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Whitby Free Press, 8 Mar 1978, p. 15

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NEWCOMERS MEETING The March General Meet- ing of the Oshawa-Whitby Newcomer's Club will be held on Tuesday, Mach 14 at 8 p.m. at the Conisumers Oas Building, Consumers Drive, Whitby. Tony Burns of the Oshawa Business Coilege will spealc on Transactional Analy- sis - the study of human be- havior. For futher informa- tion about the Club, contact RonniZolumoff at 576-2554. SPRING DANCE The Optimist Club of Whitby will b. host to a spring dance on Saturday April 8, at Fantasyland Park, startlng at 8 p.m. The club wll be serving a hot buffet, and, prizes will be awarded. Expession Anew program for pa- tients, called Expression Ther- apy, is being developed at the' Whitby Psycbiatric Hospital. Developed by nurses Gail Crossman and Mina'Schire, Expression Thèrapy Ilencour- ages patients to ventilate their feelings and thoughts through creative activities. Some of the activities offered, include paintîig,' string art, d cay moulding, candie making and leather work. The new.programn enables patients to paricipate in- therapy immediately after ad- ,mission while they are waiting for placement in off-the-ward activiiesoffered by Occupa- tional >Therapy.> 1 Those patients confirêedto the wards because> of un;con- trollable anti-social behaviour can benefit from self expres- sion therapy with staff guid- ance. Self Expression Therapy promotes staff-patient com- munication through discus- sions with the patients about the activity, and staff can gain some valuable insights in- to the patient's emotions 'and behavior. Hospital officiais say the new therapy program is very useful in the management of disturbed behavior. A hostile patient soon rids, himself of aggréssion after poundîigda or working' out with padded gloves called socker boppers. The aim' of expression therapy is to teach the patient ways of alleviating anxiety, methods which can be used continuously throughout his life, not just in a hospîtal setting. AU proceeds wili go to the. Optlmlist youth work programas. For further information phone 668-9722. WEST LYNDE MEETING À general meeting of the. West Lynde Community As- sociation wiil be held March 30 at 8 pin. at West Lynde Public School to discuss plans for raising funds for more recreational equîpment for Central' Park, possibly with the assistance of a Wintaria grant. The West. Lynde Com- munity Association is inter- ested in obtaining small ap. prtsfor tiny tots,park becevoileybal nets and a cmete recreational setup frtepark. .DISNEY FILM Whitby- Public- Library pre- sents a Walt Disney animated -feature film'.on' enedy March 22 at lOa.m. and 2p.m. Attendance will be limited, so pick up your« ticket at either the Film Desk or the Children's Desk before March 20. Admission is free. Pre- schooler- must be accom- panied by an adult. The pro- gram will be held in the library's niew auditorium. BASEBALL DANCE, The Whitby Senior Base- bal 1977 Senior "D" Champions are holding a din- ner and dance March '10* at 7 p.m. Supporters interésted In attending can obtain tickeits from Jamie Moore by caling 6684774. 'FFI" CONCERT The. Parent Pre-School* Centre of Whltby and Oshawa wil present a cbldren's concert by the Canadian folk singer "Raffi" at Eastdale Coliegiate Audi- torium in Oshawa, March' 18 at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. The concert is for children up to the age of ýeight., and there are no reserve seats. 'Tickets are availableý at Mfiddleton's Book Store,,Whitby and R.11. Thornas Music Store Oshawa, RETAIL ADVERTISING Retail'advertising will be the topic of a speech by Bill Bond, Retail Merchandising Director of the Toronto Star, at the March meeting of the -Whitby Chamber of Com- merce, March 13 at noon ,at the Chalet Restaurant. Any-, one wishing to dttend is asked' to confirm their attendance by calling 668-4506 by Fr1- day March, 10 at the latest. RUMMAGE SALE The Grade 18 class at Kathleen Rowe Sohool will be holding a rummage sale at the school auditoriuïnMarch Il starting at 10 a.m., featur- ing fresh'baking, books, good used clothlng and used appli- ances. There will also be a booth for seling hot dogs and, dfiiks. Proceeds from the' sale'wll b. used to pay for a tnip to Ottawa in May. SENIORS' ACTIVTIS On March ý16 at 2.p.M. 'a' field officer for the Canada Pension Plan WW lmake a pre- sentation of important, infor- mation on pensions at the Seniors' Activity Centre, at SHAKESPEARE READING$ The Whitby Theatre Com- pany is giving, a free presenta- tion of readings from Shakes- peare at the Whitby Centen- 1niai Building March 10,and, il at 8 p.m. There will be selected* scenes from Henry IV Part One,Henry , Richard III, ;Hamlet, Midsummer, Night's Dream, Rorn'eo and JuleOthello, MacBeth, King Lear and The Taming of the Shrew. The readings are, directed by Marion Dennis. BY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAy, MARCH 8,1978, PAGE' 15 JAMES PRENTICE, OPTCIAN 400-A DUNDAS ST.-(AT KENTY WHITBY' 6" - 164, OFFICE 1-OURS Mogiday.- Friday - mauIL-s5nL ,WEDNICi.S-",-$AX CH Whitby Community Bingo . 3 50JACKPOTS EVERY IMONDAY NIGHT. Monday, March 13,9 1978 Lie. No. 235432 FIRST JACKPOT AT 55 NUMBERS SECOND JACKPOT AT 50 NUMBERS 7:15 p.M. No children umder 16 adxnitted le À 8 -. C kW .u - W k b y . 5 & 00R . L.ee-W b l 'f )IRE PAVILOp Colonel Sanders' boys and girls mrake it "fingeriliokin' good?: RIEGULAR $4.55 Lu804 Fashionable Frame Shapes are desiged wfth varied facial structures iln W smart, stylish lookc SAVE ON S1EAUTIFUL, 10%/0'Off AliSunglasses WIIITBY-LIONS CLUB IrequOls Park Arena# WHITBY S<turday, May 13, 1978 8:30 w, .m EDDIE GR.AF'S 12 piece band DOOR -1978 Chevette automa tic PROIE$':.-Mink stole 500 TICKETS ONLYTO SE SOLD $20 per icouple Make upa Party & have a bail! 'Tickets avallabte from any Lions member or at Bank 0f Montreai, Whitby -ADVANÇE SALES ONLY:- I

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