WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAYMAY 31, 1978, PAGE 19 WEST LYNDE DANCE Tickets are available now for the West Lynde Community Association's 'béwîng Into Summer* -oance at Heydenshore Pavilion, June 10 at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $8 a couple, but the price Wll rise to'$10 a couple June 2. For tickets, cail Dave at 666-1130e AI at 668-1173, Lynn at 668-646, Tony at 668-6130 or Annette at 668-6610. A buffet wil be served and there wlll be more than $500 worth 0f spot dance and door prizes to be given away. V~ARD §ALE The Mals *ithout Wheels Senior Citimeis Club wiil be holding'a* yïrd sale June 3 from li a.m. to 3p.m. at the residehice «f Mrs. I. Cam- mack at the corner of ýMaryý and Centre Streets. Items for > sale wiil include smail elec- trical kitchen, appliances, cookware, dishes, books: linens, clothing, jeweilery, plants and baked goods. FLEA MARKÇET The youth group of St. John's Anglican Church will hold a flea market outside thechurch June 10 from '10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For further information, eau 66M-5069. Dunnies huld 2Oth anrnversary reurnon On Mayp and 28, mem- bers of the! Whitby Dunlops hockey team gathered at the Pinestone Inn And Country Club in Hà liburton to cele- brate the 2th anniversary of the team's world champion- ship win In March 1958. Wren Blair, manager of the Dunnies 20 years ago, and president of Pinestone Inn and Country Club and acted as host. Former Dunlops team members who were in atten- dance at the reunion inciud- ed Harry Sinden, now gener- ai maýnaser of, the Boston Bruins, -Bob Attersiey, now a member of the Whitby town council, Connie Broden, Jack MeKenzie, Frank Bonello, Roy Edwards and Ted and Tom O'Connor. The last time many of these former hockey cham- ENERGY SEMINARS Whitby's Communlty Con- servation Centre wil present two energy seminars in June. The first seminar will be June 1 at 7:30 p.m. i the Blue Flame Room at the Consumers Gas Building, l01 Consumers Drive. The second seminar wil be June 14 at 7:30 p.m. at Meadow- further information, phone crestPublic School auditor- 57ff4)7.> ium in Brooklln. Films; books, dlsplays and THEATRE PRODUCTIONS. slide presentations will be A night lof t*ree one-act offered -on such topics as1 plays will 1 be 4eld by the insulation, heating efficien- Whitby Tiieatrý Company cy, car care, recycling and June 1 and 2 at 8 p.m. at the waste management, solar' Whitby Centefnnil Building. energy, and alternative The plays are: "Pictures energy sources. _ at an Exhibition," written Admission is free. For and directed by the Whitby COmOP WILL BE READY BY AUGUST WorlS s proceeding on schedule on the Athol Green Co-operative flomes project at the corner of Gren ald Dunlop Streets. The first building, shown here, wili be ready by the end of August, says %o-orativýe President Mike Burgess, andl the second building will be ready by Septe*l bet. According to Mr. Burgess, half of the J8 units are already spoken for, and there is good jarticipation in the planning of the project by the members. In non-profit co-operative' housing, the project is run by its members. Free Press Photo Town to honor volunteers Volunteers in Whitby may soon be thie guests of honour at the toW1n's fikst Volunteer Day. Members Qf the town council and stâff are present- Student goes to France Elizabeth Ramsden of R. R. 3, Cav#n, la one of 32 Trent Univorsty students who'll spend nc>ct year study ing at the Unversity of Nantes i France, a year that will cost a littie more than a year, at Trent She is a graduate of Henry Street High Schooi in Whitby. If ail goes weii, Elizabeth wîll return with another year completed toward a Trent degree and a significant fluency in French. Trent's program, which begins this fail, is one of only two such offered in Ontario. ly looking into ways in which to recognize the work of volunteers in the commun- ity. Councillor Joy Thompson has suiggested hosting an informai reception at the town hall where anyone in- volved (in volunteer work could drop in and socialize with other ,volunteers and perhaps enjoy refreshments. Councillor Thompson wouid like to see the Volun- teer Day held in the spring rather than the fail, since a faîl day might appear like a pre-election public relations pioy. Clerk-Administrator Bill Wallace has contacted other municipalities for advice on the form the Volunteer Day should take. Recommenda- tions should come before the town's operations committee moon. 1.heatre Company à , uwn Paul Spencer;, "The Bargain," written and directed by another theatre company member John Green; and "127 Wagons Full. of Cotton, by Tennessee Willams, directed by Gary Hatton. Tickets are available at the door, and there wiil be refreshments and an oppor- tunity to meet the cast foilowing the Friday night performance. P.C. DANCE The Ontario Riding Poderdl Progressive Conser- vdtive ssociation wil hold a danceAt 8:30 p.m. June 2at Heydenshore Pavilion. Tickets are $10 a couple, available by calling John Pisani at 668-321 or Mary McEachern at 725-896. MUSEUM OPENING Durham West MPP George Ashe will officlally open the Whitby Historicai Society's Lynde House Museum for the 1978 season, June 24 At 3 p.m. A higbiight 0fthe occasions will be the cutting of a lOth annmiversary cake by Katherine Melntyre, daughter of the late Dunce" Mcîntyre, one of the founders of the historicai Society. MacNeils Upholstery *A COMPLETE IJPOL8TERY SERVICE eANTinuEs A 8pECiALty * OUALITY FAIRIC8 8NOWN IN YOUR HOME,,. * IEPA S TOAE YU UNTM S-UUTR TOWN 0F WHITBY PROCLAMATION, "WATER SAFETY WEEK" TAKE NÃ"TICE» that the week of June 4th, 1978 has been proclaimed as "'Canadian Red Cross Water Safety Week" in and for the Town of Whitby. Ail Citizens of the Town are reminded of the Red'Cross ruies for -safe swimming and are urged to practise these ruies during the summer months. DATED AT WHITBY THIS 31ST DAY 0F MAY, A.D., 1978. J.C. Gartshore, MAYOR, Town of Whitby. NOTICE FOR LADIES OMIT The Mayor and Members of Counceil invite ail the Ladies of the Town of Whitby to the Second Informai Seminar- "For Ladies Only" which wili be of interest to ail Ladies wishing to learn more about their municipaiity and how it is operated administratively and politically. Date: 'Wednesday, June 7th, 1978 Timfe: 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Place: WNhitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Rd. East, Whitby J. C. Gartshore, MAYOR OSHAWA UKR. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH BIG BINGO AT ZOLLY'S FORUM <AIR CONDITIONED) OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE MONDAY JUNE 5, 197M. $3,OOO OFFERED IN PRIZES EARLY BIRD GAME 20 - $25-00 REG# GAME 50/50 GANtE 3 JACKPOTS 5 - $30.00 LATE GAM ES FREE ADMISSION 7:30 P.M. Bus leaves for Whîtby after Bingu> CHILOREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED LIC. NO. 23839 S' CP 10t DSCON HRaA &JN for the, Whi*tby CommunityBingIo Jmyc.es, Ogl 2 $500 JACKPOTS EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Monday, June 5 1978 Lic. No., FIRST JACKPOT AT 56 NIJMBERS SECOND JACKPOT AT 51 NUMBERS 7:15 p.m. No children under 16 admitted NO ADMISSION CHARGE! $W Vnner in 55 numbers is Mrs. frerie Chisclm, HenrY St., Whitby. IHEYDENSHORE PAVILION f(corner Water St &Dunlop Dr." WhtbY> Cormn ve s 1 0 dl