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Whitby Free Press, 22 Mar 1978, p. 13

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2 twin beds $50. each in good cond. white with goid tomr on headboards cati 868-81595. Feb. 1/78 2 MATCH ING Ecru head boards- 30" $7, eâch, 2 mnatching mnattresses 30" $20. each, 'il whîte headboard, 39" $5. 1 box spring (like newv) 36" $25. 1 box spring 39" «$10. .i foam rnattress 4" deep 36" $1 S., 1 Hi Fi corner .speaker $20. 1 Hi Fi Heathkit Amplifier $20. Cati 668-8943 after 4 p.m. FOR SALE: Ney'er been usei Bed Chesterfield $300., kitchen' table & chairs $100., 3 living room chairs, $75. each Cati after 6 p.m. 668-3889. Feb. 22/78 Double bed $60. single bed $10, tetephone table, $10. highcha ir $8, coff ee table $15. 668-776. > Feb.1 /78 22 cu. f t. Atlas freezer 2%/ yrs. old. Ex. working order $200. Buffet, ,odern' design gees with tea k f urn iture 20 x 24 x 72 $100. 4 Black leatherette armchair, swivel j rocker, needs slight repair on..rm. Was $140 new sait -for $30. Aduit skits (Fisher) $10., Blender $16. Coieman stove & lantern $30. Floorpotisher $20. Kitchen table jwith leaf, arborite 36 x 58 $15. Owner mfoving cati 668-1473., March 22/78 SPANISH 'OAK Dinfing Room Suite, 90" table, six chairs, one captains buffet '& hutch. Ex. cond. $1 ,050.00O-668-3741. March 8/78 officE use htdysed $7.raoneo LARGce ue Aduek$7forShoeo type hair-dryer ex. cond. $40. 668-9746. March 8/78 Antique armchair and matching rocker over 100 yrs. old asking $850. for the pair. 655-3523., Large & Smalt sized SjPANISH plctures - $75. & $25. Spanish ceffee table & 2 end table (soiid vvood> $375,110 cati 666-1372. March 8/78 TOP Qluality Teak Dining Room Ste., Dining table, 4 high back chairs, buffet aenci hutch, owner must seit due to rQdgcQr.atinq $1,000 or best offer. Belle Vista by Collin coffee table & end table $75. . or basf offer. Cati 683-7609. KITCHEN SET like new. Cosi $350 wil seit for $150. 668-8919. March 8/78 PES &sP LIES Aquarium, 15 gel1. with stand iîghts and f ilter $45. Cati 668-4495. March 22/78 Irish Setter, Maie, Reg., Tatooedý and shots $150. cali after p'.rn. 683-1410. 1 pair ef mated Budges. Larger sire, blue & yellow with or with- out two young ones price $45. for ail four or $30. fer the parents. cail668-2461. Mrh17 Hampster cage $. cai 728-8259 1 Reg. Paint Filty. Ï9 mths. old $190o. quiet. oel - 655-4541. HORSE MANLJRE availabie, FREE, pick up et Anderson St. in Brooklin 655-4190. ATTENTION HUNTERS:' Bargain Bird Dogs, English Setter Pups, 1G0 wks.*otd. Top Blood lineoef North Americe. Ready for hunting pheasant & partridge this fail. BeautifuJI rarkings,off white and oragen, mild tamnper- ment, perfect for chiidren. Regis- tration papers inctuded. $185 each. Satisfaction guaranteed. "OQUALI-TY DOESN'T COST - iT PAYS"~. for details phone 668- :250I or 668-2671. Match 15178 75 FIAT Xl-9 SPORTSCAR Red with tan interior. AMIFM, 5 Michelin Radiais. Mid engine Remnovbe vinyl hardtop, immafculate condition. only 14,000 miles $3600. caîl 728-1727. 1974 GREMLIN X 3 spd., st.,nberd. FM Stereoe 8 treclc &ino emit. F$rnml.owner. 66 CHEV 1 TON pick-up 6 cyl., 4 spd., in very good condition. best of fer 868-1833. 68 PLYMOUTH FURY 111 Conv. P/S, P/B, cruise controt, 68,000 original miles, certified at $600. 668-1833.- 1976 FORD' Y Ton pick-up truck asking $4,100.,cai 655- 494after 6 p.m. TOOLS, Brand new, neyer used, ail name brand, Westwerd Gray tTC etc. on Snap On:, prof essionel guaranteed by manufacturer, clearing eut at less, than haif price. Hydrauiic flber jacks, bottie jacks, car stands, vices, socket and wrench sets$ (metric and standard), tap & die set, pipe wrenches, impact tools, drill presses and'many other hand toots for plumn'bers, carpenters and handymnen. Cali 683-1753. HADASSAH JEANS & UPHOLSTERY SALE. Brand name jeans, ail sizes, materialI by the yard. Very reasonable prices. Large seleetion :'of nearly new clothing. Tues. Mar. 28th 9 a.m. - 9 p.mn. 144 King St. E,. Oshawa. Little girls sizes 1-5. A large supply of new- arrivais. Ail fresh & perky fer spring. Dur low, low prices start at 506 for Sh orts & tops, $1,50 f or dresses. THE NEARLY 'NEW SHOP 137 Brock St. S. 668-4100 SHOP DAI LY 9:30 .'5:30 Chiid cere evailbe in My home. Any age chitd wetco me. Fenced 'backyard., Close te Park. Plmerston St. Schooi Area. Cati 668-5932 efter 6p.m. Day Care' in my Home; Children any ege, cati anytime, Mrs. Goodrick 668-8659. Responsible couple need te rent ferm or house with shed for hersa. Capable of doing repeirs & home imprevments Work !in Ajax, ne children. Mornings or evenings' 1-705- 357-3906. ÀUlONS, PEG'S F LEA MARKEI Every Friday evening and Sit. & Sun., Venders and Consign- ment goods welcome. Country Jamboree SundaV efternoofls, Semething for everyone, geod furniture,toys and Home made baked goods. Hwy. 7 just west of Brock Rd. & Pickering 'Township. Cati 683-1057. AUCTION SALE on Good Friday, March 24th. 12:00 noon te be heid in Brougham Hall on Brock Rd. & No. 7 Ftighway. Sale of furniture, antiques, dlocks, dishes, in- cluding 9 piece watnut dining room suite. lieirtzmafl piano, 3 piece sttee, wicker rocker, walrcrobe, round oak table, set of 6 pressback chairs, schoot bell, drop beaf table, blanket box, Curie cabinet, wooden telephone, 3 wash stands. Chest of dravwrs, lce cteam sets, 4 rocking chairs. brass toN hamres, 2 copper boitais. hatlrack, decoy's, milk cans, dlocks (two gingswbread. steeple, vwaill'à cottage cloclc5). Piane stoel, sieord, pub mirrors, brass & nepper, bovwiunvilipr rocker. oi lamnç4. planter. urrow beck armechair, leatheretw lest, tvwo bosser seaber, eld tOOlS, corner whst-not, plus qusntity M e&Lai S6mm. Tutnt 4C.h. Furniture , Antique$ & Toiols Sat. *March 25 at 1:00 p.m. Large auction sale of the late Mrs. L. Sarientson of Port Perry Sale to be hetd 2 mites south of Port Perry in the village of Prince Albert at the Cemmunity Hall. 1-985-2459. - Auction Service bx Murray Jackson. Furniture antiques & coltect- able items. Tues.Merch 2Bth< 6:30 p.m.. Clarernent Cern munity Hall. Dining Roorni table with 6 chrs. Pressback chairs, rockers, piano stool, copper boilier, kettile, broad a xe ex yoak, toilet set, stamps, ceins, oid records, post cards, advertising items, Brunswick Hockey gemne. 12 gauge shot gun, china cabinet & desk. Depression & Mercury -glass, oil lamps, old tools, epprex. 30Q0 items for sale. Terms Cash NVoReserve. Auctioneer Eerl Gaustin. ELPNATEO Cteaning wanted for one,,day a week in theBrooklin Area Please cati 655-4826 efter 5.30 P. M, FORREt : FOR SUBLET, May 1lst, 2 bedroom, in luxury aduit bu ilding, Sauna, whirlý pool, squash & tennis courts. Six months on tease. Att utitities, lincluded. cati 666-l314betWeen 56 - 9:«30 p. m. E:IES GARDENINO WORK Lawns, f lower beds, fertiiizing and rotiing. Basement cleen-ups aIse done. Cati enytime Peter Robertson 668-7474. ri. ROCCA CERAMIC TI-LE AND MOSAIC FLOOR OR WALL ALL TYPE 0F WORK 20 YRS. 0OF EXPERIEËNCE 655-4531 HIGNESI qlpPRUCES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, docks, jewery, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil paintingu and Friendly Flea Market 725-9783' 23 King West, Oshawa CARPEINTRY HOME REPAIRS Cali 668-4686 HOME REPAIRS Chimney's rebuilt & repaired, Cenent work, Tuck Peinting, Aaofing & Paiming. 666-1481 if you are looking for top quality windows & doors, but don't wvant te pay top puces. Then. look at the rest & came get the best. 3 wks. detivery, installation guaranteed. Aluminumn soffit, fascia & eavestrough is eut other specsalty. cati Tom Walsho SuperiowAtuminumf. 985-3912. Swvimming PQols to Rent- Wilt ease and instali for horne- ewners. family size aluminum swmnming pools with patio. Choioe of styles, meeting.al1l fencing roglations on a ana, twe, or thee vyw rentaI basis wth option to OWn- Try WH1TBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22,1978, PAGE 13 Swimrming Pools - Leading svvîmming pool manufacturer must dispose of brand new 1978 modes. lFuiy warranted, M UT S L comptete with pumnp, motor, SSL ilter, fencing, watkaround arndMU deck. Suggested relail price $2350. Avaitable at pre-season speciat of $1322. Cai now for- T rV earty installation. Long term 1I N STO CK financing avaitabte. Cati Toit Free anytime 1-800-268-1944.- O O L A A I N t WLLÈ BUI LO or renovate te Vour specifications, additions, garages, famity- romrs,. car ports, tÇ. jo 6 8 plus freight'&,P.D.l. P. O. Box 193 Pickering, Ontario TAX RETURIS Let me 'prepare y our InCome Tax Return. Accurate and reliable service. S. CLAYTON MORTGAGEE SALE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS (WHITBY) Pursuant to a Power of Sale' under Mortgage, there isoffered for sale a sinigle parcel of tend conteining two buildings which have been ùsed to carry on seperatety a restaurant and fur- niture business. The land is located in the Town of Whtby and is composed of parts of lots, 13, 14 end 15 in the Third Double Range west of Brock Street eccording te' Werden's Plan, now part of Plan 75, Town of Whitby, Regional Municipality of Durý ham, more p*tiularly describ- ed iri' Instrument\No. -Dl1992 in -theý, Registry Office -of the Rçgistry Division of Durham, at Whitby. The restaurant building, >recentty renoveted, fronts oni 301 Byron Street South, and the f urniture 'building on 111 Dunlop Street West. Sale aise includles certain chattets. Person desiring, to. inspect the property mev do so by contacting the undersigned Solicitors. Purchasers shoutd submit Offers to Purchese to the undersigned Solcitors. Of- fers te Purchese must reach the undersigned Soticitors by the close of business day of Tuesday the 2nd-day of May, 1978, and must be -accompanied, by a certif ied chaque for $1 0,000-00 payable te the underslgned Soticitors, in trust. Such Offers must be open for Acceptance by the Vendor herein te and including Friday, -Mey 5, 1978. Closing te be flot tater than May 31, 1978. The Mortgegee reserves the right to refuse ait offers sub- mitted. KOSOY, TON ELLO, - FRANKLIN Baýristers & Soliciters 136 Yorkviite Avenue 3rd Floor Toronto, Ontario M5R 1C2 Telephone - 922-4444 Area-Code 416 ONTARIO I GO M N NOIC NOTICE TO DEMOLITION CONTRACTORS Thle Ministry of Transporta- tion and Communications periodically oeils tenders for demolition pf buildings. 'If yua re a quliied demnoli-1 colt U Tô PICKERING ANTENNA < <SERVICE Servi.cing Durham Region. Specializing Iln T.V. end C.S. Antenne Ê'Rotors end Towers nstallod JOHN 683-5976 PIC KERIN G Free Estimates NOW 1$ THE To Order Your WINTER FUEL DAVE 623-9469, BD WMAN VI LLE Mony o. DX Pr.m m usty P..668m3381 DX FUEL 011 corwwous $eo WLuITBY 'Take the uncertainty out of Preparing Yeuur INCOME TAX RETURN TELEPHONE 668-6610 Returris prepared by Brock Bookkeepirig Service For pronwt PN A ý% &.1ý- ý . &%-W-

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