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Whitby Free Press, 11 Oct 1978, p. 17

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-VY4YFREE* PRESS, WEIDJESDAY, 'OCrOBER'l11, 1978, PAGE 17 .Ads Cont'd..... [UCCIONSi Auction Sale: Saturday Oct. 21-at 12:30' clearing auction of furn- iture, elect., appliances, tools, etc. The property of Mr. Russell Lane, located at 404Simcoe St. N.,iînthe village of Columbus. Sel- ling as follows: oak china cabinet, oak buffet,, oak table & 6 chairs; set of 6 old kitchen chairs; hoosier cupboarci; sofas and chairs; bedroom sets; antique radio; sewing machine; old glass & china; Findley, stove; washer; Zenith T.V.; books; tools; pool table; Toro lawn mower, and snowblower; oil stove; and other good misc. Items. Terms cash, No reserve. Property sold. Kahn Auction, Services. 985-8161. TOOL SALE Haif price on ail hydraulic jticks, vices, socket sets, wrench sets, micrometers, drill sets, 12 speed drill press, and many other tools for mechanics ROOKLIN 1001 CO Complete Automotive Garage Supplies- 683-1753 .Small trees for-sale spruce, pine, cedar, 'silver maple, locust. Size I f t. . 5 f t. Prlced si to $5 each. Also, strawberry, Rhubarb and blue lilac $1. For more information cal 655.4525, 1 stove, presently selling for $325, asking $200, 24" white stove, 6 mnths. old, remnoveable cfoor, contin. dlean oven, 2 c0!iVs - 1 blue with white fur trim, very good cond. size 10, $15, 1 Imitation fur with brown leather trlm, size 12, practlc- ally new, $25. Phone 655-3814. New Singer -Sewing Machine. Phone 668.8880, evenings only. Lady Schick Consolette Hairdryer, Ladies Italian Ski Boots, size 6 medium, Phone 668.3782 2 prs. of girls skates, sizes 1&2, $3 each. 1 pr. of girls skates, size 3, $6. 2 pr. of ski boots, ladies 82, mens 10, $10 each. 1 pair metal skis & poles, $15. 1 pair wood skis with metal edges & poles, $10. baby curtains, 74"X53", $5. pink sheers, 86"lx451, $5. gold & brown, 88"lx41', $7. snoopy bed- spread, single, $7. 2 white scatter mats, 34lx56", $10 each. 1 501x801, new beige shag carpet, approx. 8'x4', $15. Phone 666-1921 'FOR RENTI Office Space. Up to 20,000 sq. f t. sprinkleredi. Hopkins St. Caîl collect Toronto 633-1615 You'11 neyer feel better hi your life. Yard Sale - single bed, skies, skiboots, .2 kîtchen tables, chairs,, twin stroller, becl- spreads, 'everythirig in baby needs, toys, television, Iawn. mower,. stove, 5 Cardiff Crt. West, Lynde,- Whttby. Sat. Oct. 14, 9:,30 - 1:00 rain or shine. Garage Sale-October 13, 14, 15, 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Frldge, portable dish- washer, $200, new, riding lawnmoýwer, and misc., SERVICE THE JEAN .CONN ECTION Operate your own discount oulet store with brand name jeans, exclusive areas, lucrative. proposition, with smrall învestment. Cali or write: 514-388-1139. The Jean Connection Mt. 8398 St. Laurent Blvd., Montreal, Ouebec H2P2M3 LYNDA'S HOUSECLEANINO SERVICE Private and Commercial Also: Steaim-cleaing and rug shampooing, rug repair and installation. We do everything except laundryl REGISTERED BONDABLE SERVICE Monday - Friday (occasional Satûrdays). 9 A.M. -.4 P *M. Cal579-5462. rCARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS* METRO Lic. No. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramie Tiling, Drywall, Re.c. Rooms, Cedar -Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES. Cail 668-4686 HfIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver. coins, old guns, clocks, jewelry, dishes, furniture, crocjcs, oil paintings and sealers. Friendly Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa St. <George's Big DINGO Every Mon. at ZOLLIE'S FORUM Oshawa Centre 7:30 P.M. It's Air Conditioned! Lic.. No. 238399 CUSTOM PLOUGHING STONE PIC:KINÇà AND POST HOLES DUG Cail 655-3579 MARTIANEZ PARK IS AN EXAMPLE - opened early in 1977, this public park is a monument to the City Fathers' foresight and imagination. Artist/sculptor Cesar Manrique has created an obvious masterpiece. Gleaming white paths dotted with red and blue flowers meander through the palms'and around sculptured swimming pools. An artificial lake with five islands dominate the middle of the park, with a, restaurant, open-air barbeque, and nightclub seating 600 clients located on the largest of the islands. Truly a sight to behold, and one that defies belief! While the Canary Islands are known for great weather, Spain also offers sun and sand on the Costa del Sol. Andalucia is well-known on the Costa del Sol, and in fact is known as the essence of Spain. It is the birthplace of both flamenco and the "corrida de toros" (bullfights>. WHITE-WALLED, RED-ROOFED VILLAGES CLINGING TO MOUNTAINSIDES, fighting bulîs wn dering the plains, valleys growing citrus and olives, aIl com- bine to give you the Spain of the travel poster. Conveniently located, the Province of Malaga in Costa del Sol is one of Europe's major vacation centres. Imagine, just two or three hours away from the Costa de Sol, where you rest on the sunny beaches, lie Europe's highest ski siopes in the Sierra Nevada with snow from December to June. You might consider the people in Andalucia 'poor' in comparison with the industrial sections of Northemn Spain; but they consider themselves fortunate to be born in the Costa del Sol. They are îndeed a happy and very courteous people, they always have time to help a visitor. When the people of the Costa del Sol wish you " Vaya con Dios ", its flot just an expression - îts a sincere wish right, from the heart. A good Lifestyle in- cludes proper eating habits. No single food provides ail the nutrients essential to good health. Eat a variety of foods every day, choosing from the -five basic catégo- ries - dairy products, fruit, vegetables, cereals, meat and n813 Tenerife:, frôm sun to snow caps f Individual quotations are requested jby this office to provide snow ploughing and removàI at the following locations: AJAX. O.H. 1 BOWMANVILLE O.H. 1 BOWMANVILLE 0,H. 3 PICKERING, O.H.i PICKERING, O.H. 2 WHITBY, O.H. 2 WHITBY, O.H. 3 WH-ITBY, O.H. 5 655 HARWOOD AVENUE S. 4 NELSON STREET E. 2 NELSON STREET E. 1910 FAYLEE CRESCENT 1330 FOXGLOVE AVENUE 409 CENTRE STREET S. 850 GREEN STREET S. 315 COLBORNE STREET W Qua1ified contractors pleaie contact promptly, Mainten- ance Department at: LEASE 0F RESIDENCE Tenders are invited for the lease of a three-hedroot- insulhrick bungalow with an oil-space heater situatedon a large lot near Lake Ontario,- and located at 998 Frisco Road, Squires Beach, Pickering. One year lease with possibility of renewal. Immediate occupancy. Proceed south on Brock Road from Highway 401 East. East on Montgomery Park Road, following detour to junction of Jodrel Road' and Montgomery Park Road. East on Montgomery Park Road to last house on the corner. This property is accessible to the Pickering 'Go,t train, and serviced by Dial-A-Bus and a sehool bus. This property may be viewed from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, October.18, 1978, when a representative of the Ministry of Government Services will be in attendance. Tender documents may be obtainiea from the repre- sentative on this date or from Ministry of Government Services, Public Tenders Office, Room ML-43A, Macdonald Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1N3, Telephone (416) 965-1152. A certified cheque or money order for the first month's rent must be submitted with the tender documents, and will be promptly returned to unsuccessful bidders. Sealed tenders will be received until 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, October 25, 1978, at which time.they will be opened in public. Tender closing' in 'Toronto. NOTE: For further information please contact Mr. W. D. Brown,. Ministry of Government Services, Toronto, Ont 'arjo, Telephone (41,6) 965-2040. Please quote File No. M767-19. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. T.O. 233 Mînistry of (~) Government Services Ontario or forms and specifications. Durham Area Housing Authority 218 Dundas Street E. Whitby, Ontario LUN 2H8, 668-7770 OO PRODUCIS Red Wing Orchards, week- ends only, 9 aj.. f05 p.m. (weather permitting). Containers provided. North Side of Hwy. 2 between Nhitby and Ajax. This weekend featurîng Red & Gold Delicious, Russetts, Spys, and Cortland. Phone 668-3311. fteliable Assistants One political candidate ired two research assis- tants recently. One was as- signed the task of digging uP the facts whîle the other was instructed to bury them. i FREE ESTIMATES warg Ile 4flîiun ,%*fuep PREVENT FIRES CLEANLINESS. SAFETY & EFFICIENCY GUARANTEED Aft*tCALHOUJN Bus: 723-9121 WNY PATMORt SAON PREM#IUMQ(JLIT GAS. DIESEL FUEL '4 .MGTOR DIL -: - ~~~out Of town'.sWenc WHITB y DURHAM AIEA By Gary Kent-Smith Syndicated Travel News IT IS KNOWN AS THE "ISLAND 0F ETERNAL SPRING"; it is the largest of the Canary Islands; and it offers the widest possible range of attractions.' Tenerife is an island of unbelievable contrasts - from the sun-drenched beaches to the snow-capped'peak of Mount Teide. The best way to see the island is by means of a sightseeing tour, on which the experienced, and licensed, guide wilI filI your memories with facts, figures, and anec- dotes about ife in the Canaries. One of the unique attraction -s on Tenerife is Martianez Park, located in the capital city of Puerto de la Cruz. Here, too, you will meet visitors from all over the world as they sample the beauty, tranquility, anci shopping of this resort capital. 1Less than a quarter-century ago, Puerto de la Cruz was a sleepy fishing village surrounded by banana plantations. Growth has taken place since then,' but development bas loît spoiled the beauty and charmn of the city - indeed, such development has enhanced these features. HOUSINO AUTHORITI 1 ýor forms ai

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