WHITBY FREE PRESS' WEDNESDAY JUNE 14, 1978, PAGE 3 Poicereceive Ten on. Patroigrant The Durham Regional Police' have received a federal grant, 0of $10,ooo to $11,000 to Set'up a Teens or Patrol progrâm for Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax and Pickerîng during July and August. The grant wil pay 99 per cent of the cost of the project, though some revenue for mnaterials will corne from the police budget. The program calîs- for teenagers dressed in white shirts with the police crest and Teens on Patrol identifi- cation to be assigned in pairs Wrist wrestling championship at, froquoiis*Park Iroquois Park, which was the scene of the Minto Cup Canadian Junior A lacrosse champiozdship games last Septembýr, will be the site of another championship event this summer. The Iroquois Park arena has been booked for the Ontario Wrist ýWrestling Championships, which will be held Aug. 12. Some of the contenders who are likely to show up for this event, conducted a local preliminary quarter final championship at the Queen's Hotel in Port Hope on'June 10, and the semi-finals will be held to determine the Whitby champion at the Royal Hotel on June 24. AI Menard, of Rossland Road, Oshawa, a profes- sional wrist wrestler, is the promoter and organizer of all these events, and will be chief referee at the champiônshlps at Iroquois Park. At the age of 51, Mr. Menard was the oldest wrist wrestling competitor at the world championships held at Timmins every year. For the first time in 10 years he did not compete at Timmins this eyar. The championship of 1978 was won by three Amfericans. .An invitation is. being extended to aIl Ontario residents interested In competitive wrist wrestling to, attend the Ontario Championships at Whitby ini August, and ladies as well as men are invited to compete. Men ar -broken down into Croven a( Production employees at Croven Ltd. on Beech Street accepted a contract settle- mefit last Week will for the first Urne prôvide company- paid leave for union training courses. International UAW representative Steve Nirnigon siad this was a "first" for the Durham Region. T-ihe company has agreed to provide one cent an hour to an education fund for each of the 140 UAW Local 1090 members at the plant, and will sponsor croven workers wishing to attend regular courses at the union's school in Port Elgin, Aug. 12 weight divisions: flyweight (155 pounds maxiunlum), lightweight, (175 pounds), middleweight (199 pounds), and heavyweight,. (o'ver 200 pounds). The ladies are not >classified by weight. Mr. menard hasfive sons who are iw active wrist wrestling competition,a nd Dennis, the second oldest, was middleweight champion several years ago. ecepts pact he said. The Croven pact, accepted in a 65 per cent ratification vote June 6, provides an accross-the-board pay increase of 50 cents an hour during the next two years. Another highlight of the contrct is the union's 'first dental plan which cornes into ,effect with the c ontract's second year and'will have all premium costs covered by teh company. Other provisions include an unlimited cost-of-living allowance and the introduc- tion of a fifth vacation week for, workers, with 20 years' seniority.« to recreation facilities pin- pointed by municipal staff as problem areas for vandalism. "If they observe someone conimitting an act of vandal- ismor any tyrpe of damage or theft, their responsibility will be to report it to the playground supervisor," says Sergeant Ray Hobbs of the department's crime prevention bureau. The experimental Teens on Patrol Program wilI be the first of its kind in Canada, and is based on a program originated in Rochester N.Y. in 1967. It was first proposed to the Durham Police Commission *by the Oshawa-Whitby Social Planning Council which is conducting a study of vandalism in Whitby. Plans eall for the hiring of seven maies and females pat'y between the ages of 16 and 18 throuigh the Canada Man- power office to carry out the program. David Hoover, 26, of Oshawa was hired last week as the fuil-time project leader. According to Sergeant Hobbs, the teenagers will have nô, police 'authority. Most of their responsibility will be to talk to children and aduits about vandalism and other criminal activities. piace - 20% OFF LAST 3' DAYS TO SAVE FROM OUR $101» RACK' Origin'al Sale Prices From $1 399 To $2498 LIMITED QUANTITIES * ,Ie# e. Fiesta '78 JURE 18 to e4 ý"Oshawa's, Weekof Fun"r FUN FOR ALL FIESTA '78 wilI be a week ta remyember ....-come out and Qet acaluainted with the peop le, -the food, dress, dances and their arts and craPfs! MAMMOTH PARADE Sundav June l8th, over 2,000 participants will parade starting at 'p.'m. from Midtown Mali to the Civic Auditorium..bring the family and enjoyl FOLK FESTIVAL CONCERT Sunday June -1 8th- at the Civic Auditorium .... hours of fun and festivities from 4p.m. to 10 p.m. Your Fiesta'78 Passport is your admission!, CROWNIMG 0F FIESTA OUEEN This colourful and exciting event will take place at the Folk Festival Concert at, the Civic Auditorium, Sunday, June 18..don't miss it! 42 PAVILlON AIl over Oshawa, these fun-fîlled Pavilions will offer their hospitality delicious food with continental flair, traditional dances and Public dancing for your ý pleasure....your passport is is yow'radmission, children 12 vears of aqe and under wifh Parents admittedi free ....Senior Citizens with Gov't. l.D. cards odmitted freel GEl VYOUR FIESTA '78 PASSPOR't NOW 11 THEY'RE AVAILABLE FOR $1 .50 EACH FROM AILPARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS AND WULL BE ON SALE AT THE CONCERT AND AU. PAVI LIONS DUR ING FIESTA WEEKM! COME BRING YO&JR FAMILV FR - ENDS! "HeId under the authority of a special"occasion permit" Ciiorens Wear & MFneLinens AIL PANTS -SAVE