1978, WHITBY FREE',PRESS S1>END 15, MINUTES WT US TOMORROW AND FINI OUT WHAT I15 GOING ON IN DURHAM!I Morning 'Reports 6: 20" &7:20. 7Sports and News Examining the afinuaI report of the Durham, Region YMCA, for 1977 are Executive Dfrector'Fraser Stewart, Vice-President Gary Valcour and Bob, Morrow and Treasurer Reg Flewelling. lie Durham Y reported at its annual meeting recently,,that despite a deficit Iast year, it has succeeded ini extending its services in theé region and upgrdingits standards to national levels. Afurther extension of programs sud-activities is pland for Free Press Photo. YMCZ4 to -expand its services 1350 THE OSHAWA lSTATION FOR AILL YOUR CA RNEEDS' NEW & "USED, SALESý SERVICE HOURS: LEASING &DAILY RENTALS- HOURS: CAR SALES 9:00 - 9:00 Mon. thru PARTS & SERVICE, 17:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. iThurs.. 9 -6 Fr1. Mon. - Thulrs. 9 -5Sat.1 95Fr1. 0 Among the objectives. of tion of National YMCA pro- Stewart strec the Durham Y for 1978 are grams, and the day, camps.tnte of th expansion of pre-sehool ser- will 1be expanded in 1978 to -people pote vices, camping and outdoor include canoeing and back- YMCA and education services, leader- 'packîng camps. staff, voluni ship development, and, sport The Durham Yý. las an bershîp dE and physical ,fitness ser- active leadership corps'of 10 PrograinC' vices,, said Mr. Stewart. teen-agers, and a variety of Harris repc Also during the past year a physical fitness programs people ýare number of the directors at- have been introduced., leadership rc tendèd national and provin- A Fitness f or Living pro- ham Regic cial Y meetings, to become gram was introduced in Ajax Mr. Elliott more familiar with what's and Pickering, and the Y has he was pers<i happening in YMCA work been involved in appraising that the Me throughout the country. Mr. the fitness levels of the Dur- which had ai Stewart reported this in- hamRegional Police. Fur- i t i ate progra volvement will.* continue in -ther development'of fitness Pickering, 'c( 1978, working with other Ys programs, in Ajax-Pickering its interestsa on mutual concerns. and Oshawa is planned for, of the Y in ge Various members of the Y 1978. . ing its servicý staff have, assisted local. To meet rising costs, new tani Toronto. groups such as the Social membership fees were was some cor Planning Advisory Group, adopted at the annual meet- about the Mt West Lynde Community As- ing: $5 for youths, $10 for programs of sociationî, and the Whitby adults and $20 for families. in this Chamber of Commerce. At the annual meeting, Mr. The staff have als6 been ins trumental in initiating theUni d Wsp i l new Y newsletter, programh n'e W a p c a information systemns, and W membership renewal. Mr. Stewrt as ben ctiv lu After the sucecessful campaign last fail, Dt tewarthawa-Wh cit ve Cnm- Oihaw-Whitby United Way decided that fi the OhawaWhity "Com- he'(ond a basic reserve requmrement shot munity Services Association, available to its agencies. the standards committee vis- The Agencies were invited to make itation program, of the On- ni lifing financial problems they were fa tario Camping Association, 1. -fecause of the. elimination of grants by TI as well as monitering de- O urham or for other reasons. velopments in varionsre- Based on a report fromn the Chairman ( creation societies in Canada Committee, The United Way direct;s at a re and, the United States. made the folluwing special grants to memi Mr. Stewart expressed AGENCY- concern that the Y's future efforts must be directed to- ARTERITIS SOCIETY wards extension of services, BOY SCOUTS (OSHAWA) developmnent o humnan re- BOYS & GIRLS CLUB (EASTVIEW) sources in the region, and CANADIAN NATIONALISTT E coming to grips wlth the Y's -FOR THE BLINI) public ldentity and the lack ÇANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY (bSHA of a Y facilitv. CANADIAN RED -CROSS SOCIETY (WHIT a plnnig ad dvelp I DISTRESS CENTRE (OSHAWA) ,...aphain, zan dee1p-ý- DURHAM REGION FAMILY Y.M.C.A. ment comznittee bas already GIRL GUIDES (OSHAWA) been> foied to prepare th HOSTEL SERVICES -(OSHAWA) INC. flew constitution, mnvestigate JOHN HOWARD SOCIETY the acquisition of new facili- MENTAL HEALTH-DURHAM ties and develop a, planning NAVY LEAGUE (OSHAWA) policy te 1980. OSHAWA & DISTRICT ASSOCIATION In 1977 the program coin- FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED mîttee expanded its pre- OSHAWA & DISTRICT CREDIT schools to, six and offered a COUNSELLING SERVICE wide range of mother and tot saiCOE HALL sETTLE1MENT HOUSE progams Adlt nteeat SOCIAL PLANNING COUNCIL progams Adlt iterst 0F OSHAWA-WHITBY courses were altered te meet VîCTORIAN ORDER 0F NURSES changing demnands, and<Izr Y..C.A. - OSHAWA programs such as disco dancing and creative em- Grants were also made te the following orn broidery were added. VOLUNTEER ACTION CENTRE Standards of youth courses COMMUNITY CARE (OSHAWA) werc up-graded by introduc- COMMUNITY CARE (WHITY) Bssed thie oppor- he Iltremendous enitial" 0ofthe the needs for Leer and .mem- levelopinent. Chairman Donna )orted that 85 Dmivolved in oles in the Dur- ion YMCA. tt reported, that onally convinced etro Toronto Y, attempted to lu- ams in Ajax and -ould best serve and the interests eneral by confin- ces to Metropoli- .Last year there >ncern expressed letro duplicating the Durham Y area. grants 4rectors Of the Funds on baud )uld be made Ssubmissions à cing in 1978 rhe Region of of the B3udget ecent meeting ber agencies: GRANT- AWA) TBY) 1,800. 1,000. 5,00. 9,600. 2,80. 4,300. 8,00. gaiztios u -AI -Weather n" a