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Whitby Free Press, 22 Mar 1978, p. 5

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WHIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MA RCH 2 2, 1978, PAGE 5 Even though we're a small town newspaper we like to think like a big city paper which is why that big Toronto paper is always cepying us-., Dld I hear a scoff?? WeIl if you doubt, let me cite a recent example. 1If yon've noticed my absence recentlyit was because of a foray I made to tUe tropics. Obviously that big city paper noticed what we were doing and decided to send their own Gary Lautens on a weekend jaunt te Paris. Big deal. Our editor, in a'spate cf extravagance and piqued by scientific curiosity decided, after reading some of my previons colunins, te send me on an exploratory mission te a very smail island in the very centre of the Bermuda Triangle. , Some amail- minded individuais around this paper pointed out that the dispatchilng of me to the Bermuda Triangle immediately fol- lowed my request for a raise, but I put it down. to mere ceincidence. I suspect, our editor, after'having made a fairly recent trip te Naussau, decided to forget about our ever- tightenlng budget and dispatch Uls beat scientific reporter to the Triangle to dispel somne of the mytha. The first leg of my trip was to get to Fort Lauderdale because that's where the plane departed from to take me out te the Triangle. That's also the same airport where a group of air force fliera left from in a, rescue plane to look for another plane that was suspected of having gone down many years ago.' None of the fliers of both planes were ever found again. No expense was spared getting me te Fort Lauderdale and 1 went first class -in the back of a Chev station wagon owned by Steve Peter, a scuba diver from Oshawa and the Vice President of the GEM Divers of Oshaiwa. Ini ail, the trip down was fairly uneventful except for part of Kentucky and Te nnessee where we hit slush and wet snow and 1 found out first hand that drivers from both those states - especially truck drivera don't have a dlue about driving in snow. For over 30 miles we had "wall to wali" 18 wheeiers in various positiona fro ' w"being upside down ini the median to dangling halfway over some sînaîl mountain cliffs. According tc% the a'CB" chatter they hadn't haid snow down that way for years and didn't rnuch appreciate it when it did show up. Anyway, the snow disappeared, to be replaced by orange groves and in no timne we were wheeling into the driveway of a couple of former long-time Whitby residents, now living in ýFort Lauderdale, Joe and Margaret, Taras. We spent a couple of days catchingutp on what'a beeni happening in our respective communities and then it was off to the airpert to catch the plane out to the Triangle. 1 had ne idea what plan 1 weuld be taking this year be- cause the company 1 flew with last year lest their licence. It seema they goit caught glueing their planes together with household glije and moat of the plane enginea leaked either oil or fuel. - Showrs yen howrnuch 1 know. Lest year when 1 asked the pilot, Uc expiatned te nme that they purposely spray ilI on the wings te cut doWn the air friction when they are in the air and thus help to save fuel. 1 believed him but then 1 believed the -story about Chris Columibus originally Uaving four shtipa but one disappeared when it got bast and sailed off the edge of the world. Standing at tUe airport, far away from the main terminal at a hangar near oine end of the runway, 1 gazed around and' asked a man wearing a uniform which plane was the one 1 wouid be going in. I hesitated to say "departing" because it sounded so final. He waved his 'ami casualiy ini one direction and 1I koked ove? and so saw what appeared to be the rusting hulks of soeW.W.Il 1D.C. Ys. Some were missing windows, on hacI sections of wings gone' and some had ne engines. I suddentiy got a kiiet in the pit of my stomach thinking the missing parts may have been used te make one complete plane, no- doubt tUe one they were fueling up for me. 1 lieaded for a telephone. Do you know it's almost impossible, at the last 'Minute, to iuy in Fort Liuderdale, elther a para- chtiue or, adeep sea 1l1ife jacket. 0f course I .don't have te, mention that 1 aise côuldn't find a coin-operated flight in- surance machine, TUe only parachute 1 saw was being carried by ýa guy with a uniformn and when 1 tried te buy it froni hlm he refused. -1 met hlm again later, as he was on his way past my seat to tUe cockpit of my plane. Join me again next week and 1III tell you how we aîmost carved a new runway ont of the jungle on a amall tropical island in the Bermuda Triangle. Spring hasn't as yet decided if it wants to corne or not. The best indication that it will arrive are that the crocuses are in bloomi and the bicycles and skateboards have corne out of'their winter resting places. 11 th Oshawa Cubs It is spring break for the Cubs foi the next two weeks. Cuba wlll resumne on April 5. Enjoy.your break leaders; you deserve it! As the parent of a cub 1 appreciate al yo u do for our boys. Farewell Estates As you may have noticed, construction has begun on this subdivision. You may aise have .noticed that tUe workers' vehicles and tUe truicks are using Kendalwood RoadT as their access road. Perhaps the developer bas forgotteri that the local res idents were assured this#wouid net happen. Soon Kendalwood will be in the samne condition as Powell Road, Net afl the potholes'can be biamned on the frost,. Good Rriday Worship There will be a service at St. Mark's-with the Revs. Smith, Wragg and McIlwain conductirng the service. St. Mark's choir has'beeni woîting hard te, previde the music for this speciai day. Westminster, United The Confirmation classes zire having a spring break aise.- Classes "iI recommence on Sunday April 2. This Sunday is Easter Sunday. At Westminster there wil lie a sunrise service at 7;30 -a.rn. foiiowed by a breakfast. There wili be regular Eater Worship at Il a.m. North- mninster I7nited-in Oshawa la having another special event te Whitby is one ofMost affluent markets Whitby la one cf Canada's moat prosperons markets ac- cording t6 1976 figures in Sales and Marketing Maga- ine's Survey cf Buying Power, says William Bond, retail mer- chandizing director cf tUe Toronto Star. Speaking at tUe March meeting cf tUe Whitby Chamber cf Commerce Mr. Bond said tUe average Witby Uousehold spends $13,320 per year on retail sales. "b*Uis l 41 per cent better than Toronto, 57 per cent better than Oshawa, 80 per cent better than Ajax and 364 per cent better than Pickering, said Mr. Bond. WItU a population o f 28,500, Whitby produces 52 per cent greater retail sales than its population, lie said. Despite this high record cf retaii.,buying by Whitby residents, tUe downtown qrea of Whitby dors flot share in tUe prosperity cf these sales, sald Mr, Bond. ."Net tee many years ago. tUe downtown was the only shopping centre of Whitby," Uc, .said, "but Uow dees it1 compare now te other shop-"' ping centres?" Mr. Bond suggested that research cou.ld be a valuabie aliy te tUe downtown mer- chants te determine what at- WH"IT8Y LIONS CLUB "'SPRING BALL"ý fIroquois Park Arena, WHITBY SmuyMay 13, 1978 8:30 - 1 o.m. EDDIE GRAF'S 12 peçe bond 600R -1978 Chevette automatic PIllZES: -Mifnk stole $00TICKETS ONLY TO SE SOLO $20 per couple A*ike upua ,mriv & luve a blii! Tickets avallable from any Lions member or at Rin flailMo*treaiLWhlthv tracts people te a shopping area and why people do net like downtown Whitby. Care. full research couid point eut the weakniesses cf other shop- ping centres, he said, and dis- caver what kind cf shopping area tUe downtown shuuld be in tUe minda cf Whitby shop- pers. "Afterý the research comnes a strategy," said Mr. Bond, suggesting that demnolition, renovation, large parking arbas 'on a- street mail could be answers. He peinted out that advertising promotions oniy, act as "ba-ndaids." "A downtonw is a shop- ping centre," said Mr. Bond, "and many ciies and towns have maintaiîned a vital level of -business in their down- 'towns by heing competitive." He cited Yorkville- as a compietely rejuvenated shop- ping area in Toronto which attracta thousands cf shop- pers. Ten years ago it was a "hippie haven," lie said. Rejuninatien cf a down- tewn area requires leadership, determination and ambition, ,said Mr. Bend. Wlhitby is one cf Canada'Is mnoat affluent markets related te inceme, and the downtewn sliould be able to share in this prosperity, he said. CHINESE* FOOD TAVERN, GOLDEN GATE RESTAURANT AND TAYERN- CRIME & CANADIAN F000 105 -101 BROCK ST, S. WItITBY <hast soath of 4 Corners) FuIIy Lioenoed Iioder The L.L..0. OPEN Mon. - Thurs. Fri. - Set.. - , OOM GAT URAN - ~ DINE IN TAK E OIT GATEWAY TO CATERING FINE CUISINE WEDDING fur HOME OELIVERY in AN Z- WHITBYAJAX. BANPURTS BROOKLIN & OSHIAWA CALL FOR TAKE OUT SERVICE celebrate their 5OtU anniversary. On April 19 the Director of the Canadian Institute of Religion and Gerontology, Sister St. Michael Guinan, la speaking on "A Challenge- te tUe Communîty - Aging". That la ail for this week and if you have anythlîig you wish te have put in the colunrin just give me acall and I wiii be glad te oblige. Marion Buchanan 579-0878 3 years for drug charge Brian -C. J. Kydd, 26, of lot 24 concession 7, Brookilin, .descrîbed by Crown' Copnsel as one of the leaders in this area's "drug subculture" was sentenced last- week te three years in penitentiary. He was convicted cf 'pos-' session of the larflest amount of m-ethylenedioxyampheta- mine (MDA) ever seized in the regien. The court was told that police had :seized 480 grarns of MDA with a street value cf former Street, f ý$30000 fro-m Kydd's residence on Elgin Oshawa on March 1,' 1976. A previeus search warrent Dec. 8, 1975 neted 13 ounces of LSD hidden in a hallway closet, tUe court was told. Its value was estimated- at about $3,000 Another search Dec. 18, 1976, turned up elght ounces of< mnarijuana,,? with a 'street value of about $200 tUe court was told. Kydd pleaded guilty te charges of possessioncf drugs for the purpose of trafficking involving MDA, LSD and marijuana. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0-F WHITBY. NOTICE 0F INTENTION NOTICE is hereby given that tUe Counicil cf tUe Corpora- ion cf the Town cf Whitby intends te pass a by-law te stop up and close and seli te tUe adjoining owners those portions of-Woodlawn Avçnue and Applewood Crescent as Uereinafter described, namnely:-- (1) Thiat portion cf Woodiawn, Avenue shewn on Registered Plan 709, designated as Parts, 7, 8 and 9 on a Plan of Survey deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division cf Durham (No. 40) as Plan 40-3308. (2) That portion of Appiewood Crescent as shewn on Registered Plan 709, designated as Parts 4, S and 6 on a Plan cf Survey deposîted in the Registry Office for the Regstry Division cf Durham (Ne. 40) as Plan 4-03308. AND FURTUER TAKE NOTICE that the.Operatiens Cominittce cf the Council of the Town cf WUtby willat the hour.oî 7.30 eiim. on tUe 3rd day cf April, 1978,1in Conmittee Rooni No. 2 cf the Municipal Building at 5 75 Rossiarnd Road East, Whît by, Ontario, hear in penson or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who dlaimns his land wiîl be prejndîcilly affected by such by- law and who appiies te be heard. DATED at Whitby, Ontario this 3rd day of March, A.D., 1978. - Wm. lI. Wall-oe, A.M.C.T., C.M.C, Clerk-Adniinistrator, The Corporation cf the Town of Whitby, 575 R"- nd Road East, 1 1 Il

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