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Whitby Free Press, 14 Jun 1978, p. 5

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Corridor C >apers, ufiials of the Brookiin Spring Fair are stili tallying the final attendance records from ail the turnstiles of the four day event, held June 1 Lo 4. The figure has gone well over 12,000 paid attendance, making the Brooklin Spring Fair Durham Region's largest agricultural fair, with the Port Perry Fair held in the faîl running close second with an attendance 0f 10,000, siad Fair Board officiai Don Wick. Other fairs in the Durham Region are the Oshawa Fair, Orono Fair, Blackstock Fair, Uxbridge, Sunderland and Beaverton Fairs. 1The best attended event of the four-day 1978 fair was the second annual bed and bath- tub race. The Gary Young Pîumbing trophy was won by tue team- o David Stocks and his four-mani crew. tDavid, son of à ]rominent erdoklin doctor, is a',student at Axider- son Coileg14t#e Ini the Powderpuff- Divi- sion, an ail-girl team with Lynda Cormack as captain, to* :the trophy for the ladies. Lynda is presently attending Durham,.ColkegeN Friday's Meature event 0f eight harnes races drew a large crowd with total pay- outs at the pari mutuels in $4,927. Thirty-five ý pacers and trotters competed fo the 1,786 in purses, and there are plans to enter 48 bourses next year.1 V) ne of the new attractions was sheep shearing; a real crowd-pleaser. The Toyota Sky Dive thrilled the crowd, under the direction of Bull Cole, who bhas nde more than 1,000 successful jurnps, and is une of the few men in Canada who jumps without a para- chute, being handed a para- chute by une of lis eam members after falling - several thousand feet. Mr. Cule has entertained at the CNE Air Show for the past severai years and will jump at the Commonwealth Games in Edmonton this IL seems that school is dismissed for summer recess'earlier each year. As soon as June arrives, the children are just mark-ing ime until the vacation period. Dr. Robert Thornton school will close for ail children on Friday, June 23. June 26t,27, 28, 29 and 30 are Professional Activities Days for the staff. A new policy has been established by the Board this ycar in connection with the children's June reports. No reports will accompany the children on Friday, June 23, the usual custe)m. INSTEAI) Reports wiil be available in the school to be picked up on Thursday, June 29 and Friday June 30. Th&staff Willbc in their classrooms to discuss the reports with the parents on both of these days. Reports not picked up wilI be mailed to you. For the Grade 8 and other graduating students and their parents, the Graduating Exercises Iwill be held on Thursday Brooklin Fair is larges t inregion , T1e deadline is Juie 15 for the iW&iitbk e<rea tion Departýinent* sconffdeh.nual Elemev#tary4! School Water Safé&y Poster Contest. This'year 1.heme is safety in ajd' about back yardl swîmzfring pools. Every Whitbyor Brooklin student in Grades 1l to 8 tan enter the contest. First prize is a, freç wm ming-pasa and .a, tree sâwi ming lesson, for July .and Auguat at thieIroquois Park Redmen are hi Tht place A goal by Bill Vann with 10 seconds le t on the dlock gave %he B oolin Redmen Senior lac osse club a 13-12 victory'ý uv r the -Peter- boroughi Red Oaks Thurs- day. The win put the Redmen into tii-st place irs thie league standings, two points ahead of Peterborough. Stan Cockerton and John Reed each scored hree goals for the Redmen and Marty Van Heuvel and Ricli Barrowcîough each added a pair. Scoring singles were Tom Pliair, Gary Nicholson and Bill Vann. The score was ied "- at the end of the first period, and Peterboroughi led 11-9 at the end of the second. Next home game for Brooklin is Thursday against the Windsor Wailocks. year. In 1977, after 65 years 0f operation on iLs own, the Brookling Spring Fair was named as an officiaI agricul- Lui-ai society by the provin- cial government and is now eligible for provincial grants that can double Lhe prize money on agricultural events. This was done ýfor the first ime in 1978. In 1979, a new grain and hay exhibit wili be started as a special commercial class, juged by the Ontario Ministry 0f Agriculture, wýhich puts up some oft the prize money. The 1977 Brooklin Spring. Fair Queen, Karen Peters, will be the first to represent the Brooklin fair in competi- ion with about 175 other Canadian fair queens at the Sweetheart ut the Fai- con- test at the opening day of the Canadian National Exhibi- ion in August. Top prize is $1,000 cash, and there is a free Air Canada trip plus hundreds of other prizes for the winner. pooil. To enter, a student must design a pôster.depicting the theme, and submit iL to his teacher. The poster must-be on a piece 0f bristol board. at least 10 by 14 inches. Entries will be judged on neatness, composition andi significance. Each poster must have the studentps name, grade, school and phone number on the front. Second Lu sixth place finishers will receive ribbons and two free swim passes. C u-op housin g-projeet WHITBY FREE PRESS' WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1978, PAGE, 5 tt' The Ontario-Federal ÇAssociatinwihhold iheir anzwal- The as Whiby e- sooo, sidGaryKen, a Meeting and Election of Officers to-night (June 14) at Harwood operatiVe RHÃ"using Poet, representative of te oý Vocational, School, Ajax. Time 8 o'cloek. Guest Speaker - Paul on* Anderson Ptreta)ick M.P. Lanarkr-Renfrew-Carlton,; Thaqts ail for this week. 5tetfa The project is expected to ' reéeiVed Ontctric Municipal cost $4,065,00o, pending final Cî 2-97wt esies Board apprOv'al now that ail word on financing from Have a good week-M. cahrn objections -have been Central ýMortgage and M IEcen removed. Housing Corporation. Objections to the 90-town- Rents for a two-bedroom house project resulted, in à home are about $266 a month iw nd constructon ih ly adeiring, $296.oo iwn antauhaitontih eîay an for2a6.ou-bedroomILOAM means an additional cost of1 PROCLAMATION CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY- "'HIRE A STUDENT WEEK" *TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Whitby hereby prociaims the period of June l9th to June 26th, 1978 as "HIRE A STUDENT WEEK" in and for the Town of Whitby. Tne purpose of "HIRE A STUDENT WEEK" is to rmah:e the publie and business aware of the nred to create new openings for summer students. Ail industries, businessmen and householders of the Town of Whithy are therefore urged to lend their support ini the creation of openings for these students. bATED ai the Town of Whittby this l4111 day of June, A.D., J.C. Gartshore, MAYOR. Nid Uver 124)000 attended Water safety contest ends Thursday mcmý r evening, June 22, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Because of limnitcý space, only parents and guardians of graduating students will be able to attend. Miss Bruce, Principal of Dr. Robert Thornton, will be leaving the sehool this year. She wiIl be greatly missed. Bruce Church will he the principal when school re-opens on Tuesday, Scptemher 5, 1978. Play days are planned for each- section of the school, beginining at 1 o'clock on the following dates. Grades 1, 2, 3 (inciuding Mrs. Kahn's and Mrs. Spencer's> and Kindergarten - June 8. Grades 4, 5, 6 and Mrs. Scheele's class - June 9 Grades 7, 8, 9 and Mr. Lall's class - June 16. In case of inclenuit weather, a change of dates will be announced Lo the children. Parents are invited to attend any or ail or these events. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OLDE-TYME STRAWBERRY SUPPER St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will hold an Olde-Tyme Strawberry Supper at the Church, Cochrane StreeL N., Whitby, on Wednesday June 28 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. this is the first Lime in about 10 years that the church membership have attempted a dinner. The main course will consist of salads and cold cutrs, Lopped of by strawberries. Sounds delectable. Tickets: - Aduits $3.00, children $1 .50 or $10.00 per family. Tickets must be purchased in advance and are available at Plurn Hollow Books, Brock St. S., Mowat's Insurance, Dundas St., W., or by calling Jim Stevenson aL 723-5579. There are only 200 tickets available, so cail] early and avoid disappointment. Remember - Wednesday, June 28th from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. OLDE-TYME Strawberry Supper St. Andrews Presbyterian Church Cochrane St. N. Whitby Sec you there! Buy your tickets in advyance! WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Church Picnic - June 25 at Camp Pretoria. Outdoor Service at 11:30 a.m. - picnic dinner - games races and ball game. -, Mayhe iLs about ime we ail take a good look at Government. TI-je crisis in Galifornia just might spark some-sense into Whitb residents. I3efore'you vote in November, make sure the person you plan bo elect, will work for the betterment of Whitby. Il inay also make our politicians think twice before spending our nioney. for frill% and studies. IL really doesn't take an exper to point out. that Whitby street are indented with POT HOLES. Even .oui- egg-man delivers cracked eggs and - 'ts Mainly

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