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Whitby Free Press, 12 Apr 1978, p. 7

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WH ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, 4APRIL 1 2,1978, PAGE 7 Brian Winter' S H istorical SWhi'tby SHERIFF-PAXTON' One of the most notable public servants who was born and died in Whitby was Thomas Paxton, who throughout his life held such offices as Reeve of Reach and Scugog Townships, members of the Ontario Legisiature' and Sheriff of Ontario County. Thomas Paxton was born in 1821 on the third concession of Whitby, nowv the corner of Rossland Road and Cochrane Streets. He resided in Whitby Townshîpuntil about 1847 when he and his brother George moved to the new settiement of Port Perry on'Lake Seugog, and entered into partnership as lumber merchants with D. S. Way. The Paxtons were.amnong the founders of Port Perry, Br~kin' r ByinesJ HELLO Folks!, Lots o f thinge totolk about this week. To start us off. I would like to tell you what Group '74 did for the students of Brooklin, during the'>Easter. School Break. First of ahl on Monday March 25,ý they s'howed a-film entitfrd, 'Toby Tyler,' a funny interesting story about the circus. This film was for the young chihdren. Then there were -two different turnes aloted for skating. Oane for teens and the other for pre-teens. Ail of the above was'free of charge. Skating and the film was paid for and donated to'the children of Brooklin by Group '74. The week tiflrned out to be very succeseful. A new means of giving support and ehowing Brooklin residents care was. evident during the last weekend un March. The South Durhamn Region of the Canadian Cancer Society entrusted to Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, the sale of 6,O0dozen daffodils. The flowere were'dstributed for sale to the businesses In Oshawa, whitlty and Brooklun. This was followed by a two-and-a-hahf-day public sale, in the rnail and on the streets. The daffodils were imported from, Vaqcouver and sold for $2. per dozeft Congratulations to those, businesses wbo gave to the Cancer Society and'made a total purchase of 125 dozen daffodils to display in their places of business and give out to, their customers. A warm thank you, is expressed to twelve of our townspeople, Who gave s0 willingly of their Urne to stand in rather cool temperatures and sellto the public. A special thankyou to Brown's Foodaeater and the Canadian Impëtial bank of Commerce for permission to sell on your preises. It wase encouraging to receive a cash donation froin the Brookla Kunsmen and pre-orders fri n our three churches. You will be gratlfied to learn that in our town alone, nearly'$900. was collected. Nearhy 72,000 daffodils were sold ini our region and a chequye wihl be ipresented. later BEAUTI FUL cuts?, perrns, ime! and were involved in ail aspects of business Wn that comrnunity. Thomas Paxton founded the Paxton, Tate & Co. foundry, and helped secure branches oif the Royal Canadian and Ontario Banks for Port - Pem-y In 1867 be was one of thge promotors for thé building. of tbe Port Whitby and Port Perry Railway and secured the required subsidy for the railway f1roin the provincial goveriment. He alsocontributed $10,000 of bis own money towards the projeets. Mr. Paxton was a very active businessman, so active, in fact, that it was considered by some that bie bad too many irons in the fire. He was criticized for trusting his business to mucb to others wbile hie sougbt a career of public service. It- was1 said that by trusting bis business afairs to friends, ie was, to use a modemn expretsiqn, "ripped off" and might have become one of the wealthiest.men ini Ontario< county if hehad managed bis own business aff airs. Before the formation of Ontaio County Mr. Paxton was elected to the counil of Reach and Scugog Townships, and served as Reeve of these -townships froin 1852 to 1854 during the critical. years 0of the, formation 'of Ontario County. He was deputy Reeve of Reach after ,Scugog was separated as a. separate, township in, 1856. Mr. Paxton represented bis constituency well in thé important meetings-to form Ontario County, and had a this month froin Beta Sigma -Pi, tor over $12,uuu. mfnaniK you one and ahl. Let us contineu to show we care and are apprecia tive of the -fine work, done. by our Local daàncer Society, by welcoming- and giving generously when the Cancer-Canvasser drops-in to our homes during the month ,of April.. For any further, information 'regarding the Society please cal] Susan Rob 'inson, Co-Convenor of the Daffodil Festival '78. A Spring Bazaar and Tea will be presentedby the ACW - of Brooklin, at St. Thomas' Church on Saturday April 22 froin 2 p.m. till 4 p.m. There will be a Big Table, White Elephant sale, Crafts and a Tea Table. Everyorie is Welcome to, join in the fun. The Ladies Auxiliary for, the Br;oo 'klin Girl Guides' and Brownies wisb to extend their thanks to, everyone who gave s4pport by buying Easter Eggs, for their annual fund drive. For those who are wondering where your Girl Guide Cookies are; you'll be glad to know that the girls will be receiving thein the week of April 24, and will be rnaking deliveries that week. Please be sure to pay right away,a s the moneyt must be in by May 3, as May 10, is the hast ,meeting of the season. The let Brooklin Girl Guides wilh be, treated to a bowling night f rom 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. with dinner at Mac'Donaldsin place of their April 26 meeting. Now a work. from, Ashbumn! on Friday April 21, at ý8 p.m. the'As hburn Community Centre, wiull present its Spring Echure Night Admission 50' cents for adults and 25cents for Students Women are asked to please bring lunch. At the Group '74 meeting of April 3, the guest speaker was Mr. Robertson of the Whitby Com munity Care Centre. He explained in detail just what the centre does. The centre ie in need of volunteers. If you can spare just a few bours a day or week you can be useful to the senior residents of Brooklin «and area. Volunteer work la, friendly visitng of the elderly, transpotation facilities to medical appointinents and shoppine, financial and legal. couselling, home maintenance,. (such as,, hight cleaning and repaire) and information and. referral, are corne of the areas where people.are needed. If you want to help out or just need information please caîl 668-6223. AnythIdng you can do to help would' be greatly appreciated. What's happened to the spirit of the community? You girls should be out in full force for. the Brooklin Spring Fair Beauty Pagent. The, ages have been extended to include 20-year-olds. There are mhany prizes for the winner. Prizes of cash as well as merchandise wil be donated to the winner from groupe and bueinesses in the area. And a suecial Prize to be announced. So corne on Contd on P. 8 FISHER REFRIGERATION' SIIEVICEL TWO TON CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONERS part in selecing Whitby as the County Town and choosîng the first county officers. In the laie 185's lMr. Paxcton returned to business, but in 1867, hé was unanimously chosen by the Reformn Party to run for the seat for North Ontario in the first provincial- election af ter Confederation. He was elected by a substantial majority, and was re-elected in 'the elections of 1871, 1875 and 1880 As a meniber' of the Legislature, Mr. Paxton did valuable *service for bis constituents. He discovered that the tities to about haîf the farins in Mara and Rama townships had been iniproperly register. ed due to carelessness and ignorance of the regulations, andspent about hall a year working in the Crown Lands office in Troronto, to straighten out the property claims. 1Many a well-to-do fariner in orth Ontario riding owed his Iand titie to. Mr. Paxton's efforts, and at elections the gratefi.d farmers voted for- hlmi every turne. In Janiuary 1881, Nelson G. Reynolds, the first sheriff of Ontario County died, and Mr. Paxton resigned his seat in the Legislature to becomne Ontario County'ýs new sheriff. He was considered to ýbe very fair in al bis dealings and was' well . likd and respecteld by, everyone. Unfortunately, the burden of bis, labors caught up With hum, and in 1887,, only six years after taking office as sheriff he became very ill. He died in July of that year, at the age of 66, and was buried in the Baptist Cemetery on the seventh concession of Whitby, east of Thickson Road. The day of his funeral, aIl the stores in Whitby and Brooklin were closed, and Judge Gieorge H. Dartnell spoke a- eulogy on behaîf, of the officials of Ontario County in tribute to an honored publie servant. r .1' WATERLOO CAMBRIDGjE STEAK HOUSE4 918 BROCKST. N. WHITBY TRHOME ICHARBROILD, <STEAKS EVERY TUESDAY ' I CANADIAN LOBSTER TAIL N'iGHT $7.95 TO AVOID DELAY PLEASE CALL FOR RESERVATIONS 668-9369 EVERYVWEDNES DAY IS SURF & TURF NIG'HT $7.95 OTHER LOCATIONS LONDON B RAMPTON 1h $69500 plus installation @PWAdd bounce, curi and direction to straight -hair with a permanent or eut your hair in one of the new geometric styles. L A CO0NT"E SS A BJEAITY LOUNGE Repairs to ail makes of freezers, ref rigerators,. air conditioners, dehum idifiers. We clean & service residential and commercial air conditioners Repairs to Ail Makes Freezers - Refrigerators - Air Conditioners We Recharge Automnoble Air Conditioriing 20 OUIEN STRElET KITCHEN CABINETS The latest styles to enhance any kitchen- large selection - corne in and browse - we'll help you make the right choice! MITCHELL BROTHERS Building Supplies Ltd.,

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