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Whitby Free Press, 29 Mar 1978, p. 5

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WHylvITaBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29,1978, PAGE 5 Br~kin ~ Byines, Hi Again! Hope everyone had a woriderful Easter. Now with the Easter season over, we should tie up loose ends. To start off, the Brooklin 2nd Cubs would like to an- nounce their winners of the Pinewood Derby Race: #For speed the winners are, first second and third place--Andy Nancekivel,,Tirn Stevens, and Cameron Brown. For design: first place, Troy Mayali; second, Joey Pearson and Robbie Brown in third place. In the leaders race, Baloo won, (Neil Wick). Also, Neil won second Place ini the Leaders District finals. The 2nd Brooklin Cubs wiIl be going to the African Lion Safari, in Rockton, Ontario, on Saturday, April 8. .The Public Library in Brooklin, had their Easter Costume Party on Saturday, March 25. Almost 50 children were presenit for the festivities. There was a parade of costumes, durlng. which they were judged. An Easter -Egg Hunt took place and prizes were given for the most paper eggs found. A pantomime was staged by Mlonica Larish and Tanya Bursey. Later refreshments were served. This party marked the end of a week of £aster events. The winners of the Easter Egg Hunt were Susan Fisher, Wendy Bogart, and Glen Hobbs. For best costume first prize went to John Emm, second to Meredith Yeo, and third place to Tammy Thoriey. The, special draw was won by Lisa Maclnnes, who wona-Rose Bunney, and'PeterBunny was won by Shannont McCabe. There were also winners of Jelly Beans; Greg Davis, Jean Holman, Allison Gordon, and StevenLacoinbe. 1Tonlght is the night for the Rebekah's Annual Euchre Night. This will be held at theOddfellows Hall. Admission is $1 .25. Something else happening on Saturday April 8th. The Cubs and Scouts will have their monthly paper drive. Be sure and have your papers out. Thursday April 6,'Luncheon is Served' presented by UCW of Brooklin., Luncheon will be served at 1 p.m. and tickets are available from any UCW ,member. Tickets are flot being sold at the door, so get your tickets now, before they are al sold out. Kids, remember that this Saturday, April 1, the YMCA is starting its season of floor hockey. Starting at-the samne time is Kiddy Kraft. Ail this is still at the Meadowcrest School. Please note that the time have been changed slightly. The floor hockey is from 9:30 tili 10:45 a.m. for the boys. Kiddie Kraft starts at 9:45 and goes tilt 10:45 a.m. Please be sure to make this change on your calendar. Tuesday, April 4, at '7 p.m., at the Brooklin United Chtirch, the UCW of Brookliri, ail units, wJIl meet. The everning will be entitled, 'A Caribbean Night'. A film ýby Barbara Frum will be featured. and' de ssert will be served. Daphne Tonellato wilI be available to answer your questions. Daphne is a UCW member who studied nursing in -Tahitii. As a reminder, Tuesday, April il, the Meadowcrest Parent's Group wilI mieet. The topic of the evening will be 'Food for Thought' The guest speaker -.will bie Carol Milligan of the Durham Health- Unit. A short film entîtled, IBROUGHAM FARM SERVICE LTD. CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO. OURI "#àBURGERFEST" THURSDAY APRIL 6, 1978 11 AOM.OU5 PeM. BRING VOUR FAMILY TO LUNCH * See aurremodeIIed parts and service shop facilities * Enjoy "'AGRIFUTURE" - a new film depicting farming changes over the next quarter centure * View new farm maçhinery for todoy * Special Door Prîzes EVEIYONI WELCOME SOUGIIAM FARM SERVICE LTD. Sgm.,gOuf. 294-1311J 'Eating on the Run' wil be shown. Everyone is welcome. Hey you girls! What's keeping you? We need some com- petition for the girls who is going to be 'Miss Brooklin'. Wliere's your town spirit? If you are 16 to 19 and single corne on and get involved. Join in the Brooklin Spring Fair's Beauty Pagent. To get your entry forrns caîl Kinette niember Mrs. Smnith at 655-3932. Monday April 3 is the regular meeting of Group '74. Al women welcome to join! The meeting is' held at the Brook- in Comnmunity Centre at 8 p.m. sharp. Since it's spr.ing, and spring isn't spring without a fashion' show. The Brooklin and District Kinettes wil hold a 'Sprlng Bouquet of Fasliion'. The fashion show will be for two nights. Wednesday April 12, and T)hursday, April 13, both starting at 8 p.m. Tickets are available from any Kinette member or Marilyn Wagg, fashion show chairlady at 655-4193 or Jean Baron at 655-4818. Ail proceeds wiJl go to 'Community Projects.' Bewvare of a silent dog and stiil water. M Th'SEE TeQueen of Country Music and Member of the Country Music Hall of Famne KTTYWLS PLUS '*The Tennessee Mountain Boys Thursday May i 8th WALLPAPER 3 OR 4. ROOMS FOR THE PRICE 0F ONE DUTCH IMPORTS BEAUTIFUL MURAIS REG. PRICE REG. Phdc OUR PhdC A SOIT $U uC 24095 4* PIEPASTED VINYL $34*95 YWSIDVNL SELECTONE PAiN INiTERIO SATIN LATEX %*# ~895 ML 810-o PIKd $13«" OUIt PutCE $6.OO ïws OFwD1ROM99 mu0 moî $1.,,9ý A SOLT PIEPASTRO VINYL

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