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Whitby Free Press, 22 Mar 1978, p. 15

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WHIBYFRE R E1 A Y, MARCH 22,1978, PAGE 15 HOCKEY COACHING CLINIC The Brooklin-Whiitby Minor Hockey Association is offeririg a Level One Hiockey Coaching Clinic April 9, from,.1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Whitney Hall at Iroquois Park. Any coaches, managers or prospective coaches, should phone Lynn MvcCullough at' 668-6445 for registration in- formation. The fée for the clinic is $3. HOCKEY MEETING The Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hockey Association Annual, Meeting will -be held May 7 at 2 p.ni. at Whitney Hall, Iro- quois P ark. Any changes and arnendrnents to the constitu- tion must be submîitted in ~writing to Dick Sýindrelli, 116 Bell Drive,ý Whtby, 30 days prior to tfie meeting. RUG HOOKING A demonstration and dis- play of rug hooking by Whitby residents Gordonna Bush and' Ruth Holdsworth wilI be held at the Calico Cat, l 1 8 Brock Street North, April I and 8 from 10 a.mi. to 5 p.ni. THEATRE PRODUCTION The Whitby Theatre Coin- pany wilI present a conmedy by Neil Simon, entitled "God's Favorite" at the Whitby Centennial Building April 13 to 15 at 8 p.mn. A free show for senior citizens will be held April 12-at 7:30p.m. Tickets for the regular performances are avilable at Middleton's Book Store, Dunidas Street' West.' ART AUCTION Piyah-Chapter of Hadassalt- Wizo is sponsoring an Àrt Auction or original Canadian works to be held on Sunday, April 16, in the Piccadilly Room of the Genosha Hotel, 70>Ki ng Street East , Oshawa. Many local and ýregio nal artists are participating. Some of them are: Maureen Remington of Orono, whose media is watercolours; silk- screen by John Lander of Toronto; Claudette Boulanger of Brighton who works with crayon; Arie Dubi of Toronto wh^ýose' media is acrylics; oil paintings by. Jessie Slemon of Enniskilin; Lamine Sage and Janet McGhee, both of Oshawa, who wvork with water- colours;. etchings and mono prints by Joan-Marie Deý,an of Oshawa; drawings and etch- ings by Ron Eccles of Bow- manville; Linda Tanaka who is a weaver; Richard Tanaka who is a potter and sculptor; Wiîma Foley of Peterborough whose media are watercolours and India Ink on lice paper. There wîll be a free preview PRESCIIOOL CENTRE Marilyn Adams, Priniary Junior Consultant for the Dur- ham Board of Education, wil speak on Language Develop- ment ini the Preschool Years, Centre's evening program Mfarch 30 at 8 p.m. at the Consumers Gas Building. 101 Consuiners Drive. Adission is SI and everyone is welcome. KIITY WELIS SHOW Kitty Wells, "The Qucen of Country Music" and a member of the Couintry Music Hiall of Fane. will be appearing at Iroquois Park Arena Màîy 18 for Iwo shows, ai 7:30 p.in. Wright, Bobby Wrighit and the Tenessee Mountain Boys. Ticket outiets for this special country music shiow will be' ainouncedsoon. BLUEG(RASS CONCERT The number one B luegrass banid in the United States, The Country Genjlemen, wilI per- formn at Heydenshore Pavilion April 7 at 8 p.m. The concert is organized by the Pineridge Bluegrass Association. Tickets are available at the door or at - i-A a- ---.Alf- vations. SENIORS' TAX ASSISTANCE Cornmunity Care. offers free income tax assistance for Senior Citizens and handicap- ped. Volunteers will corne to youi in your home. Adivce is avaiJlbe from now until tax-a- tion deadline.- Please. phone teConrnunîty Care office (J101 Mary St.W.)at 668-6223, Moniday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 1 2mnon., VYlIsUJI.anlu Le anIlto' SPRING DANCE Music in Oshawa or Music Th Otis.Clbo Media in Bay Ridges.. Wheby wii bist C tbofa spring dance on Saturday, ETCHING WORKSHOP ~ April 8, at Fantasy'Iand Park,- Artist David Blackwood, asl- 9tartii1g at 8 'p.m. *The club, sisted by Nick Novak, b wil .ilI be'serving a bot buffet,, conduct a workshop in basic an- rzswl eaadd etching techniques in, the an rzswl eaadd Wîitby Arts boxcar print siiop Ail proceed s wiIl go 'tQ the April 1 and 2 froni 9:30 a.m. Optimist youith work programis-. to 4:30 plni. Registration is For further information phione lîlimited, so caîl the.Station at 668-9722. 668-4185 s pnrlv as nossible. WEST LYNDE MEETING A general mleeting of thie West, Lynde Commniiîty As- sociation will be lield Mardi 30 at' 8 p.mi. at West Lynde Public Schiool to discuss plails for ràîsing funids forý more recretiîonal equipmnent. for Central Park, possibly with the assistance of aý Wintario grant. The West Lyiîde Com- munity Assocition is inter- ested.-in obt--ining siîîall ap- paratus for tiny tots,park benches, volleyball nets and a comlplete -recreational settup for thie park. WEST LYNDE SCHOQL, ELE2ilON- The West Lynde, Public School Advisory Board wishes to Inform al interested. per- sons'that the aninual election of the boa rd will ?e held at the school April Il1 at 7:30 p.M. . Any persons who would be. willing to serve on the Advisory Board and are in- terested in standing for elec- tion are asked to- contact- Ed Dawson at 668-98-56 before the date of the meeting. Duties would comnmence as of Aprl 15 and extend for a two-year terni. In the past, there have been approximately eight meetings per year. HISTORICAL TRIP Members of the Whitby Historical Society who wish'to go on a bus trip to Niagara-on- the-Lake on June 3 are asked to çaIl Earle Bond at 668-4318 before April 15 to niake reser- FOLK MUSIC CONCERT The Whitbyï Public Library presents Tlîe Maple Sugar Troupe, featuring Dorothy Hogan anîd othiers ini a concert of Canadian -folk and country mîusic March 30 at 8,p.nî. ini the library auditoriumn.-11 This prograni is spoîîsored by the Whitby Public .Library and tlîe'Central Ontario Re- gioiial Library Systeni witlî grants froni the Minist ry of Culture anîd Recreation and the Ontario Arts Cucl Admîission is frce. HUMANE SOCIETY MEETIN G , The' annual meeting of the Durham Region branch of the Ontario Humnane Society will be held March 28 at 7:30 p.mi. at the, Whitby Public Library. The agenda will include the election Of dîrectors and re- ceiving of reports on the work of the. branchi during 1977. LADIES' SPORTS NIGHT Registration' for the West Lynde Corniunity Associa- tion's I 0-week Ladies' Sports Night programn wiIl be at 8: 15 March 29 at West Lynde Public School. The, programn consists of exercising, volîcybaîl, dodge- bail, baminton, handball and ringette. Anyone interested in volîeybalî for Juniors aged il to 16 niay call Mrs. Vicki Malanka at 668-9403. IRISH DANCE An Irish dance with a St. Patrick's Day themne will be held March 25 at 7:30 p.m. at YOU CAN *NOW BOOK VOUR CHARTERS LONDON TO DUBLIN AMSTIIDA4M FRANKFURT MANCHESTER ZAGRED PRESTrWUCK DUBROVNIK Passport Pictures Complimentary wi*th Booking the Whitby Senior Citizens' Tickets are $10 Centre at Brock and Pitt available by callii Streets. LIBRARY FILMS The WVhitby Public Librar'y will present the following films March 28th at 7 parn. in the ýibrary's Program Roomi. Forest 'Watchers. 'Man's- understanding, of. the fo1rest Jbas largely' been determnined by how, muchi he can see it'. Footnote to Genesis. ýRe laites the life Ralph and Ethel Edwards in the B. C. Interior a nd .how, they saved the. trumpeter swan from extinc-, tion.' Admiission is free. ~SPRING DANCE The Whitby Ambulance Association will be holding- a spring dance Aptil 8 at the- Masonie Hall on Cochrane, PROGR Stan, Shapiro. sellor and cons, Adler Institute 4tchildren The Ideas in Discip next meeting., Preschool ,Centi at 8. p.nî. in th Roomnat the C Building,l0l Co Admission is $1 welcomne. FOOD SEI The secondj seminars on'foc developuient wi Ail, Saints' AnE March 30 at 8 p.i Three f ilmis w "Who 'Pays th &4Guess-WIîo's Street, starting at 8:30 p.nl. Breakfast?" and CORPORATION 0F Tl- TQWN 0F W-HIT' GARBAGE COLLECTION GOOD FRIDAY & EASTER MON Garbage' which wo uld ' normally be picked up March '4tlh will be picked upoin Thursday, Garbage which would normially be picked up March 27th will be picked up onl Tuesday,1 1978. R.A. KuWahiara Director of Pub a couple, and Tlireatened Resource." The ig 668-3146. filmns wiIl be followed by a discussion. ýESCHOOL Eighity people from the ZAM1 Durharn Region attended the )family COUfl first Food and' World Develop- ultaiit at the ment SemniÜar, at the church- willspeak onl in February, and asked for a e Challenge--'second seminar to learn more. pline", -at the Literature is available for ,f the, Parent' pre-seminar reading by con- re, April 27 tacting Mrs.Cheryl Crouch at he Blue Plamne 666-1986. 7onsumers Gas )nsumers Drive." Unemployment 1. Everyone isme tn Api i 'MINAR Unemploymnent in Durham ofRegion will be the.theme of in a series o the next general meeting of od- and world the NDP Area Council. I11 be held at The meeting .will be held lican Church Apriîl I st atý the Bowmanville .111.Publié Library at 2 p.rn. vill be shown: Panelists who will speak on he Profits?", th~e theme of unemploymerit Comiîng to wiIl be Joe Drumm, Whitby d "Land--the councillor; Bruce McArthur, Oshawa councillor: " David Naish, of the Cobourg Labour HE Council;- Vi Campbell of the Lindsay Labour Council; anid 'BY Fred McLaughlin federal, NDP candidate i Durham Northumberland. Because. unemployinent is being perceived as a problemn of major concern, there is a strong desire to discuss and explore the subject among NDPmebers -and the general, public. Mr. McLaughlin will out- line NDP policy regarding the NDAY unemploymient problem. >1Other panel members wiIl talk ýp o FrJay, about unemployment in their' March 23rd, specific areas and any solutions they niay have. General disi- cussion will follow- the panel on Monday, speakers. March28thThe, NDP Area Council March28thIserves an area covered by the provincial ridings of Oshawa, Durham East, Durham West, a,P. Eng., Durham York and Victoria blic Works. Haliburton including afflilated -J union loclals within the area. NEW FARES EFFECTIVE SATURDAY, APRIL i PICK UP NEW FARE CHART FROM VOUR LOCAL 6O TRANSIT STATION OR LOCAL TICKET AGENT Whitby Community Bing Joyce*$, lKlunla 2 $500 JACKPOTS EVERjiY- MONDAY NIGHT Monday, March 27.1978 Lic. No. 253 FIBST JACKPOT AT 57 NUMBERS SECOND JACKPOT AT 52 NUMBERS 7:15 p.m. No ehildren under 16 admitted NO ADMISSION CHARGE! BEY E-NSHORE .PAVIONI WHIIT-BY FREE PR] luvEE Drm Water

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