, Carolyn Snmith Heart Fund Chairman. Letters to the Editor' Box 206 Whitbmy 7 7 'lm - . 1 > monnmiignorr limah.-

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