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Whitby Free Press, 11 Oct 1978, p. 16

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PAGE, 16, WMEINSDAY, OXCMBER 11, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS ree -Press Emp ori-um EmpoiumAds wiII only b. occept.d subj.ct ta the. followivig Conditions. 1977 D""g Aspen, 2 door sedan, green, 6 ctindier, 4 <speeci overcirive, sunroof, rustprqffed, snows & rims, reer wInclow defogger, PS, arn radio, tachometer, f og temps, -30,000mites, willt certify, $3.300 or best offer. Phone 728-1831 Oct. il 74 MERCURV METEOR hrtp., 351 motor, PIS, P/B, new tires. new brakes 60,000. Ex. running co nd. $1000 or wiit trade for pick up truck. Calt668-1 588 Sept. 20,78 74 MAZDA 808, 4 cyl., 51,000 miles, gooci cond. $800. Wil certify. Cati 668-1041. Aug. 30, 78 72 DATSUN, Auto., radio., rear defroster, gooci condc $1.150. CAI 668-5450. 72 AUSTIN Marina Body needs a ittle work. $100. CaIli 655-3006. Sept. 20 ,78 72 MAVERICK, auto., radio, As is $275. Caii 668-0776. Aug. 23, 78 72 CHRYSLER Town and Country Station Wagon. Futty equippedwith V8 auto., P/S, P/B, P/W, ncluding taligate window, power seat, 8-track stereo, air conci., roof rack, etectric taligate lock, crulse control etc. this Station Wagon has been rnainteined and is A-i mechanccaiy. Transmission was just rebuilt. Rad iust recored. New water pump, fan beits, spark plugs, oit f lter etc. Recent bis on this work aveilable to prove-same. Will seit certif ted for a reasonabte off r. Cati Sue at 668-6111 frOmn 9-5. 72 DODGE Demnon, 318, 3 spd. standard, headers, teck & 011 geuge, 60 series tires ail arounci. NeedS work. As is $700. or best offer. Cali 655-3481. Aug. 9, 78 71 DODGE Potara 2 dir., hrtp., V8, auto., good cond. $600. Cati 668-5e,38. Aug. 23, 78 71 PONTIAC CATAL INA needs some work. In running cond. $200. Cail 668-4058. Sept. 20, 78 70 CHEV Bel Air good cond Must seit $895. Cati 655-3583. Sept. 20, 78 69 CH-EV, 6 cyl. auto., 4 dr., sedan* $600 certfi ed. Cati 668-6408. Aug. 30, 78 69 CH EV, 4 dr Sedan, 327 In gooci working order. Neecis botly work. $250. Cal 668-2810. Juty 26, 70 69 VOLKSWAGEN Station Wagon, runs gooci, neecis some body work $150. Caii 668-3931. Sept. 13, 78 69 4 cyl. ENVOY Epic. ln gooc i conci. As is $400. Cati 668-8090 ask for Aifie. Sept. 20, 78 68 PLYMOUJTH 4dr. Engine in gooci conci. body solici $300. Cati 655-3654 or 668 5471. Sept. 20, 78 63 C04EVY Nova, 6 cyi., converteci 283 V8l auto., posi- trac rear enciwith 411 gears completeiy dew interior. Teer drop hood Scoop, headers, gWodc cond.i great winter proiect $400 or bc--t offer. Cati 655-348 1. Aug. 9, 78 73 KAWASAKI 125 goodl copl., new piston and rings. Nice dlean litti. dirt bike. Asking. $275. Firm. Cali 655-3527. JuIV 26, 78, 127 CAR T0PPER fibreglass f ishing boat.in! Ex. Cond, with 4.4 h.p. Chryýsier outboardi. $400. or best of fer. Cali 579- 4918 or 683-3019. 7 July e;6, HOME MADE.Camper for 1/2 ton truck. Complete with jacks $200. Cai 668-8214. Aug. 2, 78 OFF ROAD Dune Buggy complete tubular frame. New brakes, fines & cylinders. 1200 CC VW engine, runs great, ready to go $200. FIRM'Cati 655-3481. Aug. 9, 78 10 H.P. JOHNSON motor and gas tank with 8' Sea Flea for $150. Cati 655-3710 ask for Steve. Aug. 9, 78 KAWASAKI 100 CC 400 original miles A-i cond. Cali 723-7055. Aug. 9, 78 161 ALL STEEL Boat $400 18 h.p. motor $200. For sale. Cali 655-3879. Aug. 16, 78 FOR SALE - 1 hardtop tent- traiter, etectrlcity & canopy inciuded. Asklng $450. Cati 666 -1893. Sept. 6, 78 TENT WITH attacheci dining sheiter. Tentmaster 121 x 12' sleeping area, dinirlg area 61 x 121 ln goad cond. $100. Cati 668-3931. Sept. 13, 78 75 ICAWASAKI 500, 2 stroke, Asking $1000. Cen be certif ied. Cati &68.8634 Sept. 13,78 1967 -Vamaha Motorcycle 250cc, 2 stroke, $175 f irm. 2, 12" snowtires with rims, $30 for pa ir. Phone 987-'5439 Oct. il SrTUDbENT musT SELL 1978 750 Yamah Regutar. Only 5000 Kitomneters. Asking $2400 or best offer. Cati, 655-3654 or 668-5471. Sept. 20, 78 1971 VAMAHA Snowmobiie. Modet GP396 in good coric $150. Cali668-0744. SEpt. 27, 78 Soft-top tent trailer sleeps 4, $100. Phone 668-8271. October 4, 78. rAUTO, PARTS PAIR 0F 878-13 tires in excel- lent condition $30. Phone 668-1063. October 4, 78. 2 SNOWTIRES MOUNTED on chev rimns 825 x G7814. $25. 2 when the acivertised iItem is solci, disposedWof or, uraveileble for whatever reason, the item iiI be deemned to have been soici and a comiion wl be charged$based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrateci below, regardless If price is stateci with "best offer'. if the item Is NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wil be run for 3 MONTHS and aMINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wil ppty. Ail advertisements must be ptaced. on -an exclusive basis with the WHITIBY'FREE PRESS. andi run at eest one month if not soid. RATrES [if article iîssoldi: 5% of advertised price up te 1400.00 2% ef balance over 40.0 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $120.00 . commission due $600 [minimum charge is $3.001 Private advertising onil Please notify us If you f mci e retailer Iisted as e private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby. Free Pressi immediateiy whé item is soid so thet we mey detete it f rom the foiiowing issues. Att ads not fitting the Ernpvrium guidelines wili be treated anci charged per week as regular ciassified acis on' a pre pald basis such as: services, heip wanted, ciothing, reai estate, and personai message type ads, or ecis not quoting price or quantity: Private ciassified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriete headings. tin doubt, ca li 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LiN 551 OR -DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLtNE FOR EMPORIUM ADS 1S THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 1 G7815 tires $30. Cati '655-4437. July 26, 78 2 F6015 TÉI GER Paw Raisedi -letter tires, new $90 for the pair. Cati 655-3411. Aug. 2, 78 2 - UNIROYAL RALLY MÀ&$ 155 13 Radial snow tires useci one winter on Voikswagen Rabbit $24.50 each. Aug. 2, 78 3940OLDS ENGI NE with 6 pack and Muncie racing parts, with pair of extra heacis, water pump and one Offenhouser manifold' for .2 four berrets $475. or best offer. Cati 668-3495 efter 4:30 p.m. and ask for Steve. Aug. 9, 78 5 TIRES, E7814, with'rims $40. 10,000 mites 668-0149. Aug. 16, 78 DRYER in good condition $125 Phone 688-6919 October 4, 78. New G. E. Dryer neyer usecd onIY $220. Wringer Washer only $30 in working order. Phone 668-0452. October 4, 78. ACME STOVE an oldie but goodie. 4 burner works perfect. Stove a bit unpredictabte $35. Cati 668-2301. Sept. 13, 78 WOODBURNING COOK Stove. Warming oven above fuit price $275. Space heoter (propane) compiete witti tanks, hose & regulator. Fuit price $175. 20 mtai sash various sizes $15 each. 12 pr. cf original wooden shutters, with f ittings $30 . er pair. CaI 655-3488. Sept. 6, 78 COOK WOODSTOVE. new grades, wood or coat. Asking $300. Cati1 655 B081.- sept. 6, 78 Philco Fricige, $25,_gooci condition. 1i Re-etTe, $2b. Phone. 655-3961 Oct. il PORTABLE Kenmore dishwasher, white, 1 yeer old, $225. 1 black & white T.V., good condition, $45. Phone 668-2806 -Oct. il COMBINATION ELECTRIC f ryer & Grill (Moffat) $450. Steam Table $350. Showcase Fricige. $650. Etectric Deep Fryer $275. Electric Grill $300. Black Vinyt Chesterfieldi Chair $350. Commercial Gas Stove $250. Caii 668-8091. -Aug. 23, 78 SET 0F RADIUS 1A loud speakers. Rateci at 75 watts RMS. Nine years teft on warranty. Seti for $200 for the pair. Phone 668-3471. Aug. 16,78a ONE BRAND NEW AM Radio with front speaker. Neyer used witt fit Monte Carto or other Generat Motors Car $70. Cati .668-3587. Aug. 23, 78 RECEIVEii WiTfH Garrerd turntable and speaker enctosed in-34" x 23", cabinet. Bargain at $40 or best offer. Phone 668-4915 Sept. 13, 78 Crib, $25, infant snowsuit, $7, Tef Ion wafflemaker, $15, Schick Facial Sauna, $10, Swing-a-matic Baby Swing, $15, Freestanding jOlty iumper, $7, double- sized bedspread & matching drapes, $20, cottapsabte waIker, $5, coitapsabte strolier, $8, Littie Mac Hamburger maker, $10, expanding circutar fence, $10, high chair, fotds to table & chair, $25. Ait gooci condi- tion. Phone 668-8780. Oct. i Antique Secretary. Ex lent condition, souiwali 6' tait1 by 22 wide. Bookc with 3 shelves & car, giass doors, drop teef cl with 3 drewers underneï 80 yea rs old . $550 ort off er. Phone 668-1436 Octi Kcel- mnut, case 'veci desk ýath. POOL TABLE '4, x 8 with honeycomb bd, complet. snooker and Boston balis, and ail other accessorles lnciudlng score board, table tennis set. Pkg. Priée$40 Cali 668-2646. -Aue. 2, 78 ONE LAZYBO0Y chair $3U. Amplifier, walnut cabinet 3 x 5 and speaker $150. or beet offer. Woodien chest 5 x 2 x 3 $25. 2 Tables $7. each. Press bock chair, refinished, $S0. Colt 683-6638. Aum. 2, 78 SWIMMING POOL above ground 15S feet diemeter. New liner ail equipment Inctudeci $200. Cati 668-4430. Aue. 23, 78 2.- 10 SPEED bikes, womans & mens, $100 each or $175 for both. Cati 666-1101. Aue. 23, 78 KENMORE VACUUM cleaner with power beater. Like new, Cost $270. Sei for $150. Cati 668-5638. Aue. 23, 7p PlING PONG TABLE $39. Two tamp shades, white ex. $4.50 each. Electrlc f ire log with motor $16. 1-26"1 inside dloor $5. 2 siîken brocade becispreads made in India. Turquois & goid, Yellow & gotd $35. each. Cati, 668-0592. Aue. 23, 78 26" OLOUR console tetevïisioýn in working cond. $160. Cati 668. 104À1. Aug. 30, 78 PURPLE CORDROY Bean Bag couch. Round foam chip chair $100. for both. Cali 668-4757 after 4 p.m. Sept. 6, 78 MESH PLAYPEN $25. Infan t rocker $5. Cati atter 5 p.m.. 579-2791. Sept. 13, 78 GIRLS HIGHRISE bicycle $25. Cati 668-1063. Sept. 20, 78 LEATHER BAR inex. cond. $175. Single dresser with mi rror $35. Drapes 84 x 150 gotd thermolguard foam backing $25. Cali 579-4605 after 5 p.m. Sept. 20, 78 G E NDR ON POO L table co mpiete With pool & snooker bails, cues & rack 2 yrs. otd $325 or best offer. Antique dining room set, round table, 5 chairs & buffett $500. Cali 668-0006. Sept. 20, 78 SELKIRK TYPE f ireplace, hardly useci, A-i conci. Asking $110O. Cati 655-4995. Sept. 27, 78 SOFA BED FOR $65. 2 mirror vwardrobe with drawers $25. Cati Oshawva et 579-6786. Sept. 27, 78 5 Piece Chesterfield set, with removeable bar and tables $450. Phone 668-0920 Electrlc water heater 1-10 FOlCI Î25twin beci spread andi drapes $25 single bed complete 24" $25 eîectric range $35 vanity beflch $3 black and wite t.v. $10 2 table lomps $25 Phne 6U5-8=0 Girls Ceaster btke $25.Phone 655-4437.'- July 26, 78 Table wlth 3 chairs, $20. Carptet Shempooer, $10. 2 Afghan's, $30 eech. Torcan baseboard heater, $10.' Phone 668.4032 1 crib mattres's, like new, $10.00, 1 Starrett master vrircaliper 12" with case,$80.00, 1 universel precision gaffge, $50.00, 1 Starrett clepth geuge, 0-9 Inch, $35.00, 1 Starrett out- side micrometer, 0-1 Inch, $35.00, mùiti anvil micro. meter cal iper, 0-1 Inch, $20. Att new-best offer. Phone 668-2656. Oct. il OLYMPIA PORTABLE type. writer mode ln W. Germeny. Like new with case $89. Super spray tin. 1 gel., compressed air gardien sprayer $9.50 ,Caoli 668-0592. Aug. 2, 78- PETS & SUPPLIESr PONY FOR sale. 5 year olci Getding $?S. or best offer. Call af ter 5:30* et 655.3822. Aug. 23, 78- Rolling Nulls Stables. Horses boardeci, boxstalils, beddling, hay, grain, daily turnoij. t. raitl rides, hay rides by appointment only. Days cati, 728-2301. Week. ends & evenings, 985-8651 TROIA Coffée, Coffee was first discov. ered i Ethiopia i the mid- dlIe of the ninth century. Le- gend bas it that a goatherd- er saw bis goats acting very frisky. He joined them i eating the bernies of wild coffee trees and felt frisky as well. Turks used to drink ten to twenty cups of coffe every day-mn cups of whicb only a thimbleful or two could be svfallowed. In 1725, London had more tban 2,000 coffee houses. The men there drank more coffee than mnen anywhere else in the world. Ozone Damage" The stratosphere is the layer of air- from 10 to 30 miles above the eartb wbhere the ozone is located. The ozone, earth 's protective layer, is continuously for- med by the action of sunlight on oxygen molecules. Until lately, the ozone bas been destroyed-at the same rate it was being formed-by otber sun-triggered reac- tions involvîng natural ni- trogen cornpounds tbat are formed in the stratosphere. Now, though, human ac- tivities are on the thresbold of upsetting tbat balance by adding more ozone-de-- stroying chemicals in nearly the arnount of the natural DeT YOUTHE$3 2 sts ofI sheets to fit andi bedspread $20.I t. il Small 10 inch wheet tricycle $12- in.ex. condition. Phone 668 6087 I ___________ PI...- ..~ d.forameW. FUMI - - ým FOUR RALLY Wheels complete with centre Hub, and chrome rings will fit Monte Carlo, Camaro, good cond., Price $100. Call 668-3587. Aug. 23, 78 APPLIANCES, PPÉZIAIIC 1 a q---MUUCAL

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