WHITBY FREE PRESS, WE-DNESDAY, APRIL 26,1978& PAGE 3 Kiwanis Club plans, ladies' Ride for Cancer Jane3 On Thursday, April 20, the Whitby Kiwais Club at its reglr eky meeting beard Ron C aiboun f rom the London Cancer-'Society feU about the Ladies' GretRide for cancer. Mr. Caiboun made the trip from London to give the Kiwanlns some tips about organizing such a ride here inWhitby. Ten years ago Mr. Caihoun now the National Chairman for the Canadian Cancer Society's Special Events Committee, organized the first Ladies' Great Ride for Cancer in Thamesford, a community of 2M0, fourteen miles east of London. Last year, having run this event every year since its incýp- tionthis same community real'ized $10,000 from theïr ride. in southwestern Ontario several commun- ties have taken up the chal- lene f tisride, and in. Saaoiw where Mr. Caihoun also spoke about the *Ride,.,fourteen areas have responded. This year Whitby will enjoy sucb a ride under *the organization of the. *Kiwanis Club. It is very fitting that the Kiwanis Club shoûld under- take the Ladies'. Great Ride as a first in Whitby's new special events section of the cancer campaîgn. About. 'tent çars a go the fîras t bundertook the frtdoor-to-door .campaigr ever for cancer in Whitby Gradually over the years they have relinquished this responsibility to some 700 canvassers who canvass ini the areas where they live. This year their las t area of canvassîng was finally taken over, and when Marion and Bill Irwin, co-chairman of the cancer camaîgn, suggested.the Bike ide f0 theKiwanis Club, it seemed only fitting that once more they. shouid take up the chailenge of a new idea ini cancer campaigning. Mr. Caîhoun has been a volunteer with the Canadian Cancer Society for' 14 years. He bas held every office in the campaign field and is'the immeidate past canipaign chairman, for Ontaro. Presently, as well as being National Chairman for thé Special Events Committee hé is also a Vice President oi ontario Division. Again this year, aslie bas done each year since ifs inception, Ron will ride (as a femnale!) in the Tbamesford Ladies' Great Ride. Mr. Caîboun in bis address to the Kiwanis Club quoted George Washington Carver sayîng tmat -common tbings done in an uncommon way will command the attention of the wrld". He stressed that this was the formula for hl-odn a s ial event, and sufee a simple bike rie for cancer woul-d ho an outstanding, fun-filled, news- worfby' and financially worthwhile event. He pointed ouf that in the ten-year historyof the Ladies' Gret RidÎe $1 000 000 had been relized in 00oa~ in Ontario b y the participating comrmunities. M r. Caîboun concluded bis faîke with a slide show which portrayed ladies (or almost ladies!)ý in ahl kinds of garb and of all ages biking for, cancer. . le fold an amusing story of his involvement last year with a 75 year old lady who rode for) cancer in Windsor., Altbougb extremely deter- minedtIo ente r and complete the ride, the lady it was* discovered, was utterîy un- able to manage the specially designed tricycle wîch had ben prgvided for ber. Much WIrwhitbyJayc Senior citizens, of Whitby who attend, th e Meal Witbout Wheels -program at the Knighfs 0f Columbus alI have been receiving a help- ing band fnom the Whitby Jaycettes for the past fwo years. Since April 1976, the Jaycettes have buen driving seniors to and from the hall, . 0 that those who are unable to get around on their own can still attend. Chairman Edna Tatcheli says a comnmittee of five Jaycette volunteers drives the seniors to and from the hall, so that those who are. unable f0 get around on their own cari still attend. Chairman Edria Tatchell says a committee of five jaycette volunteers drives the seniors to and from the lunch-hour mealIs, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. About 12, seniors a week are dniven by the Jaycettes, f0o lus chagrin, Mr. Caîhoun found bimsilef hi bis Sunday suit pushing theigallant lady around the route., Already mhe Kiwanis Club under thie chairmansbip 01 its President Bob Brodie bas bug un> its organization of Whtby's first Ladiess' Great Ride, and n Calboun's sug- estions and enfbusiasm bas e club very excited about this special event. Ladies from all walks of life ail over 'town-house- wies eachers, office and fcoyworkers secrefaries nurse. etc.-wili bu encour- aged to ride for Cancer on Saturday, June 3. SPon sor sheets 'will be avallable early in May, and the Kiwanians will be ap- pealing to alI mature WhitI5 w'omen (or reasonably close to join in this finst Ride for The 20-kilometre route will :4art and finish at Centennial a rk and will take the riders brough the West Lynde sub- ,à vision, up Cochrane Street lo Taunton Road, across, te ýettew -rive and 212 have used the service since last September, said Mrs. Tatcheil. The Jaycettes operate their 4riving service from September to June. Mrs. Tatcheil says the Jaycettes would like f0 con- tact other service groups s0 that the wonk can be shared a nd expanded in the future. Edltor'e Iluote Book Thinking is 80 Pain- fui that Most 01 U$~ thirIk only when, we, have to. William FeatherA inderson down to Burns treet ana back to the park. In case of rain the Rîde vdil be beld the following d:v. Suetnday, June 4 at 1 u.m. Mr. Calhoun stressed that the Ride is not a race but an achievement and an oppor- 1tunity for many mnore people ,o be volunteers for thé ra ,\%ork being clone In the fight against cancer. Anyone wlshing f0 ride or lhelp with the ride should cal a82996. manysenior citizens to local meals program NEW SERVIICES» BEGIN APRIL 3 le IMPROVED SERV ICE TO PICKERING GO TRAIN -New frequent service via Hwy. 2 to GO Train - Express 401 service. during rush hoursà 2. FULL DAILY "SERVICE TO YORK MILLS SUBWAY NOTE Kingston Road service to Toronto- continues as rushi-hour service only. FOR FULL INFORMATION. 579m42 24 e Tororuto Arec Transit Op.rating Authority Hon. William Davis, Premier Hon. James Snow, Ministor A.T.C. McNab, Chairman