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Whitby Free Press, 22 Feb 1978, p. 5

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY,1 FEBRUARY 22,1978, PAGE 5 f Corri*dor g: apers Hi everyone. Believe it or not, thîs wiII be the last column for February. SCOUT PAPER'DRIVE 1 knew you coiild do it. The latest Scotit Paper Drive was an overwhelining success. Ail areas in the Corridor responded to the cali for help and ridded their basements of unwanted papers. Parkview, Dymond and Willow Park streets were exceptional. Papers were collected fromf nearly every fiousehold. Each month the Scouts have a luckydraw. Everyone who contributes bundies of papers, lias a chance to win a car-wash ecd week for a monti. Somneone in the area will have the cleanest car in Town. Congratulaions to ail the Corridor residents and rememnber the second Satur- day in March will be the next Paper Drive. The Area South of Highway 2 should be covered by the 6th Whitby Scouts. It is the hope* of the neiglibours that this group wil contemplate a monthly paper drive in the near future. ANNUAL MEETING CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION A very successful annual meeting and election of off icers was held last Thursday at Dr. Robt. Thornton School. Re- ports were presented and the constitution was adopted by Report fo Queen's Park By Geu)re Mhq, M.P.P. Duham West HEALTH CARE SERVICES ël On Febr.uary 7th, the Honourable 'Dennis Timbrel *Minister of Hea4h, announced that thé Provincial Govern. ment wi1Uqiçrcase operating budgets for hospitals i.n Ontario by somnes$109 mnillion from April 1978 to Mardi 1979, but thtteewil1 be -no increaseli the à "o nt -of funds for capital costs. This announcenient is in fine with the policy *established l4stý year for restraint in health care spending. In ïxm3-a -,th' -fetralflt Y gra"bas had a.positive affect becaseia s forced us t9 take ài good look at the >traditional health care services provided, and despite pres- sure from the Opposition parties»torc-establish our priori- tics. In the past ten years, several fundamental changes have taken place in attitudes towards health care, and the Pro- vincial Governnient lias rcalizced that by simply adding more hospital ,be .d s, profession als1 and equipment does not neccssàrily lead to improvcd hcalth. Changes are required, and to encourage such changes the Provincial Governmnent has three basic steps. First of 'ail, we have reduced the traditional emphasis'on health care institutions such as hospitals,- and are shifting somne of the financial resources to alternative methods of treatmnent sucli as day surgery, ôut-patienttreatment, home care for people with acute ilnesscs,;and cxtcnded care in nursing homnes." It is the belief of the Provincial Government that people, don't necessarily bave to spend as mucli time in the hospfital as tiey have .in the past. Since hospitalization is an expen- sive proposition, It makes sense to place more empliasis on these alternative mcthods. Not only do tiese alternatives have- nncia0 adantgesbutq!it1of1n6eopr4ar-a-- Mobile. RecruitiflgUnit Canada Manpower Centre OSHAWA 15; 22 FER. & 1 MAtCHf 10:00 arn. - 3 :00 p.m. the membcrship. Thanks to the 477 exécutive, and we iook' forward to another successful year. The new executive larc as follows: President - Vic Sheffield Past-President - Pat Dooley 1lst Vice - Mike Burgess 2nd Vice - Homner Pelgrims 3rd Vice - John Pisýani Treasurer - Edith MacLeýan Secretary - Mary McEacicrni Directors Bill Sabyan, Bey. Rogers Don Rogers Robert White John Buchanan, Jim Brady> Helen Joynt Herb Visser Glenn Shortt Legal Advisor - Terry Joyce. Best of luck to ail of yo U in the ensuinig year. CORRIDOR CAPERS DANCE What can I say but -it was 'The Greatcst Dance on Earth'. Tie hall was beautifully dccorated to correspond with the, theme. Clowns and baloons lincd the walls and a large sigu, expertly painted by Signet Signs, told it ail. The 'dance committee, speerieadcd by Lynce and Lou -Majoros, sold tickets, made lunch, arranged decorations, furnished prizes, committee, spericadcd by Lynn and Lou Majoros, sold tickets, made lunch, arranged decorations, furnished prizes, conned the Concordia Pops Dance Band and Frank Truli, records, to supply sensatio nal music, in gçerai, tic efforts of ail, produced a "huge success" We were triply honoured to have amnong us the Mayor- Marj and Jimn Gartshore, the Region - Betty and Gcrry Emm and the Local-Nan and -Joe Drumm. Bob Carson Tom Edwards and George Asic, M.P.P. sent their regrets, but hope to attend tic October dance. Manv thanks to ail who participated ini making thc Cor- Secondiy, tic Provincial Govcrnment, 15 attempting to decentralize tic process of heati care planning so that more of tic work is donc in caci community by tic people who arc most aware of tic local nccds and rcsourccs. Witi this principle in mind, a systcm of District Health Councils hias,,been devloped. Thc Councils arc composed of local * citizens' rcprescnting a. good cross-section of tiec om- munity. On caci Council itself, tic healti care profession- ais are outnumbered by laymen, but caci Council doces have aâccess to an enormous amount of professionai knowledgc and advice. Tic Counicils act mainly in an advisory capa- city or unnecessary dulications. *Durham West presentiy has thrce representatives.on thc OUrham District lîecalti Council: Joycc Gabura,of, Ajax, Councilior Ken .Matieson of Pickering and Marion O'Donnell ofWhitby. *Tic third and" final approaci of tic Provincial Govern- ment comes under tic heading of public education in pre- ventive care and minor treatmcnt. I believe people are be- coming niorec: and more aware of tic way our collective 1 ridor Capers No. 6 the 'Greatcst Dance on Earth". Tie ncxt dance wiiI be on Friday October 20 at Ilcyden- shore. It will be a bard time dance to correspond with the Economic Times. Prizes -for the Corridor Capers No. 6 wcre generously donated by local business establishments. McDonald's, Restaurant, K-Mart, Woolco and Dominion Stores. Thank you for helpingyour local Community Association. Sýe you on October 20. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Next Sunday '- Bard meets at 7::30 p.m. Fcbruary 26, Sunday February 26 -'Installation of tic Board for 1978.- Worid of Prayer - Friday Mardi 3 at St. Mark's United, Churci. Ail of us in tic community arc pleased to have Grace Delaney home from the hospitai, and we hope sic lias a speedy rccovery. Wclcomc home Grade. See you ncxt wcek.. Have a good day. M. McEachern 725-8967 Caif 'seized at Brooklin Tic Ontario .Humane Society seizcd a caîlf from a farm near Brooklin last week and is invcstigating a possible case of neglect. Tic caîf was taken by the Humane Society from a shack west of Brookiin wiere Hu- mane Society officiais said there was no watcr and the hay was of suci. poor quality it had no nutritional value. Inspector John Kirkland said tiecâcaf had scvere frost- bite on, its feet and cars and was in a wcak condition. It fell twice while being taken from tic shack, lic said. A- nother caif found at tic siack died, despite efforts by tic Humane Society to .fced it before rcmoving it from tic premises. healti bis are piling up. To reverse 'ths trend, everyone of us lias to begin assumning more responsibility for his or her own health. Many ilînesses and injuries could be avoided by- eating the right foods, excrcising propcrly and by im- munization against compiunicalbe discases. The Provincial Gotne also wants the general public to become more awïarc of the alternatives to hospitalization, as outlined previously,so that people will mfot always assume that hospitalization is thc only answer. This is an important shift in rcsponsibility that obviously cannot be brought a- bout through legisiation. You will be hearing a great deal in the next short whulc about Ontario's health. costs and what you can do to hclp kccp the costs "of health care services down. What this a- mounts to is an attempt to reduce the financial, burden on our-hospitals by reducing the strain on their services. Ob- viously hospitals are an absolute nccssity . . . and always will be. *SOO...UOwatts per cds-on Um .06 TH»..Ey Nranti ti ~ ~ e mU CLEAANC 0F OLDER MARANIZ MODELS Modal Watts par R.,. Prca SALE Modal WaOtts Pair Sa. Prke. SALE Chuannel CImlOH 2250 50 watts $649 $429 2235 35 watts $499 $6 2252 52 watts $579 $429 1040 20 watts $269 $5 2265 65 watts $679 $529 240 125 watts $9 $475 COME 1HNSSEE THE NEW MARANTZ RECIEVER LUNE -1 * I RAIO 66-30 18,; ck SS.w i y On CANADM MDM 1 e ý 1 - 1 -mm"

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