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Whitby Free Press, 29 Mar 1978, p. 13

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2 twIn beds $50. ach in good cond. white with gold ttim on headboàrds oeil 668-8595. Feb. 1/78 2MATCHING Ecru head boards - 30" $7. ach. 2 matching mattresses 30" $20. ach, 1 white headboard, 39" $5. 1 box spring (like new) 36" $25. 1 box spring 39" $10. 1 foam mattress 4" deep 36" $15. 1 Hi Fi corner speaker $20. 1 Hi Fi Heathkit Amiplifier $20. Caîl 668-8943 after 4 p.m. FOR SALE: Neyer been usedi Bed Chesterfield $300., kitchen table & chairs $100., 3 living room chairs, $75. ach Cati after 6 p.m. 668-3889. Feb. 22/78 Double bed $60. single bed $10, telephone table $10). highchair $8, coffee table $15. 668-0776. FbI7 SPANISH OAK< Dining Room Suite, 90" table, six chairs, one captains buffet & hutch. Ex. cond. $1 06.6<.00 648-3741. March 8/78 LARGE TEAK desk f or home or off ice use, hardly used $70. Salon type hair-dryer ex. cond. $40. 868-9746. March 8/78 Antique armchair and matching rocker over 100 yrs., old asking $850. for the pair. 655-3523. ESUPPLIES ATTENTION HUNTERS: Bargain Bird Dogs, English Setter Pups, 10 wks. oîd. -top Blood line of North America. Ready for hunting pheasant & partridge this faîl. Beautiful marklngs,off. white and oragen, mild temper- mient, perfect for children. Regis- tration papers included. $185 ach. Satisfaction guarantmed. "QUALITY DOESN'T COST - T PAYS". for details phone 668- 2508 or 668-2671. March 15/78 1 pair of matmd Budgies. Larger size, blue & yelîow with or with- out two young ones price $45. for alIl four or $30. for the parents. craitI668-2461. Î% March 1/78 Aquarium, 15 gaI1. with stand,lights and filter $45. Cati 668-4495. March 22/78 Irish Setter, Male, Reg., Tatoo'e< and shots $150. oeil after 6 p.rn. §j3-1 410. Hampstmr cage $5. oeil 728-8259 1 Reg. Paint Filly. 9 mths. old $190. quiet. cail - 6554541. HORSE MANURE available, FREE, pick up at Anderson St. in Brooklin 655-4190. Give te good home, MaIe, part Husky and Germaen Shephard. White in colour. Cal! 668-0133. A lovely Germai- Shephard dog. 5 yrs. old, imaie, vms-y good watchdog, loves child-hen. MIl give away to a good homne. Also a home for a beautiful fernale cat. Plack & White. bouse trainea. 665-4834. Good homne for pups. Part Shephard. Part- Colie. Phone 579-7466 after 6pm. SPringur Spaniel, maIe, regus- tured. SMhs. oîd, has ail shots. Cali 668-8506. 72 Olds Cutlass 2 di-. htp. Supreme. 350 4 barrell. new paint iob, newv vinyl roof. new tires. Ex. cond. inside and out. $2395. Cal; 668-0082 af ter 6. 66 CHEV 1 TON pick-up 6 cyl., 4 spd., in very good condition. best of fer 668-1833. 68' PLYMOUTH FUJRV Ili Conv. P/S, P/B, cruise control, 68.000 orignal.miles, oertified at $600. 668-1833. 1916 FORD X~ Ton pick-up truck as&.nig $4.100. cati 655- 4944 af ter 6 pý. C:C.SAE TOO LS Brand new, neyer used, aIl name brand, Wstward Gray ITC etc. on Snap On, professional guarantemd by manufacturer, clearing out ati ess than haîf price. Hydraulic f loor jacks, botule jacks, car stands, vices,' -socket and wrench sets (metric an-d standard), tap & die set, pipe wrenches, imâpact tools, drill presses and mnany other hand tools for plumbers, carpenters and handymnen. Cal 683-1753. E ATIONS Child, care availaîIbe in my home. Any age child welcome. Fenced backyard. Close to Park. Palmerston St. School Arma. Cmll 668-5932 after 6p.m. Day Care in rny Home, Children any age, cal anytimfe, Mrs. Goodrick 668-8659. CF:OEIET FOR SUBLET. May lse, 2 bedroomn, in luxury adult building, Sauna, whirtpooi, squash & tennis courts. Six months on lease. Ail utilities, included. caîl 666-l3l4between 5 -9:30 p.m. CTIONS PEG'S F LEA MARKET Every Fr. evening, Sat. & Sun. Self contained roomn plus goods on consignment. Country Jamboree Saturday afternoon. Something for everyone. Good furniture, toys and home baked goods, etc.' Forklifts and tires any size available. Hwy 7 just west of Brock rd. and Pickering Township CAII 683-1057 or 655-41 17. Furniture, Antiques & Tools. Set. Apr. 1 at 11:30 a.m. Auction Sale property of Mr. Bruce LanguIe. Approx. 3 miles west of Manchester to Utica, then south %Y of a mile on left- side of road. This is a large -sale well worth your. atten- dance. 1-985-2459. Auction serviced by Mu rray Jackson. ELANTEU PARTNER required for ex- panding famlily business. Husý- band end wife, work together Prom your own hom. Ani- tiaîly pert-time. No invest- -ment. For, appointmerit, Caol 683-7274. MINISTRY 0F HOUSINO A NAU ()CORtPORATION Requires a fuli-time Resident Building Custodian (Houuly rate $53S5, under review), (CUPE Barggaming Unit Position) fer at 105 unit Senior Citizen Bilding in the Town of Whtby. Daties iziclude tleanîng, minor repairs, maintenance of ex- terirarmas and repurting tenant probleins and irregular- ities to the Manager. Qualiications Iterstedin tie need and wefî*are of Senior Citizens and by physacaily able to performn janitorial duties and mninor i-e- pairs. Interested parties should contact: Mrs. M. Brandon, Propcrty Manager, Ontario llousing Corporation, 218 Dundas St. 1: - Whitby. <ntari4o. or tclephune 668-7757, t(> oh- tain an applitati)n loi- Applict-7ion% %'diuk] be %ub- niiid cu April 3. 197-X. Ti-,cbis o>sntiioim (P<zn 1(b b.,ih menant wiIen. SESE G. RoccA CERAMIC TI LE AND MOSAIC FLOOR OR -WALL AIL TYPE 0F WORK 20 YRS. 0F' EXPERIENCE' 655-4531 LAWN - TREE SPRAYING FERTI LIZI NG O&R SPRAYING SERVICE WHITBY 728-4310 BASEMENT - DRIVEWAY SEA LIN G NIGHEST PuICE Paid for'GoId and Silver coins, old guns, - docks, ~jewery, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil paintinga and sealers. Friendly Flea Market 726-9783 23 King West, Oshawa CARPENTRY HOME REPAliRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO Lic. No.t B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramie Tiling, Drywali,, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks andPai Doors. FREE ESTIMATES Cali 668-468.6 HO ME REPAIRS Chimney's rebuit, & ropaired, Cernent work, Tuck Pointing, Roofinugi&'Painting. 666-1481 If you are looking for top quality windows & doors, but don't want to pay top prices. Then look at the rest & corne gmt the bmst. 3 wks. delivery, installation guaranteed. Aluminum soffit, fascia & avestrough is Our other specialty. Caîl Tom Walsh, Superior Aîumninumn. 985-3912. Swimming Pools - Leading swimming pool rmanufacturer must dispose of brand new 1978 models. Fully warranted, complete with Dump, motor, f lter, fmncing, walkar ound and dmck. Suggested ratait price $2350. Available at pre-season special of $1322. Caîl now for arly installation. Long termn financing available. Caîl Toîl Free anytime 1-800-268-1944. Felig tlred? Take a WaULk %n""' mdi- wa b"Ixv We have been instructed to WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29,1978, PAGE 13 Swimming Pools tu Rent- Wili lease and instail for home- owners, family size aluminum swimming- pools with patio. ,Coeo tyeo etng aint LL THON, Choic e ofstles, meetong a eE two, or thi-me year rentai basis with option to own. Tîry 1500 TOYOTA'S WILL BE before you buyî CaîlTitFree anytimel1-800-268-1944. Ieè É% 1M 8NL1 nlIr% AVJ< 1 WI LL BUI LD or renovate to your specifications, additions, garages, famil1y rooms, car ports,. etc. Surburban Conitractors P. O. Box 193, Pickering, Ontario FOR ALL VOUR PLUMBING NEEDS, SERVICE, RENOVA- TIONS, BASEMENTS 010 OR NEW CAIL KEITH - At 725-1639.,(Lîcenoed)' TAX RETURI5 Let me prepare your 1977 Income Tax Return. Accurate anid rel iable service. S. CLAYTON' MORTGAGEE SALE 0F LAND AND BUILDINGS (WHITBY) Pursuant to a Power of Sale under Mortgage, there isoffered for sale a single parcel of land containing two buildings whîch have been used to carry on smparately a restaurant and f ur- niture business. The land is located in the Town of Whitby and is composed of parts of lots, 13, 14 and 15 in the, Third Double Range west of Brock' Street according to Werden's Plan, now part of Plan 75, Town of Whitby, R egional Municipàlity of Dur- ham, more par ticularly describ- md in Instrument No. D11992 in the Registry Off ioe of the Registry Division of Durham, at Whitby. 1The restaurant 'building, recmntîy renovatmd, fronts on 301 Byron Street South, and the furniture building on 111 Dunlop Street West. Sale also) includes certain chattels.' Person desiring to inspect the property may do so by contacting the undersigned Solicitors. Purchasers should submit, Offers to Purchase t-o the undmrsignmd Solicitors. 0f- fers to Purchase must rmach theý undersigned Solicitors by the close of business day of Tuesday the 2nd day of May, 1978, and must be accompanied by a certif ied cheque for $1 0,000.00 payable to the undersigned Solicitors, in trust. Such Offers must he open for Acceptance tby the Vendor herein to and including Friday, May 5. 1978. Closing to be flot later than, May 31, 1978. The Mortgagmm reserves the right to ref use ail offers sub- mittmd. KOSOY, TONELLO, FRANKLIN Barristers & Solicitors 136 Yorkville Avenue 3rd FIoor Toronto, Ontario- M5R 1C2 seil the remaining assets of at 908 Simncoe St. North, Oshawa on Thurs., Mai-ch 30, 1978, il am. Sale Consists of: Hi-Fi Eqwnment: Naine brand Receivers; Turntables; Ampiifiîerr, Speker~s; ýýakers; Accessories; Tandberg Tape Decks; Used TV Sets etc-, etc. Air Conditioning Unit%: 6 Clare-Hecla 2V2 and 5 Ton Air Condition- mng Condensing Units and Colis and assorted parts and tools. OWieqFpmnt: Walnut & Steel De*ks; Filing Cabiunets; Chai-s: AddigMahinesand Calcubators; Slectuic& Adler El. Type- writes; Cheque ProteCtor; Stationery Cupboards; etc., etc. StreEupment: Shelving Units; Display Bins; 2 Cash Registers; Insecton:9a.m. Moningof Sale. Sale conducted by: Wznlker Industrual Auctiun=cs Limited. 3VLUIN Z IMTb WE'ýLL. SE DEÂLING LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW FR1. & SAT. ONLY 9:00 A.MI - 0:00 P.M. WHITBY TOYOTA Hwy.ý 2 Between Whitby & Ajax 6U«4792 Metric-ý 98% Of the world, knows it- soiît must be easy.. EPANT9 ---------GET IN ON SOMETHING BIGI-------- Full or part-time,' business is goodi We have to expand ta meet the demandi We need honest, sincere salespeople ta join us now and stay aiî'ong tirne. Don't warry about experience as I wiII show you how to be successful, and receive rapid promotion. You wili earn while you Iearn and receive substanitial guaranteed commissions weekîy, plus cash bonuses for extra participation. This is pleasant, dignified work . ..contact. Mr. Frank Goreski, Box 213, Oshawa, Ontario Please givea your phone number in your application. De THAPAR Denture, Therapist 14Dundus St. E. Whitby M68-7797 HOURS Mon. -Sat. &Evenings By Appointment Only I N M Take the uncertainty out of Plreparing Yuur INCOME TAX RETURN TELEPHONE 668-6610 Retui-neprepared by Brock Bookkeeping Service To Order Vour WINTER FUEL Vr1zý1e Fuel OUl Pe.668m3381 DX FUEL OIL Ta-Day For Prompt Courteous Service 167DufyDAS ST. W TB ' WH ITBY

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