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Whitby Free Press, 7 Jun 1978, p. 1

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FRi'EEP R E4 To complete road to Beaverton Unrderpass funding promisd this year, before the federal money w6as-appro'ved. The region had planned to eall for a hearing on Ottawa's earlier refusai to contribute to the project, before a change in govern- ment policy made the funds available, said Mr. TweLve- trees. Construction of the tunnel, where the railway crosses the road in the third conces- sion of Whitby, is expected to begin by late summer. this year and be completed by miýd-1979, said Mr. Twelve- trees. Whitby man, .drowns, 1A Whitby man in his 40's drowned in Lake Ontario near the end of the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital Road shortly before 2 p.m., Sun- day, Durham- Regional Police reported. Police said a man was seen sitting on a rock at the lakeshore, with his, wrists siashed and when ap- proached, he told a, passer- by to "go away." When approached by other people seeking to help him, he walked into the lake and drowned within a few minutes, police said. Police said two- boats were des- patched fromn the Whitby yacht, Club to rescue the man, but he was pronounced dead at the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital about 2:15 p.m. Dead is James Bruce Phillips, of 1448 Brock Street South. Local girl is champo IMryLouis e*ddck, who . ionshI>JlpeinJuly at South was featured ina, story in the ledls umr Free Press issue:of Aug. 10, In addition to- her recent 1977, recently captured the victory in Markhamh, she was Ontario Senior Strut Cham- also firsù'uùnner-up in senior pionsip i Marham.twirling and fourth runner- Her victory qualifies her urpti senior parade solo. for the Canadian champon Miss Reddick bas beezi mon bâtntiln ic h *,ý ships in Winnipeg at the end atntiigsncte of June and the world cliam- of four, and bas lived t' Whitby since April, 1977. SPRING FAIR BEAUTY-I bike ide I'Karen Peters, the 1977 Miss Brooklin Spring Fair, places-the crown on the head of the 1978 winner, Kathy Harris. Miss Harris was seiected from among nin contestants at the Miss Brooklln Spring Fair Pageant at the Brooklin Arena Thursday. The runners-up> were Diana nets' t, 0 Johansen and Carol ýBelich. The Miss Brooklin Spring Fair Pageant wa s a joint project of i$ , 0 thBrooklin and >Istrict Kinettes and the Brookiin-Faâir Boa'rd.-- Frele Press Photo aLrgatn OConnor Fo rmer school -trustee des A Whitby Separate School Trustee for 14 years, Morgan Joseph O'Connor, died at bis residence June 3, at the age of 51, folowing a lengthy ill1ness. Mr. O'Connor was a mem- ber of the fourth generation of a family which had lived at Maplehurt Farmn, R.R. 1, Pickering since 1837. A son of Margaret and the late Arthur Willamn O'Con- nor, Mr. O'Connor was bOrn ini Oshawa, Jure 6, 192, and resided or Maplehurst Farmn ail his 111e. He was a dairy farmeér and had been retired for two years. In the late 1950's Mr. O'Connor was a director of the Children's Aid Society in Oshawa. He served on the Witby Separate Scbool Board from 1963 to 1968 and was chair- man qf <the board during part with the construction of Denis O'Connor High School, which was named after his grand uncle, a former Arch- bishop of Toronto. From 1969 'to 1976, he served on the Ontario County and Durham Begion Separ- ate School Boards, repre- senting Wbitby, and was on the salary committee. He retired from thie school board at tlhe end of 1976 because of iW health. In 1977, Mr. O'Connor was presented with the Award cf Menit by the. Ontario Separ- ate Set"o Trustees Associa- tion for bis contributions to Cathoic education, and lie also received tbe Queen's Silver Jubilee Medal. Mr. O'Connor was a 30- year member of <the Knlghts of Columbus, and was a 4th Degree Knigbt for the pat 15 years. Hie served as District Wardera in 193-6. Mr. OConnor was a mer,- ing at the age of 17, and served until 1955, training soidiers to use Sherman Tanks. He was a hife member of the Sergeants' Mess cf the Ontario Regiment. Mr. O'Connor neyer mar- ried, and is survived by bis mother, Mrs. Margaret O'Connor, R.R. 1, Pickering; five sisters, Marguerite at home, Patricia at Toronto, Helen of Pickering, Geral- dine of Toronto, and Mrs. Ron Ste. Marie (Moira) of Oshawa; three brothers, Dr. Dents and Dr. Terrance O'Connor cf Stouffilile, and Maurice of Maplehurst Farm; and 25 neices and nephews. The funeral was beld Tues- day June 6 at St. John thie Evangelist Clwrch, with thie Kuights of Columbus foem- ing an bonoe- guard at the church and for prayers at thie W. C. Town Fuiueral Homne IntermnIt was in St. IThé Whitby Kiwanis Club Ladies' Great Bike Ride For Cancer took place Saturday under sunny skies and was pronounced a. great succes by the Club. When ail pledges are col- lected, the Whîtby Canadian Cancer Society branch will increase its 1978 total by $5,5W0, said kiwanis Presi- dent Bob Brodie. Although this was a ladies' event, a few men managed to sneak in, nameiy Bill Irwin representing the Rotary and Lions Clubs, Jack Town representing the Kiwanis, Gerry Emm representing the Brooklin Kinsmen, and Don Harris of Blackstock. Five Toronto residents also entered the bike ride, which started and fiishedtat Centennial Park. The winner of the bike donated by LASCO Steel was Ann Beauclerc, 610> John Street West, Whitby. The bigbest jamount col- lected was $M4by Mrs. Dolly Goddard, 305 James Street, Whity. The bike, ride route, which was only 20 kilometres witb- in the Town of Whitby this year, should be expanded to *20,000 FIE Whitby fîre figliters pour water <brougli a second storey window of a duplex at 50m Barris Street to queli a fire which broke out in an upstairs bedrooni at 2:30 p.m. Fnid.y. Thie liuse was unoL-tupied ai lie finir. and

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