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Whitby Free Press, 9 Aug 1978, p. 13

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9,1978, PA<GE 13 CLAUSI-FI ID AÎ Il concefl'ations gr&chancies mnust be mode ~y ody5pm 121 (CAR TOPPER] fibregtass fishing boat in Ex. Cond. with 4.4 h.p. Chryster outboard. Best offer 579-4918 or 683-3019. FULL 'StZE Findtay stove and f rdge to match in harvest gotd. 21/2 yea rs otd. 1in Ex. cond. Cati1 668-8770.- SOLAR CENTrURY POOLS 33 Breckonwood Cres. >Tbornhitt introduces a newý concept in pools for our northern clirnate. The Ai-Atuminumn "Trojan" Poot has two inches of ridged insutation butit Into its watts to extend your swimming season, lifetime warranty on watts, cooing, Ilner. In and above grounds. Free pool tender with every Trojan Pool; thînk of it no more vacuuming. Atso avaitabie pools on renta i basis. Cati Coiiect - 1 (416) - 494-6656. WE BUY FURNITURE, APPLIANCES, ODDS & ENDS WHAT HAVE YOU? BLAKES TRADING POST 446 Simcoe St.S. [Warehouse] 579-9090 Swimming pools for- tease for home owners, option to buy. Complete with walkway, deck and fencing. Smailt deposit required. No monthly pay. ments tiI 1979. Try before you buy. Cati toit free: 1-800-268-1944. Leacling swimming pool manufacturer must, vacate, premises, wiii sacrif ice ail 1978 pool models 30% - 40% - 50% off, most sizes in stock, priced from $1,322.00. Immediate dettvery and cone day Installa- tion. No monthly paymerits tilt., 1-800-268-1944. TOOL SALE Half price on ail hydraujli!c jacks, Vices. sôcket Sets, wrencfl Sets, MicrométeSo drili setso- andd many other'tools for nmechanics ROOKLUN TOOL CO- omplete Automnotve Garage Supplies 683-1753. STRAW OR MAY CALL WELLS 635-3579 72 CADILLAC Eldorado. Ex. cond., fuliy loaded, power sun roof, air cond., on Michelin tires. AM/FM storeo radio. Asking $3395. Will certify CAI evenings at 668-0581. 1 TURBO 400 transmission sacrafice $150. or best offer Cati 668-1903. WANTED TO RENT 1 garage to store antique 1954 Chev. In Brooktin, Oshawa or Whitby. Cati 655-3294. '"2 FOR RENT Apartr$wnt for rent above Submarine Machine In WhitbY (C)Supency afw .kauly 16. For more lnfornatlon catt: FARMS FOR RIENT Whitby - 25 mites north, 75 acres, scenic, on highway and river, suit handyman to instait our pre-fab bungalow and tive f ree. Cai 1.278-4200. FOR RIENT Industrial-Commercia[-Office Space.ý Up to 20,000 sq. ft., sprinklered. Hopkins St. Cati collect Toronto 633-1615. SITUATIONS 1* t " WANTEDj MAN WI'TH 1/2 ton witt do odd lobs, iight moving, tree cutting, garbage remnovat. Cati 655-3022. RELIABLE BABYSITTING ln our warm and ioving home. Whitby Key East Area. Mon. - Fr1. Starting Sept. Pre-, schooters preferabte. Good tunches. $40. per week. For 1, or $60. per week for 2. Cati 668.1218 anytime. RESPONSIBLE DAY CARE in my home now or starting September, prefer 3 years and otqeer. Fuil or haif days. 5 min.,- walk to 'West Lynde schoot. Please Cai 668-5858. BUILDING BLOCKS pre. schooi (Co-operative) is accepting applications for a Superviser - Teacher (Qualifi. cations and experiegce prefer. able). Telephôone 576-5778. EARN EXTRA MONEY. Show our exciting uine cf Christmas cards and gtfts to friends, neighbours, relatives. No experience needed. Our big, cotourfutly iltustrated catalogue 'makes It easy and profi1'table. Start now. Write toctay for f ree Christmas catalogue and information. Monarch Greeting Cards, 217 Cannon, Hamilton, L8N 3K3 or phone 1-527-3891. SERVICES CARPENTR HOME-REPAIR 'M & Dkywall, Rec. 'Rooms ~Cdar .,Devks and 'Ïti Dors., :FlRýE ESTJMATES .' C . ROCCA CERAMIC TILE AND MOSAIC FLOOR OR WALL ALL TYPE 0F WORK 20 YRS. 0F EXPERFENCE 655-4531 -I rPaidfor Gol d anid SilVer Icn, oId guns, c1ocks,. ~wk,4jhes, fu i "tu~p crocks, 00pa. iu std ,seae. Friendly FlQa «!rkft 23-Kin g WosOét [il 9ý MALE AFGHANE, 9mthri. oid.» Black face with apricot cotour. Reg. with papers. Ait shots,. g00d show dog. $200. or best offer. Cati 655-8017 after 9 p.m. May 31, 78 W k ARE Nol- LOOKINO FOR ANTIQUES!!1 Any items manutactured before the 50's, in quantity, that might be in a factory, warehouue or harn, cen ho of interest ta us for cash. PINBALI. DOL LS CLOTHING We hought them ali If you think you have anything of interest to us, cati or write immediately to: CORPORAION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY HELP WANTED 2 ADULT SOHOOL CROSSING GUARDS J Ihe Town of Whitby is accepting applications for the position of Adult School Crossing Guards. They are --required fer two*locations - for the West Lynde Public School and the Kathleen Rowe Public School. Positions will be of interest to anyone living close to Michael Boulevard and Jermyn Street and to Burns Street FJ'ast and Athol Street. \pplications are to be addressed to Mr. Wm. H. Wallace, Clerk Administrator, Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. LiN 2M8 no later than August 25th, 1978. R.A. Kuwahara, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. Fôr And About Teenagers TUE WEEK'S LEITE: "I have a problem. 1 arn goîng with thîs guy, and he told me he was divorced. It tumied o"tho wasnt. 1 still love hlm. Ris wîfe left hlm and thon came back. Hue said ho would cal me when she let aam. 1 can't ive that kind of le. -1 do love hlm, thh.ami It seoms 1 caiVt keep a boyfrd. 1 amn lonely. What can 1 do? 1 tU"n the reason I can't keep a boyfriend is that my mther made me take care of my brother mnd sister se much" OUJR REPLY: Dont jusnp to hasty conclusions abot your nmter beîng thse cause of your problem. You are respoosible for your own ilfe. Vaut parets were kîld eno hte br4 y mu to the RECORDS -FURNITURE CARNIVAL ITEMS ZOLTZZ 366 Adelaide East, Csurtyard, Toronto, Canada, M5A 3X9 (416).36.8-0668 world, what you do wlth it is up to, you. As for the guy that told you he was divoroed-d<on't spend any of your preclous time worrying about hM. Especlally don't use1 hlm as evidence that you can't keep a boyfrlend. Love is one thing, but truth. honesty. and ethics are învolvecl, too. Finally, don't confuse being lonely with. being alonc. They aren't necessarily the same. You can be alone and be quite content. 16 you're certain that you're lonely make an extra effort te comn- municate with your friends. S.iofu etb.volume of WSet t h;* b oelumn, request for pennl reç!';*& onno lm oeco.m.od.ted. Iditorwolpowe zStsm for w-»kly Useek~erWMhbe"«repre»nts MAKNIKsmt1=NOhi. 1O 4e ealth %* Views Youth is'a feeling... not an age How old are you? Not in years, but in'spirit? The late comedian, Ed Wynn, in his later years had a formula for staying young. 'He said that instead .of worrying about hie actual age and feeling old, he picked some important event in his life and figured hie age from that point. In his particular case, the event was his marriage. Therefore, he quoted hie age 20 to 30 years younger ... and felt the samne. Youth is a feeling, not an age! There are youthful oldsters and old youngsters. So chronological age in itself means nothing. Whether you are 8 or 80, if you want to stay youthful, your doctor of chiropractic makes the following suggestions: 1. Keep busy. Too much leisure causes the mind to St. George's Big BINGO> Every Mon. at ZOLLIE'S FORUM 7:30 P M. lt's Air Conditionedl Lic. No. 238399i IMPRovEMAENTS Roofing Eovestrough, Corpentry Painting For Free Estimotos 668-9308. give you a need for the companionship and respect of frends. 4. Set goals and have ambitions. You are neyer toc old nor toc young to plan.. 5. Eat regular, well-balanoed meals. D o. not overeat. Likewise, avoid crash or fad diets. 6. AIlow yourself "think" time. Don't put yourself oni 50 tight a schedule that you do flot have time for yourself. 7. Keep physically fit. Establiah a regular program of moderate exercise. 8. Maintain good posture. Keep your chest out, stomach in, back straight and chin Up. 9. Get regular health examinations. Practice preventive care. Life is precious and well worth preseýving. Retain that spirit of youth, by maintaining good health. lMese heulth. views are publlshed.by Membeas off the Ontaio Chiropractie Association in the interest, off better public heahth. Looking For Accommodations? 2 & 3 Bedrooms in Whitby From 248 per inonth- Athol Green Co-operative 250 Dunlop Street East Whitby, Ontario Phono 668-9641 Occupancy Availablo Sept. lst 71 C2 WANTED stagnate and the body to deteriorate. 2. Have hobbies. Select activities that complete diversion from your regular work. 3. Maintain friendships. Everyone has aj

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