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Whitby Free Press, 30 Aug 1978, p. 1

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Vol. 8, No.ë 35 Wednesqday, August 30, 1978 20 Pal ges Polce hare rlsoners AFIRE GUTS- CRUISER LAST NIGHT- Afire Iast night (Tuesday) literally destroyed a 32 foot 'Clarke, holding the hose, perched precariously on the edge cabin cruiser înoored at the Whitby Yacht Club causing an, of the breakwater while fellow firefighter Bob Marshall estimated $20,000 damage. The fire, which broke dut ar'- held the boat from drifting away. The cause of the blaze ound 10: 14 p.m., was confined to,,one boat the" Nem is under investigation by the Fire Marshall's Office. Nem" owned by Lou Chiusolo of Oshawa. Whitby fire- Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess. fighters fought the blaze -for about an hour. Captain Bill Mminister endorses better bus, service OntarioTransport Minister James Snow has cndorsed plans for improved bu "evce in tei lakeshore municipalities 6f Durham Region, but intégration of public and privated bus services is flot likcly to occur before thc end of 1978., Recommendaions oM a consultant on how to impreve bus service have been referrcd to the Toronto and Area Transit Operating Authority (TATOA) which operates GO Transit. The consultants,,, in a report prcscnted to Durham Region three months ago, callcd for improvements in bus transit betwecn Bow- manville, Oshawa and Whitby and for greater use of GO buses within the region. Mr. Snow bas given TATOA authority to negotiate with Chartcrways which operates buses between Oshawa and Whitby, for possible ways to integrate its service with GO buses. Presently only Cbarterways buses can take people between Whitby and Oshawa, excluding the use of GO buses. The coosultant's report sald this part of the trans- portation system was the weakest link hi the region. A _transport ministry spokesman has said that a system of revenue sharing amnong thec numerous private and publically operated bus services must be worked out before any- changes can be made. Councfilor Joy Thompson,ý an advocate of improved bus service for, many years, would like to sec Whitby operate its own bus service, and statcd thc resident must face the need to pay for such a transit system. A. proposai for a bii7S system was dropped from the town's 1978 budget because it would add about $30 to the average tax biB. Although only a handful of letters has been received f rom residents supporting a bus systcm, at least haîf the town's population would favour one, says Councillor Thompson. Mayor Jim Gartshore, however, says only a smal minority of residents are pressing for a bus system, and stated the town will get one whcn it is ready for it. T own seeks comiments on plan Whitby residents will have an opportunity during thc next mnonth for' final comment on Uic town's pro- posed Neighborhood Improvemerit Plan. Notice arc being published in Uic Free Press outlining thc bylaw to establish to Neighborhood Improvement Area, boundcd by Brock, Dundas and Garden Streets and the CPR tracks. Twcnty-one days after Uic publication of the second of two notices, will be allowed for any objections. The council of Uic Town of Whîtby is net expecting any opposition te the proposed transition to indutrial land zoning to a holding designa- tion for rtmldential develop ment, as outlincd in Uic bylaw, passcd July 24. At a public meeting in March the council was asked to be a catalyst for changing thc industrial zoning of the lands adjacent to Uic CNR spur line, which will cvcntually wil be removed. The Ontario Municipal Board bas given council thc go-ahead te advertisc for comment on Uic bylaw for f1lu Neighborhood hxnprove- at Area. ,.;-mbers~ of council sec Uic ii-libourhoed Improve- ment Area complementing thc improvement which is currenlly taking place in the downtown, and provlding th town wlth a new seven-acre recreation ares. The Holding designation for Uic former industrial lands will give Uic town the means to determine how Uice arca should be developcd, 't Ns Councillor Tom The cost-sharing for itiph'îientation of the Ash Crcek Neîgiibourhood Plan is $=2,000 from Uic federal govenmcnt, $221,000 f rom Uic provincial government, and $341,000 fro ic heTown of Whitby, for a total expenditure oM $884,0S. 0f that amount, $300,00 is bcing set aside for Uic park, which wil lic Uie first oM any major size north Mf Dundas Street. Three prisoners at the iWhitby jail were charged f, a bi eak, enter and theft Iast week, following two separa te incidents when they ,were ollit of the jail. One prisoner, Erie Thomas Peggie, 26, of Kendall, who was out on a weekend pass on Aug. 19 was charged with two counits of break, enter and thef t, two of possession over $200, one of possession under $200, one of obstructing police and one of being unlawfully at large. Durham Regional Police reported Peggie, who was serving two years less a day for eight counts of break enter and thef t last April, failed to' return after being issued a weckend, pass, and was arrested last Wednes- day in an Oshawa shopping plaza. According to police, the prisoner was arrested in connection with three break- mns in Bowrnanville, Black- stock and Janetville.' Four rifles wcre taken In the Jauttvilr.,burgilry;,- and- goods valued at $5,125 wcre taken from the home of James Barnes, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, ail of which have been recovered, police said. The Barnes home was entered Aug. 22 and jewellery, a coin collection and a number of bonds were stolen. Police also had to deal with two inmates of the Whitby jail who were charged with break, enter and thef t and being unlawfully at large, following an escape from a work detail at Iroquois Park, Aug. 24. Charoed are Daniel Cooper, 17, of 42 E çeter Road, Ajax, and Mark Goddard, 17, of 275 Went- worth Street, Apt. 506, Oshawa. Durham 'Regional Police report Cooper and Goddard were members of a work gang operating under the new program instituted July 1 by the Miistry of Correc- tional Services whereby. prisoners can earn time off by volunteering for community work. Police rep'ort the two prisoners were apprehended following a break-in at Heydenshore Pavilion in which a quantity of liquor and beer and seven dollars in change werd stolen. Jail Superintendent Frank Gill said the arrest of Peggie was the first case in which one of his prisoners had gotten into trouble on a weekend leave.ý He said jail pohicy is that prisoners are usually elligible for weekend passes once they have served about one quarter of their sentences. Before they are granted passes, the jail staff try to assess their attitude and behavior while in custody,' said Mr. Gill. Mr. Gilcmphasised that the jail off icials always consuit the police before a prisoner is let out, and if he is put to work, the opinion of the courts is sought, and a pre-sentence report obtained if there is -one available. Many prisoners have been released on weekend passes without any problems until now, said Mr. Gill. However, he rcported that, being human, they can be unpredictble. 1 Builders off to B.C. to try again for the Minto Cup Championship The Whitby CBC Builders Junior Lacrosse Club is heading for Uic Minto Cup finals for the second ycar in succession. On Aug. 22 at Iroquois Park, the Builders won thc clora Mohawks. The win gave Uic builders their third consecutive four-game swecp, having climinated the Mississauga Buildcrs and the Peterborough Gray- Munrocs in previous series. The Builders will play for the Minto Cup in New West- minster British Columbia starting Sept. 4. They will be up against last year's Minto Cup Champions, Burnaby Ca~blevision, whîch won the w estern title Aug. 25. In the semi-final fame, last week which gave Whitby the eastern cbatnpionshlp, Uic score waa 43 for Whitby nt the end of the first period. In thc second period, the Builders scorcd 10 goals te take a 14-7 lead. Ed Dcrks and Cam Devine each scored four goals for the Builders, Rob Gemmell ,cored three, Ken Colley and Tim Lintner had two each, wt'V singles went te Bryce t', an, Larry Graham, Nieuwendyk and AI MacDonald. Last year the Builders won the castern champioraship and playcd Burnaby Cable- vision for thc Minte Cup at iroquois Park. Burnaby won the championship four games te two on that ocassioii. This year the same two tcams wIll begin their battie for the Minto Cup at New Westminster E.C. Sept. 4. YR E E P, ý IR Ess

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