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Whitby Free Press, 29 Mar 1978, p. 8

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o à -- vnr,.nVfV A 1W14 CH29.1978, wHITBY FREE PRESS: rft'JI ;', 5, W 5-..i2n jm a , --- IL Dean J Kelly may run agaitnst Cca- By BRIAN WINTER Staff Writer One of the most p rolific contributors to the Whitby Fre Press in the past year lias been Dean J. Kelly, President of the Association of Dedicated Canadians. -Hardly a week goes by-when we do not receive one of bis pithy letters on somie topical issue of the day, and in turn, we have received a number of letters from Witby citizens saying Mr. Kelly is the type of man tlus country needs ini a timne of inflation' and politicai crisis. Mr. Kelly, currently is consîdering whether to accept the Progressive Conservative nomination for Ontario"Riding to run ini the next federal election against Liberal MP Norm Cafik, Minister of State for Multiculturalism. /'Many of our readers are probably wondeii~g who Dean J.- Kelly really is, and what is the Association of Dedicated Canadians wluch lie daims to represent. Mr. Kelly, wbo is semni-retired and lives in Port Perry, bas described himself as a "consumner advocate" and bas written on every possible subject from nutrition, to the hazards of police radar '(see Free Press of Jan. 1Il, 1978). He is an ardent "healtb fiend" and is planning to publish a book en- titled "Overfed and Undernourished." Lately bis letters have attacked Primne Minister Trudeau's bilingualismn policy, and Quebec and Rene Levesque have been other popular topics of bis letters.. It is the Ouebec situation that gave birtli to- the As§ocia- 1970 FLO erisis it had a large membership'numbering in the hundreds. The association was responsible for passing along informa- tion through research and govemment sources to "Tel people what was going on and let themn know aboutQuebec," says Mr. Kelly. Since the FLQ crisis, the association's membership has dropped considerably, and Mr. Kelly wpn't be pinned down as to, how many members it bas, but he is certainly its most vocal spokesman. Mr. Kelly was born at Fenelon Falls, and while working for the CBC at the age of 16, he began bis career of dissecting information for public scrutiny. He bas been a resideMî of the Oshawa area for 30 years, and worked on former Conservative MP Mike Starr's cam- paigns since 1948. He is a former program chairman of the Oshawa Lions Club ,- Commiunity Chest campaign worker, and bas been a pilot for 23 years and member of the Oshawa Fîying Club. By 1969 he was compiling reference material on almost every imaginable subject, and says if lie stacked al bis files ,on top of each other,the pile of paper would be 12 feet higli. Mr. Kelly bas had a varied career. He was a police reporter for Toronto radio station CKEY, and wrote news for the station's leading newscaster of the day, Lorne Green. 1From 1948 to 1951 he worked for the CKLB radio in Oshawa, and from 1951 to 1963, Mr. Kelly operated an Oshawa appliance store. He ran ito probîemns with' the YSpecial DELIVERED WHEN OR WHERE YOU WANT IT a Party? Smali or Large CATERING ARRANGEMENTS FOR AU. OCCASIONS tg.e Bonquets e Hot Dirnners e Hot onâ Cold Buffets LATE DANCE SPECIALS Wedding Cakes, Dise Jocky, Bar Service, Etc. Your Host Cluis Up to 2,500 People We offer one of the most complete catering services WITHIN THE Toronto, Scarborough, Ajax, Oshawa area, RENTIA HALL . GIVE, US A CALL QUALUTY IN SERVICE Thank you for your enquiry f egarding our catering service end enclosed is our suggested menu for your consideration. We are also able to arrange special menus according to your budget. Gourme dinners or Ethnic Type meals, e.g. Italian-, German, Car sbbean on request. We are prepared to handie ail phases of your wedding recept on or banquet and wMl supply, on request, anything from 3 tier real wvedding cake or a rentai, or wilt rnake ariy cake arrangements plus pieces,top decor, invitations.reply cards, thank you cardspunch for guest arrivai, wine, ail bar arrangements, disc-jockey or orchestra, thme full list of services we will just say that %f can do any- thirmg f rmr reception line to end of reception to ensure a successful f unciion. We supply paper napkins service for ail functions but on request will supply linen table cloths at $1.10 each - colours reci, gold, white, bitte or green, ail sizes. Linen serviettes et 40c each. Siiverware. china. giassvmre to our dinners and buffets is 50c per place settîng. Plastic Free. Prices subject to change, when- necessary. without notice. Extra rentaI of service equiprnent or table, chairs, fountains, tents, halls can be arranged. Our 683-7891 will provîde local calling anywhere in Metro-Scarborough--North York-Agincott etc. Servinq Toronto and aIl of DurhamReglon. OiRIS TO PLEA&SE*YOU IG & FOOD SERVICE ze JKely. President of the large department stores because he could unidersell themn aid when his distributor was convinçed by the departmeflt stores to drop hlm as a customerhe went as far as the justice department to prove his feeling that the large déPartmTent stores were responsible for price fixing. When no resuits came from lus appeal to the justice de- partment,. Mr. Kelly appeared on one of Pierre Berton's talk shows to expose the issue and it was one of the most provoca tive programs in that series. 'He presented 84 pages of evidence at the board of inquirY called by the inyestigation -section of the justice departmnft,. but no decîsion resulted. In 1963, Mr. Kelly started the Oshawa News, and by the end of the inid 1960's he took on his "semi-reti.red" statius and became a champion of individual rights and environmefl tai mnatters. 'Mr. Kelly is a walking encyclopaedia of knowledge on' almost any subject. He is likely to walk into your office and pull out of his pocket any number of letters from cabinet ministers and other governiment officiaIs, to the prime, minister hirnself. In 1966 when hie was the president of the Oshawa Down- town Businessmen's Association, he started his personakwar on inflation by asking the prime minister to appoint a Roýyal Commission to investigate the cost of consumer goods with relation to wholesale prices. His reply was titat a Royal -Commission was not warrented, but his letter was passed on * to the minister of Finance. Since the late 1 960's, Mr. Kelly has written hundreds of letters to the press and governiment,outlining his concein.s on - on public issues. He spends about four days a week researching and wri ting his letters and lie stresses that writing governiment officiais gets results. In. addition, Mr. Kelly writes numerous feature articles for local newspapers, and -tor the National Enquirer, -the largest paper in North America, wvith a circulation of six million. IHe also writes a column called "Keîly's Corner" for the Port Perry Star.. As a "people advocate," Mr. Kelly-bas received auto- graphe4.pîcture s from such men as Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower and thank-you lett6rs from most offices of *Canadian ministries. He even has an autographed photo of Richard Nixon and shows it to anyone who is interested. Mr. Kelly thinks banks are at the root of the inflation problem in Canadaand that price-fixing is a regular practice of large Canadian companies. This 'osbc olsbte experiences as an appliance dealer. Mr. Kelly is a monarchist who maintains that the Queen is the head of state ini Canada and should be treated as such. lHe firmly believes in using the press and public opinion to pressure government and bigbusines~s to act on issues which lie feels are important. It concernis Mr. Kelly when a supermnarket leaves its flood ligltson aIl night, wasting precious electricity, and he can tell you e xactly how much electricity it is wasting. He op- poses Waste in any form, He is ýa thorougli researcher and firmly emnphasises that he neyer criticizes something unless he eanoffer something bettér. Mr. Kelly believes his campaign of letter writing 1$ paying off and he is "winning, a little by littie". A recent letter to Mr. Kelly from a Whitby resident- who read lus letters in the Free Press said: "Even though I don't always agree with your thoughts 1 do enjoy your letters. This is just what Our Whitby Free Press needs from initerested and concerned citizens."p In future issues, the Free Press intends to publisha number of Mr. Kelly's articles, as welî as his letters on the issues of the day. _______________

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