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Whitby Free Press, 23 Aug 1978, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS WrIst Wrestlig Ct'd from P.1 *ight and heavyweight divisions for women. The competition wil be mun under world ruies says Mr. Menard, and competi- tors will draw names out of a drum te find out who they will be up agalnst. The contests in each division proceed by elimination until there is an overail winner in each. The champions in eacb 1ç division will receive trophies from Carling O'Keefe, and an undertermined amount of cash. There are also trophies for runners-up. Foliowing the wrist wrest- ling, which will iast ail after- noon, there will be a dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. with music from a five piece band. Everybody is welcorne says Mr.' Menard. The admission fee is $3 for aduits and $1 for children for the wrist wrestling championship. Mr. Menard is stili a contestant in wrist wrestling and bas been a champion in h ~ --wV- YYOoC1 ~ Fumniture Stn[pping 'No dtp Unique tanks or flow-over caustics *ProSuS REPAIRED- REFINISHED ut MscNeI's Oldrfmiur &AntIqus &oUght olstw 'IT PAYS TO HAVE Y»U FUANITURE RE-UPHOSTEAED" 413 Dundee St. E. wHITBy L U' a. 668&5481 0F CANADA LOWNER OPERATE* ROYAL *5? PREMIER ~8? SIJPREME $249?5 AIL PAINÇT WORK GUARANTEED Res. 668-65213 many events. He bas 67 trophies for wrist wrestling. His son Dennis was runner- up in the world champion- ships two years ago. .1 According to Mr. Menard, wrist wrestling bas been a popular competitive sport of 15 years, although it enjoyed considerable popuiarity in Quebec 30 years ago.* This is the first such event to be held in Iroquois Park The Durham REgion Branch of the Ontario Humane Society will be holding a :ideathon te raise funds for the society, Sept. 23. East Whitby Cooperative Homes Vice-President, Evans announced last week that the 91 unit townhouse site on Manning Road'and Anderson in Whitby, now under construction, wiil be ready for occlupancy in November. The project, which consiste of two, tbiree and four bedroom unite is funded by Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Al applicants are screened for financial« suitabiiity and family status. According to Mr. Evans, a ceiling of $18,000.00 bas been set as. the maximum income a family can make to qualify for a government subsidy. Co-op residente wilI not actually buy the bouse they live in, but will buy a share in the development. A bulk mortgage, with a 50 year term, wil cover the entire development and residente will pay a monthiy "6occupancy cost" that will cover the mortgage paymente, taxes, mainten- ance and administration. The rate of occupancy'cost will range from $270.00 for a two bedroom bouse, to $301.00 for a four bedroom. Beofre moving in each member of the co-op must Arena, and Mr. Menard is hoping as many as 500 spectators wili turn out for the event. C .M.H.C. projeet nearing- completion deposit $500O hich 15, in effect, a loan to the co-op and which is refundable if the resident decides to move. The East Whitby project is the first- project to be developed by the Durham Region, Deveiopment Foun- dation. The Foundation, Mr. Evans said, is devoted to advancing non-profit housing 'such as East Whitby, throughout the region. At the request of Central. Mortgage and Housing Corporation, the group bas expanded its jurisdiction' to include an area as far as Peterborough and Belleville to teh -east, and 18 in the proceas of a name change to the East Central Ontario Develop- ment Foundation. The purpose of the Foun- dation, which includes local planning department representatives- on its committees, is to work with community groups interested in undertaking non-profit and co-op projeets.* -In addition to Mr. Evans, who is a local lawyer and Secretary of the Foundation, other members include: Gary Kent, President; Marvin Bader, Vice-Presi- dent; Gerald Frechette, Active itfs the only way tole CUhiI$IIN 111111 mIq vourdaagsi or leMACO Md wl lde1h rMs. mer m a*OM uno lm mca. WelUdequ.Iy wgrk lot à FREE INUANE ESTINATES 579m4000 Nw"el'LOOA8Tro..B 710OWILSONRo.S. OSHAWA, ONT. 1SHOP NOURS Mon Ihru lri 8am 6 Pmn 0Sot1im2 OM i Riders are requested to'be at the Sehool House at Burketon Station, north of Enniskillen at 9 a.m. on the date of the ride. The ride willl begin at 10 a.m. and will cover a distance of 40 kilo- metres (25 miles). The riders will follow the Great Pine Ridge Trail. Approximately half-way along the trail, a hot lunch and refreshmente wlll be available'. Pledge sheets are avail- able at the Ontario Humane Society shelter on Thickson Road in Whitby, and should be returned with the pledges collected, to the shelter after the Rideathon. Prizes and trophies will be awarded to both the youngest and oldest riders. In addition a prize wili be awarded te the rider who has obtained the greatest number of named pledges. This will be deait with from the pledge sheete turned in bo the administration booth and will be awarded on the day of the ride. Those wishing to partici- pate are asked to cail the WHITBY CERAMICS 1450 HOPKINS STREET NOW OP-EN LEARN A FASCINATING HOBBY REGISTER NOW-FO-R SEPTEMBER CLASSES DAYTIME & EVENING TRANSMISSION TUNE UP Eeg. $2100 ONLY$114 WITH THIS AD e Drain Transmission *Test Performance *Adjust Bands 668-6941 *Clean 011 Puan end Fâter Cmad's Lrgest Spoeilits NATION WIDE WARRANTY M o qWgE CARE about yo.n satisfaction about ou r reptation Mgr. Eci Ceranowacez Treasurer; Paul Fisher, Finance Committee Chair- man; and Blain Lalonde, Planning Committee Chair- man. The foundation, which was formed a year' ago, bas offices at 121 Brock Street North, in Whitby. For More information on the East Whitby Coop and the Foundation, phone 666-1454. Durham Region Branch of the Ontario Humane Society at 579-0591 at least one week prior to the date of the ride so that names and ages can be recorded.* Ail proceeds from this rideathon will go te help further the work on behaif of animals, carried out by the Ontario Humane Society. Residents <reject court Th e First Small Claims Court for ' the District of Durham will bave te seek a new home for the second time this month. In the second week of August the court moved from ite former location at the corner of Brock and Ontario Streete, to 330 Cochrane Street. The move was not popular with (achrane Street residents, who brought their proteste te the tewn council iast week. As a resuit of the meeting between the 'resi- dents and the tewn officiais, the court officiais said they would seek another location. S.A. Camplin, clerk-bailiff for the court, teld the resi- dents that local politicians and real estate people are helping ber to find a new home for the court. At the meeting, she toid residents that the Cochrane Street site was neyer intended to be a permanent home for the smali dlaims court. Residents expressed con- cern about increased traffic and parking probiems which they feared the court office wouid create. Mrs. Camplin repiied that oniy about five people a day visit the court office. Mayor Jim Garthsore said zoning regulations aiiow such offices in residentiai areas, and the residents were toid it is a common practice for a small dlaims court to opera te f rom a residence. Calling al RED CROSS Blood, Visit your local cllnIc today. Humane Society holds Rideathon DISP!NING OPTICIAN 400A Dundas St. W/estBu.6 61 4 Whitby, Ont. Li N 2M7 Roi. 668-0067 NE adm t r. d Exteauded for' a Iimit.d fime Play it saf e this Summer & FouIl . RELAXED AND TRAFFIC -FREE TO THE. CNE SCHEDULES are better than ever with up to 17 daily trips direct to the EX. Ask about our extra GO BUSES and GO TRAINS. THE FAMULY PASS is the thrifty way to take your family back and forth to the EX. Ask your GO Agent or GO Station Attendant for full money- saving details. FOR INFORMATION, PHONE: OSHAWA/WH ITBY 597-4224 AJAX/PICKERING 630-3933 M ieur» laOPERATED BY THE TORONTO AREA Eh~TIIMiM TRANSIT ORERATING AUTHORITY HIOM. WILLIAM DAVIS, PrnWg MON. JAMES SNOW, MIst AT.C. MoNAS, Chhrmafi im ON lk

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