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Whitby Free Press, 22 Mar 1978, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1978, WFITBY FREE PRESS whitby Voice of, the Cou nty Town Michael fi The only Whitby înewspaper independently owned and open SIRVING OVIR 28,000 READERS an Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor rated b>' Whîtby resîdents for WhitDy residents. Coninunity Ecitor Published every Wednesday Çontributing Edlitor Production Manager . Prinv& Promotiona' by M.B.M. Publishingi Manager h. and Photography !neC.,Classif ied Ad Manager Phone 668-6111 circulation Manager The Free Press Building, 121 Brock Street Nordh,, P.O. Box 206, Wtitby, Ont. - Brion Wlnter -Jim Quail -Merie Burgess, -Robin Lyon -S. van Deelent -Sharon Lyorn Mailing Permit No. 40 Merfiber of the: Better Business Bureau of Toronito Whitby Charnber ofComre _ Than ks from Heart Fund Dear Mr. Burgeýss: "Heart Month" in Canada is now over and on behaif of the Canadian Heart Fund, Ontario Div- ision, pleasè accept *our heartfelt thanks for your support during our finan- cial campaign. Our objective this year was $5 million and al- though ail returns are not in, we are quite hopeful that our objective will be attained.* Without your willing, co-operation in corn- municating pur needs to, the public, the Canadian, Heart Fund would not be able to express such an outlook. April 1978 has been declared "World High Blood Pressure Month" by the World Health Organ- ization, in co-operation with the International Society and Federation of Cardiology., The theme for this international pro- ject is "Down Withi High Blood Pressure". At the end of .March, we will -suppy you with an edu- cational media kit on highi blood pressure and we hope you will make extensive use of the mnaterial. Thanlk you again, for your past support-as ai- ways it is truiy appreciat- ed. Wîth best wishes. Yours very truiy, CANADIAN HEART FOUNDATION ONTARIO DIVISION EstherM. 'Richards Director of Publlc Relations. Flea -market wassý« Dear Sir: Our Grade Eighit CIai, and committee, woul like to express our since appreciation,. for your c( operation' in the printir of our "Grade Eigl Rumniage and Flea Mai Some neih Dear Sir, On the evening c Tuesday, March 9th, mn family and I were pe, plexed to see a Durhai Po)lice Officer approachir our door. Was there ba news approaching? Mayt someone we knew w2 hurt; maybe it was a mi! take. But No! The polic officer, with a smile 0 his face, and a very polit manner, asked me if owned a Pinto automobi perked d irectly in frontc my house. With, I'm sur, -a look of bewildermen I replied, "Yes, Why? Weil, Lo and beholi my obtrusîvc Pinto ha caused some severe ai gravatioti to an overlycei ccmned neý.1,hbour, andz a result, -the ne1ýhbom uccess Asep ,ss ket Sale," at KathleenP Id Rowe. it was proved- to re be a' very, good success. 0- Thanks again! itThe Grade Eight Class of r-Kathleen Rowe. Whitby Harbor' is like a sleeping giant that is Sabout to wake up after languishing for 90 ye.ars. Earth movers have nearly conmpleted the remioval g o o d of topsoil frorn the western edge of the harbor, for the placement of dredged mnaterial, the contract for Lb dredging the harbor hias been awarded to Whitby's b ors ~own McNamiara, Marine, and the dredging is due to begin the tiîst week of June. According to the town's director of Develop- I ment, Forbes McEwen, the harbor is potentially the t U p id most important piece of real estate in Whitby. pointlis ausemet was Ever since, it wasdesigna ted as a recreationaî har- s abuemen was bor il years ago, the town i as been quietly as- f pegorob ldivh*inshea sembling land; most of which formerly belonged to y nighourslihtl inane the federal and provincial governinents, until now ýr (a very short trip). This i i.i. psii n iplernent plans for the n breach of the by-law developmnent of the barbor into a large marina, park ig struck a vein of justice in and recreation complex. d the good neighbour, and The federal and provincial governments are be as duty dictated, the sharîng the cost of the work with the town and co- as force was called 'to ad- operating on every level, to produce a faciity which s- minister the 'lets' get the will be of lasting value te future generations. e neighbour' syndrome. Credit should go to the present ai-d past councils )nl I assured the slightly and staff for taking on this long and complex pro- 1e amused offertheaThI ject and bringing it to the point where a physical i wooud overthecarel start has been mnade on harbor development. Credit. le gode ofce had aonsrcady shoukl also go te MI> Norm Cafik who arranged the was ineduce th at orn federal contributions te, the dredging, which is the houwse inoress attheonr ffrst step in a SI million construction program tbuse,I which the n whkch i s initially set out for the next three vears. d, id g9- as driveway, plus the car had broken down the previous day. Unfortunately, I forgot Io tell the officer wife e car that d bad t baclc Iay,. the sarne spot foi days. This, of «o net trime. I presume, righteous neighbm r 3 whole people who having nothini Durse, was better to do than mind t - other peoples' business teself- and let their kids run free >ours have over other properties and -eling of inte garages, have need to Vsa slightiy comrplaîn about my car, I [ife agai Whi'itby jlai bor ceased tu be a vital part of Whitby's economny in the 1 890s when the grain, trade was ended by American tariffs. Since then it, has îlot lived Up to its potential as a functîoning- asset to the Town of Whitby. 1It is stili one of the finest natural harbors on the north shore of Lake Ontario, and with the dredging that starts this summer, it will be able to accom- modate every class of pleasure craft on the lake. Within five to 10 years Whitby will likely. beconie onîe of the major boating centres on the lake, and the harbor will contribute. considerably to the economic well-being of Whitby. The proposed marina is likely to attract hotels, boa ting supply ýcompanies, ani numerous alther commercial enterprises related to marine activities. *The, public park planned for the western edge of the harbor wil become a major summer gathering place for Whitby area citizens, and the harbor de- velopment will enhance the operation of Iroquois Park, Whitby Arts Imc. and other recreational.facili- ties already established in the lakefront area.' The town intends to clusely control the develop- ment of the harbor and the leasing of facilities at the proposed marina, so that the public interest will' be served best by the development that grows there. Whitby harbor was once the major economic fac- tor in the town's development. After nearly a oentury it is about to experience a rebfrth, and lie- cor-ne a useful functioning part of the town again. Dat ail, in a subdivision 1thick with cars and trucks parked continuously past the 3-hour lirnit day and 1night. 1 can only presume that the good neighbours really don't know how bell of a way te spend the tax dollar. Yours truly, P. J. E

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