PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS Slim an dSwirnprogram begins The Whitby Parks and "Slùm and Swim" programs Iroquois Park and wil con- lessons a weeK ror l u weels).' an hour of exercise and cali- week for 10 weeks. Recreation Department's tudrwyMrh2 ttnefr20lsos(w h eea ins nd ex- sthenîcs, followed by haif an RegÉstrations- will be ac- ercise classes are followed by a hour of swim and sauna. cepted betweefl 7 p-mn. and swim and sauna. Monday classes are 7 p.m. 9 p.m. Monday to Saturday The daytime classés oper- to 8:30ý p.m. and- 8 p.m. to at the Iroquois Park pool. ate Tuesday . and Thursday 9:30 p.m.comein April afternoons with a haif-hour 10. Wednesday classes are haf -houerswim anwd auna 8 rnencing :3Aprl1.m. These A TI N oaf -exeriswflland byna. 8m . to 9:0p .m 1. co- ARese 11 JO 1 The evening classes offer classes operate one tesson per, Whi*tby huuseholds use- 35% more power than. the average WhitPy residents are' heavy users, of electric power, con- suming 35 per cent, more etectricity per househotd than the. pro *vi nial, average, says Dîck Quellette of the Comn- munity Conservation Centre. In 1966, Whitby was using 17 per cent more power than comparable conimunities in the province, and in 1976 that *figure had reached 28 pe r cent, $aid .r.uetiette., Mr. Ouellette bas not been able to- deterine thereason for Whitby's excessive power consumrption, except that the town is a ýmore affluent corn- munity than most. Whitby's per capita incomoe level'is recognized as one of the highestin Canada, and was the subject of a fecent speech to the Chamber of Commerce by the retail 'merchandizing director of the Toronto Star. Mr.. Oùellette, who is one of the staff of a public infor- mation centre on energy con- servation, located' in the Whi tby' Male said he is also obtaining figures on Whitby'es residential consumption of oit andnatural gas. He bas not yet examined energy -con- sumfption by industrial and commercial users. The Community Conserva- tion Centre in Whitby is one of four being operated in the Durham Region through fund- ing from the federal Ministry- of -Mines, Energy and Re- sources. The staff of the centre are available to talk to. schools and service, clubs on various aspects of conisen4nmg energy. For further information, cati 579-0740, or %drop into the centre' at, the Whitby Malt. *THEY WANT TO SAVE YOU ENERGY The staff of Whitby's new Community Conservation Centre is ready to talk with local citizens-about ways to conserve energy and save money. Standing, left to right, are Jim Cray, Lo u Grenier, Cliff Godwin, Dick Ouellette, and Project Leader Gerald Ravary. Seated are Joan Sheffield and Kerry Wilson. The centre, ini the Whitby Mail opened March 23 and will be i operation until Sept. 1. Free Press Photo ENJOY A HOCKEY PUCK SUNDAE AND START VOUR NHL TEAM COLLECTION! OFFER AVAILASBE AT: 1003 Dundas -Street East 1335 Simcoe Street North You- W NERF Just 0 e wexemples 50 70u Mey determine Who May weut your, business. SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN WEDNESDAY EVENINOS TIL & PMI 1978 Mercury Bobcat Wgn............. $121 -.53 per month 1978 ZephyrZV..................... $121.67 petnionth 1978 lincoln Continental............. $250.03 per month 1978 Ford %~ Ton Pick-Up. ........$126.68 per month 197 8 Ford M Ton Econoline....... ... .. $147.15 per month 1978 Ford Bronco ................... $169.09 petr month 1978 Cougar XR7 ................... $141.66 per month Ail prices byased on 36 months - 48,000 miles open Sat. 683-5541 683-5540 683-5 Whitby Oshawa Oshaw* ri84 [ Dai»rLI Queen çil 41 là I - WAI