PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whib man is Ontario 's tare hoigchamio Ron. Alldred of Whitby, who was featured in an article in the Free Press May 17, is Ontario Champion .in the sport of running game target shooting. At the Ontario Champion- ships held at the Oshawa Skeet and Gun Club June 24 and 25. Mr. Alidred placed ROnOFING - SHINGLES & FLAT DECKS A Oood Job for MyGood Company Established iii1941 Bonded with Consumer's Protection Bureau General HomelRtnairing Service FREE ESTIMATES Prop. G.A. White - RRI, Brooklin- 655-47 41 ",Mention This AD for 109o'OVF JaunesP.oA.Prenstice DISPENSING OPTICIAN 400 A Dundas St. WestBu.6614 Ct Kent)Bu.6614 Whitby# Ont. Li N 2M7 Res. 668-0067 D. THAPAR Denture Therlpist 214 Dundos St. E. WhltbY 668-7797 HOU RS Mon. - Sat. & Evonings By Appointment OnIy first in the closed provincial championship for Ontario residents only. The five-time American champion, Charles Davis, of Fort, Benning, Georgia, placed first in the open competition. Mr. Alldred advanced to the National Championships at Kitchener, Ont. July 6, 7 and 8 and placed second in ail of Canada for the second year in a row. The first two days he was below par in his shooting, but the third day he shot the best_ ever, lie said.-His score was 46 points higher than last' year in more than 100 shots. His score of 854 out of 1,000 points placed him second ini ail Canada behind Richard Esseltine of Peterborough. Mr. Alldred attended the E#pito, Juarez Invitational m' a tech in Mexico March 22 and placed l7th out of 24 shooters. The weater, he said, caused hlm to shoot below even his poor practice scores on this occasion. .Mr.' Alldred has a busy schedule ahead of him this year. On July 22 and 23 he entered 'a running target match at the.Oshawa Skeet and Gun Club, and On Aug. 26 and 27 at the same club he will be up against, members 6f tue U.S. Arxny teamn and the Marines, Who have a reputation for good shooting. Early in September he will attend the New York State championships at Bingham- ton N.Y., and in October hé- will.enter the Virginia, State Championships at Quantico Marine Base, Virginia. This will be followed by a two-week training session at Fort Benning, Georgia in mid January,1979-where, the. LCQLN MERCURY SALES LiMITED. AIR CONDITIONED SPECIAL 1917LT-Il ý-2,DR. HARDTOP White, V/8 automatic, PIS, P/B3, vinyl roof, air conditionir'g, T/glass, defroster, W/W, and W/C. 15295 Lic. MCH 660 ECQNOMY CONS 1977 DATSUN Yellow, 4 cyl. standard, defroster and AM radio. Lic. MHB 728 .3295 1978 ZEPHYR Z-7 Maroon, 6 cyt. 3 spd. standard transmission, vinyl roof, defroster, W/W, W/C, bucket seats, and radio. Lic. NCD 979 $5295 "Our c ompany policy is 100% CIISTOMER SATISFACTION## says Doug Johnston, President of Glenwood Lincoln Mercury. 1120 ST.* E. U.S. Army marksmanship unit is located. Having placed second in ail Canada, Mr. Alldred earns a place on the two and three-man "ru*nning game Creditc Mrs. Nancy Chamberlain knows that bankruptcy is not the only way, nor indeed the best way, for those who have over-indulged themnselves -in to-day's "Easy" crédit, or, have been trapped by cir- cumstances in a whirlpool of debt. As Executive Director 0f Oshawa and Distric Credit Counseliing Service, Mrs. Chamberlain offers a better solution to debt problems than bankruptcy; counsel- ling to help the client handle outstanding accounts, -or- an orderly paymnent of debt programme through the Agencv until-the individual BON. ALLDBIJ target shooting team for Canadian events. He has had his sights set *'>n'the 1980 (ilympics. but it wîLl bç figrter tcJ Bet a berth' on the Canadian team now Dunselling or farnily can cope *ithout ocitside help. Counselling may involve re-organizing payment schedules of. outstanding debts trimming back pros- pective purchases, budget- ting, or in other words bring- ing expectatioris more in Une with income. An orderly pay- ment of debt programme may be established whereby an agreement between creditors, client and the Agency is made. After jointly assessing the debtor's ability to pay;, a set amount of money is agreed upon, and the client brings this amount each month into the Agency, because the' minimum standard has been raiséd to 561' from 540 points. A Russian holds the world's top score of 579 points, and Mr. Alldred's highest score was .9R in August 1M77. can help and the AgeX endi it tô the creditors in accordance to the amount owed to each. Bankruptcy brings with it a feeling of guiît, înadequacy and failure. However, suc- cessful clients of Credit Counselling feel a real sense of accomplishment when their financial affairs are under their control, and they can face, with confidence, a credit oriented societyï 0f ten becoming a client of' the .Agency means retainingý employment that was in jeopardy, or keeping a mar-à niage intact that .'was," disiptégratinig -under -the,., constant stress of "robbing,4 Peter to pay Paul ! ,'. he, *Bankrupt finds it virtùally impossible to btain credit,,- and must operate on a cash -basis. in,,.what is. rapidly becoming a'à cashless society. Agey clients corne- from many varied backgrounds,' and are referred from many sources:, creditors, family services, employers, legal aid, social agencies, and friends who have, themi- selves, been helped., This non-profit Agency bas a Board> of DÃrçe6rs comprised of volunteers from almost ail walks of life; business, law, teaching, industry, banking, the ministry, credit unions, social services and many others. It is the responsibil- ity of the Board to provide guidancein the operation of the Agency and funds to make such operation possible. The cost of the service is met by a grant fromthe Provincial Goveru- ment, United Way funds, municipal grants, and con- tributions from public spirited business firms and interested indivîduals. To help the client back on his financial feet; it is essen- tail that his debts be paid - this benefits his creditors. He loses less time from work and changes employment less frequently - this benefits industry. A family that is self-supporting contributing member of society, benefits the community as a whole. Mns. Chamberlain headsaa smail staff, in a small office NOW ON- SAVINGS Effective Aug 1,1978 VICTOIA and GREY TRSTCOMPANY Manager 3M8 Dundas St W., Whitby 668-9324