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Whitby Free Press, 23 Aug 1978, p. 19

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COMýhING6 E VENTS WRIST WRESTLING The Carling O'Keefe Ail- Ontario wrist wrestling championships will be held at Iroquois Park Arena, Aug. 26, starting at moon. This is a provincial championship and should prove of much interest to many people. DANCE On Friday Sept. 1, the member of the Hope Cenfe Program are holding a dance for ail present and past users of Mental Heaith services. The dance will be held at St. George's Anglican Church, Si Centre Street South, Oshawa from 7'p.m. to 10:30 p.m., with door prizes, spot dances and refreshments. Transporta- tion wilI be provided from Whitby for those who need it. For more information, oel 723-1033. DEiCOUPAGE A decoupage workshop for chlldren 10, and up wil be held Aug. 24 from 7p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Whitby Public Library. Registration is $1.50 per child at the children's desk. HOCKEY REGISTRATION Registration for the Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hlockey Association wiii take place Sept. 9 and 16 from 9 a.-m. toi1 p.m. at the Brooklin Community Centre and the lobby area of Iroquois Park Arèna . Ail young hockey players who want to join up for the 1978-79 season are asked to take note of these registration dates. OPEN HOUSE The new Whitby Public Library will be officially opened Sept. 13 and an open house will be held on Satur- day Sept. 16, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Ail citizens of Whitby and area are invited to attend the open bouse, which will fMature refreshments and entertainment. MODEL SCHOOL REUNION Students who attended the old Whitby School (now Florence Heard School) up to 1935 are invited to attend a. reunion to be held at the school Sept. 6 from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. For further informa- tion contact Alvin Sturgess at 668-3518. FALL KICK-OFF St. Mark's United Church will be holding its annual Fall Kick-Off at il a.m. Sept. 10. Foilowing the worship service there will be a pot luck luncheon in the church assembly hall. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT MEETING An information session on a new Community Involve- R. W. (Rick) Raczkowski, son of Mr. & Mrs. R. Raczkowski of 911 Walton Blvd., was called to the Bar on the I 4th of April 1978 at the ceremony held in the O'Keefc Centre. A former graduate of Henry St. High School Wh.tby, he took his honours Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Toronto and graduated law at Queen's Universty at Kingston, Ontarlo._ ElsaI': Childrens Things GOOD VALUES FOR RACK TO SCHOOL for 2 'o FF«li boys 2% FFmnderw.or WIDE SELECTION 0F BOYS# FLANNEL SHIRTS, GIRLS'BLOUSES, CORDS. SWEATERS 366 Brock st. S. Whltby 668"133 ment and Volunteer Program will be held at the Whtiby Coiamunity Care office in St. Bernard's School 220 Dundas Street West from 1: 30 p. m. Sept. 6. The new pr-ogram involves one-to-one volunteer work with aduits under severe emotional stress, those recovering from mental illness and those who -have difficulty copingwith life. For further information, cali the Community Care office' at 668-622 weekday mornings. WHITBYVFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1978, PAGE 19 'Whi*tby Community Bingo9 Joyce@$'? $500,I 2$500JACKPOTS EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Monday, Aug. 21 1978 Lic. No.,, 23W49 FIRST JACKPOT AT 58NUMERS SE COND JACKPOT AT 53 NIJMBERS 7:5p.m. No childreu under 16 admitted NO ADMISSIOdN CHARGE! HEY DENSIIORE PAVILION (corner Water St. & Dunlop Dr., Whitby> NOTICE 0F' APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD by The Corporation of the Town of Whitby to regulate land use pursuant te Section 35 of The Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to apply te, The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of The Planning Act for approval of By-law No. 738-78 passed on the 24th day of July A.D., 1978. A copy of the By-iaw is furnished herewith. A note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-law and stating the lands affected thereby is also furnished herewith. ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY, within twenty-one (21) days after the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk-Administrator of the Town of Whitby notice of objection to approval of the said By-law or any part thereof and shall indicate that if a hearing is held the objector or an agent will attend at the hearing to state the objection. ANY PERSON wishing to support the application for approval of the By-law may within twenty-one (21) days af ter the date of this notice, send by registered mail1 or deliver to the Clerk-Administrator of the Town of Whitby notice of bis support or approval of the said- By-law together with a request for notice of any hearing that may be held giving also the name and address to which such notice should be given. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve of the said By-law but before doing s0 it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the By-law will be consîdered., Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection or a notice of support and who have left with or delivered to the Clerk-Administrator undersigned the address to which notice of hearing is to be sent. The last date for filing objections will be the l2th day of September, 1978. Dated at The Town of Whitby this 23rd day of August. A.D., 1978. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Cierk-Administrator, 575 Rossland Iload East, Whitby, Ontario LIN 2M8 AND WHEREAS the Council of thé Town of Whitby deems it desirable to initiate the implernentation of the said Plan; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED, AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as a By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby by the Council thereof; as follows: - (1) That Schedule "A" to By-law Number 25851is hereby amended by changing the zone designation to D (NR). on the lands designated as the "Subject Property" on Schedule "A-1" annexed to this By-law. (2) That this By-law shall core ne m force on the date it is passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby, subject to the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board. BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME ANDFINALLYPASSED THIS 24TH DAY OFJUL.Y, A.D. 1978. CLERK-ADMINISTRATOR -Wm. H. Wallace MAYOR J.C. Gartshore SCHEDULE A-1 J. C. ,.Idwo TO BY- LAW N? 738-78 .**ra W. . HW.II.. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY BY-LAW NO. 738-78 BEING A BY-LAW TOAMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 2585 WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby deems it advisable to amend By-law Nuniber 2W8, as amended; AND WHEREAS, the amendment.s to such By-law, as hereinafter set forth, in the opinion 0f Council, conforni to the general intent of the Officiai Plan of the Town; WHEREAS, "A Piece of Green", The Ash Creek Neighbourhood Plan, was adopted by the Town of Whitby by By-iaw Number 683-78 on the 24th day of April, 1978 in accordance with the provisions of Section 22 (5) of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1970 Chapter 349-, AND WIIEREAS the said By-law 683-78 was approved by the Mîiuter of IHousing on the 21st day of June, 1978, N~OT TO SrALt EXPLANATORY NOTE PIRPOSE AND EFFECT 0F' BY-LAW NUMBER 738-78 The purpose and effeet of By-law Nuînber 738-78 is to zone those lands which are in conflict with the approvedi Ash Creek Neighbourhood Plan as shown on Schedule "~A-1" attached to this By-law. AIl material concerning this by-law is on file and is available for public inspection at the Town of Whitby Planning Department, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Telephone.: (416) 668-583.

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