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Whitby Free Press, 12 Apr 1978, p. 16

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PAGE1.6,W?,DNVSp44'Af!ýII2, 1978,WlilTBYF"<EPRýES ]Free- 74 VOLVO 142 Autonie'tic Trans. Exoeldni'cond. certifled $2,800. 723-1819. March 22/78 1974 PIymouth Duster, V/8, auto $1700certified. CaII655-4011, or 839-3025 af ter 6 pm. 1974 Pinto, 3 dr., Runabout,. 4 spsed, 4 cyl, $1200. 668-9805 1974 FORD MAVERICK "Grabber" n ieeds some body work $800. 668-0511. March 8/78 73 SCORIPIAN STINGARETTE, twln,.,Iow mi leage,naw track $800. Cal 655-4616 after 4:30 pa. March ý2/78 1973 Plymouth Fury - PIS 9/8 good cond., Will certify. $750. 668-5318 193Dodge Swinger 318,, A-i condition. $1500. or best offer 683-8634 1972 Toyota for' parts, engine good running cond., $140. -or, best off er. Can bW sean et 1087 Venus Cres. Oshawa or cal 579-4977 72 FORD GALAXIE $700. un- certif led, good running cond. Cal 655-776. March 22/78 1972 Votksvvagon Super, Beetle- $700. certif ied, gas heater and radio, rear window defogger. CaII 655-4611 between 8Band 7p.m. 1971 Renault - good condition, $270. CeII 668-0744. 69 CHEVELLE WAGON in run- ning cond. $300 as is. 655-4616 after 4:30 p.m. March 22/78 1969 Pontiac, 9 pessengeèr wagon,, V/8 auto., with options, fair condition, as is $300. CatIl 655-4611 between 8 and 7 p.m. 1969 Automatiç VOLKSWAGEN SBEETLE' Gas heater, rearwlndow clefogger, snow tires, $500.. or hast off er. 668-0981,- March 8/78 1969 CHEVELLE 9 passanger wagon, V/8 automatic, 307 motor with options. One owner, good runninigcond. Only 80,000 miles.- As is $375. Co1 668-8675, April 5/78 1969 Chevy Station Wagon P/S, P/B, 283 auto., ceorne rims, ex. cond., certi ed $500. CalII 655-3481 1969 Ford Gallaxie 2 dr. hrtp., 3Q2 motor, P/B, P/S, good body end traiter. hltch. As is $400. 668iR4009 1969 Buick Skylark -good conid. welI kept, snows and rims in- cluded, $850 or best offer. Must selI. Cai 668-7028 1969 Ambassador - P/S P/B, motor & body in very good shape flot used for 2 yeans. $400 as is 728-006 1969 MNercury Marquis Brougham Lic. No. BFJ 990, 8 cyl. still in use. $250., Ca II655-4337 1969 Tcrino Conv., factory mags. Dodge Coach. SM . esi.1 Prelss Emporiurn_ C ail 668M6111- mLAnm at rruitref~Oà,r- J RERAIOAL Srnall Travel Troller, Slaeps 4 fulty aquippad 2,400 or hast offer. 668-8432.1 April 5178 1 75 Mercury outhoard 20 h.p. electric start, ait heok-ups, gos tank and battery $700. 668-2232 April 5/78 1972 - 398 Mercury Snowmobile gogd cond. electric stant, $600.- 1972.- Sno-Prince 30 h.p. rebulît angine $300. calîl 655-3245. FEb. 8/78 Tee Pea tant traiîer, sleeps 4, good cond. Brand new canopy & covar, $600. Calt 623-5715 1971 Ski doo Nordic, with new motor and naw hood, $450. or hast offer. 668-0723. Feb. 8/78 BOAT - CEDAR Stri p $50. Old outboard Motor $75. Electric wira & boxas etc., $75.'- % h.p. electric motor, variable speed $100. Dodge van flot running $200. 668-4423. Merch 8/78 Dune Buggy - running condition, fibre glass body, asking $400. 655-4479, ask for Henry. ltD75 Vamnaha 400cc Motocrosser and MX aquipment. $850. Cai 655-4733. March 29/78 1977 Yamaha 125YZ Motocross. Like new, used orily two months. Must salI $900. 655-3022 Suzu ki- 350 new tires, new electricol system. $400- Cal and ask for Rob. 668-5432 1976 20 PROWLER Travel Trailer, fulîy equlpped, 3 'pca. bath,'double axie, 12' canopy, towing packets, brand new cond. $4,800 or hast offer. Cal 668-6110 Feb. 8/78 69 Woods tent traiter sîeep 4 witti an aci on roomn 14" x 9' $500. 665-461 6.AFTER,4:30;p.m. March 22/78 1969 HALF TONCamper, $800. CblI 579-6144. March 22/78 1963 INTERNATIONAL -Truck, 3-*Ton" model 'No. 150. $350. CaII 655.4776, Mardi 22/78 Edel Brock intake manifoldi carb. for 318 Chrysler Engine. $250. Shop Crane 31/4 ton jack $325. Candîe Micro-Wava Ovan new $325. Cal 725-6618. April 12,78 Traiter H itch for VW Beetta - $20 655-4995 Snowtires - pair mounted on ims. Good cond. Dunlop f ibarglass belted. G 78 15 $30. pr. Brooklin area'. 655-4365 avenings only 14" riras, summer tires $6. each 668-0427 aftar 6. 5-Dr-70-14 Genaral Steel Radhats. EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED' SUBJEC TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITONS PLEASE READ: Whan the advertised item is soki, disposed of, or unavailable for whatever reasorr,îha item wîlt ha daemad te bave hean sold and a commission wili ha charged besed on THEAIQVERTISEI) PRICE as illustrated belaw, ragardless if price is stated wlith 'hast offar'. If the item is NOT SOLD, or disposad of, the ad witt ha run for. 3 MONTH-S and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wilI apply.- Ail advertisemnerts must ha placed on an exclusive hasis with the WH-ITSY FREE PRESS and sun et Iaast oea montli if not sold. RATES (if article is sol4d)- 5% of advrtisad prjpe up te $400.00 2% of balance ovar $40000 EXAMPLE: SoId item advertisad for $60.00 - -commission due *3.00' (minimum charge is $3.00) Pivata advertising onlyl Please notifyus ifyVou f lad a retailer listed as a primae advertiser. Please notify the Whithy Free Press immadiately when item is sold se thet we mev dalete it fnrom tha following issues. Ail ads not f itting the Emporium guidelines wiII ha :reated and charged per week as regular classified ads on a pra-pesd hasis such as: services, halp wanted, clothirlg, reet estata, and personal message typé ads, or ads not quoting pnice or quantity. Private classified ads mey eppear in the Emporium section under appropriete. headings. If in doubt, catI 668-611il MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM' P.0, Box 206, Whiby, LIN S1 OR DELI VER TO: 121 Brock St. N. Whitby. TH-E flEADLINE- FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIGUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOVN. i HOLLEY 735 (CFM> Duel- Fead Carburtor, included, Chrome Feed LUnes, Adapter for Stock9 Quad Manifold. $-100.- or hast offerphone 668-4868. Feb.i /78 390 Motor & transmission for sale. 10,000 miles $150. or hast-offer, 668-5432 ask for Rob. Jour 25/78 250 Moton. complete with trans- mission $100 or hast offer. 750 Holley for sale, dual pump, duel feed $75. or hast of fer. Wilîng te. trade for smalîer Holley. 668- 5432. Ask for Rob. March 22/78 FORD 4 spd. transmission in- cludes, aluminum bell housing,ý pressura plate, lin kage and reversa lockoutshitter $200. 668-2147. Fab. 15/78 2 BRAND NEW Tires, mounted on 14"' nims, f its a chev. $50. for the pair caîl 668-i1305. March 8/78 4 - T - Slottecl Aluminum Rims, -nd Shetby Mags)$200. 579-7942. Apnîl S/ 78 S =EPýANC E S 8 yr. old White McClary easy stove. Good working cond. Icleal forhome or cottage Ask- ing.$4. Cal 668-9165. April 12,78 2 Wringer Washers $60. Baby carriije $30. Playpen $15. 2 Mag Type Hubcaps, Ex. Cond. 14" $25. caI 668-9519 af ter 2 p.m.. March 8/78 Viking Portable Dishwasher, new metor $75. Double box spning & mattress, good cor'd. $20. catI 668-0584. 1 e.87 Wingerwasher $33. caîl 668-7014. Feb. 22/78 White McClary 10 cu. ft. fnidgt 4 yrs. oldi $150. G.E. salf cleaning oven, hanvest gold $350. Generat freezer, 19 cu. ft.. chast type, 2 yrs. olId $220. Compactor horvast goîd $150. Cali 655-4871 Freezer, 22 cu. ft. Gibsen chast type, $150. CaiI after 7 p.mn. 8395944 Hoover woasher, spndry. 1 yr. ol $175. 579-6144. March 22/78 Cornbination Automnatic Fioor Polisher and Sander-.OB-and new $50. Cai 655-4917. Nlarch 22178 Kenmone, gas stove -, 30" vary good cond. -$95. Cai 728-8956 Westing houise range 30" in pood cond. range'hood fan $75. Fnidge Ganeral Elactric Separate control, i 3cu fi. $50 in good cond. Lined drapes for living noom, te cover 18' walîs. $75. 668-5068 af tan 6. Apnil 5/78 White Viking stove 30" suitable for cottage $15. White McLeary fridge in good cond. $75. Floor polisher $8. Lau ndry tub pump $25. Cal 655.4536 April 5/78 M.USIA L GALANTI X300, 1 y ear old, ful console keyboards & floer bass controls, magic cord & rhythm section, heedphones, stool andl books. $700. 666-1372. March 8/78 Hi-Fi, RCA good for Rac roomn or cottage,$40. Cal655-3807. March 22/78 ELECTRONIC Piano - as new,5, full octaves $500.' or hastoffer. -White birch gas f iraplace legs, used oea winter' $80. or hast offer. 668-319 1 SNARE dnumn, stand, sticks, brushas and kay. Very good cond. $45. Cal Brian 6ffl-3411 TINO Pioneer Speakers. $150. pr. Concord 2/4 Channel.8 Track $75. Cal 655-3821.' March 1/78 F.M. Stareo 8 track underdash Mount only $30.00 U.H.F. Anienne $5.00. Moulded ski boots in size 5 only. $8.00 Portable A.M. radio record player $10-00- Cali 668-2478 after 6 p.m. ,FCML(ENOUSI Black & White T.V., - 33" in. goed condition. $50. 723-9068 Coloun T. V., Floor modal 26" Ex. cond. $200.-668-4932. Manch 15/78 Portable 14" Black & White T. V. in gpod cond. $50. 728-2280. March 15/78 Admirai 21" Black & White T. V. Good Gond. $75. 655.4974. Match 15/78 81k. & White 24" T. V. good cond. $50. Kitchen table $50 Refridgerator in good cond. $30. Picnic table $30. double bed wth mattress and nighitabîe $100. Freezer in good cond. $200. cal 668-2806. Felb. 15/78 AUTOUOWLES E =AUORWL! Boys bicycle, bananna seat, kick stand $15. Saxophone -C" Melody wvitti case $75- car discs, tires. wheel is $16. 668-3243. M4arch 22178 1 Oreser $35. M OId Chair $20. sffmit chairs $30. 683-6638. Nl Nicker chair $20- 3 otd fasbionaed Lump $15. CIII Merch 29/78 with fuîr trim around cuffs & collar, size 18-20, asking $35. or - best offer. Chanille bed- spread, single, brand new, asking $12. 726-6045. WEDDING dress, size 10, fult length beac i plce, new $300. asking $100. 668-0429 WEDDING dress for sale.., size 14-16. Long sîdaves $40. 655-4289. BLACK persian lamb coat, wery good cond., size 36 $45. Cali 668-8747. For sale - 3 long dresses neyer worn, size 18, $20. each. Red velvet coat, size 18, new $45. suede coat size 18, $30. Port- able dishwashar $25.' Bodyshirts $5.,each sîze large. Cali 668-678. March 22/78 Wedding, Dress Size 17, excellent condition $50. Cati 725-4646. Match .22/78. LADIES' coat - black immitation seat, size 14-16, cleaned as new. $45. or best offer. Cali 668-0136 GI RILS coat sîze, 10-12. aqua blue with sheeps wool trim. Worn tvvioe. $60. 668-3101 SKI boots, size 10, i yr. otd, Dotomites $25. Cal 705- 357-3787 after 6 p.m. Vamaha H-Flek, 190 centimeter skiis, bindings, Hook Navada Toes Tyrol Heels $60. 655-3169. March 1/78* 1 SET of downhiîl skiis, bindings, and po las, 6 ft., brand new, neyer used $50. Calit 576-8573 after 6 p.m. i Pr. boys hockey skates, .Jeîinek size 9, $14. 1 - Garrard record player wlth speaker and stand, $35. 668-9771 MEN'S Lang buckle, boots, size 6 and cerryung rack, Arlberg 185 centimeters, skiis and Beesher bindings. $45. 728-1291.- Skiis - Alberg Alpine with bindings, 72".* Buckîe Atberg Boots size 7 with carry ing case & poles. Mint cond. $75. complete caîl 668-2183 after 4 p.m. Feb. 8/78 Baby's change table with shelvtâ $20. Car bed n ew $12. Baby Iounglng chair $8. OId fridge in working cond. $25. Carpet 9x il $35.' 725-8872. March 8/78 Carniage $35. Jolly jumper $10. Carbed $5. Infant seat $1. Um- brella strotîer $10. catI 579-2791. Fab. 15/78 Large teak desk for home'or office use, hardly used $70. Cal 668-9746. April 12. BABY carniages,, $25 & $40; JoIly Jumper $5. 2 Bathtubs $2 eech; Bottîa steriizer,$3; training ROLL TOP Desk$Soliii Mahogany Bird Eye, Maple tnlay. Waînut trimi. Conrition a new.$950. 6-5600. ' Fe.22/78 POOL table - Burrougli & Watts, 4%~ x 8'. Cuil 668-2425 bef ore 12 noon.- CANON 1218. 12 to 1 powet zoom wi-th slow motion. Movie camnera and Eumng Auto. Load sound projector super 8, $1600. value, $800. Singer Fetura 900 sewing machine with deluxe cab- iniet and chair, haÎdly tused $500. 655-4871.- Air coniditioner G.S.W. 5,000 BTU's usedý one sumnmer $150 Freezer - GeneroI EJectrîc, harvWit gold colour, Il' cu. ft.>, like branci new. $200.' 668-3810 Electric Lawnmovver with grass catcher', hardly used. $48. Cai 655-4627 af ter 7 p.m. SET of golfclubs, Wilson Medalist 1 yr. old., 3 woods, 9 irons, head covers and bag. $150- Cai 666l-1419. 1 CANOPY, Green & White, 9# x 12%. Robe & Poles Inctuded $85- 3 Wooden School Desks. $10. each 668-2422. March 8/78 Old Ctassic pinbaîl machine works parI ectly. Requires ref inishîing $250. CaiI728-2484. March 22/78 FURNACE duct-work and flit- tings for sale, 4 x 10 flor defusers $1. aach, 4 x 10 angle f Ioor lboots $.80 each, 6', Iength of 5", pipe $2.' Each, sida take off $.50. 45degrea elbows $.50 e ach, Gaîvanài zed cïain-liýk fencing, 42" x 50' for $10. 655-4423l Almost new pale green>& paie yellow mixed shag, approx. 10x 12%4, plus heavý bubble foam underpad. $190. 666-1 851. Chest of drawers In- good cond. $18. 53 Mad pocket books. $15. 65.5-34 1. March 22/78 Heatalator New $45. Brown & GoId tweed living room chair $30. caît 725-0776. March 15/78 Doghouse suitabla for a large dog, $35. Acuostic guitar with case practicaîy new $45., judo outfit size one $10. caîl 668.961 after 4 p.m. Merch 22/78 1 natural gas space healter - 85,000 B.T.U.'s can ha converted to propane $75.- 668-2528 or 668-1730. FOR SALE 1 Polaroid Square Shooter camnera $15. 1 -23 chan- nel Realistic mobile CO radio with base station accessories $95. or hast offen. Must salI 668-2314. after 6 p.m. andi esk for Scott. Feb. 8/78 TOP Quality Teak Dining Room Ste., Dining table, 4 high back chairs, buffet and hutch, owner na-t--IlI uetereecrain

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