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Whitby Free Press, 25 Oct 1978, p. 16

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ree Press bP orl.um Cou668-611-1_ Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to the following Conditions.__ 1977 Dodge Aspen, 2 door sedan, green, 6 cylinder, 4 speed overdrive, sunroof, rustproffed, snows & rlms, rear window defogger, PS, arn radio, tachometer, fog Iamps, 30,000 mites, wili cer tif y, $3,300 or best off er. Phone 728-1831 Oct. il 7z AUSTIN MARINA. Body needs a littie work, $125. Aiso, 68 Austin 1800 Series 2, body in good condition, $125. Phone 579-4880 Oct. 25, 78 74 MAZDA 808, 4 cyt., 51,000 miles, good cond. $800. Witt certify. Cati 668-1041. Aug. 30, 78 1970 FORD, 800, 361 V8, 5 speed, with power take off. 181 aluminum van. body, good condition. Asking $2500. Phone 6554107. Oct1 18, 78 72 MAVERICK, auto., radio, As is $275. Cati 668-0776. -Aug. 23, 78 72 CHRYSLER Town and Country Station Wagon. FuIty equipped. wlth Vit auto., P/S, P/B, P/W, including tailgate windew, power seat, 8track stereo, air cond., roof rack, electric tatigate lock, cruise control etc. thîs Station Wagon hos been molntatned and is A-1 mechaniccally. Transmission was iust rebutît. Rad iust recored. New Wator pump, fan beits, spark plugs, oil f itter etc. Recent bis. on this work avoulable to prove same. Will soit certif led for o reasonabie off r. Colt668.6111 from 9.5. 721 DODGE Demon, 318, 3 spd. standard, headers, tock & oit gouge, 60 serles tires ait around. Nees work. As is $700. or best offer. Colt 655-3481. Aug. 9, 78 71 DODGE Polaro 2 dr., hrtp., va, auto., good cond. $60. Coli 668-5638. Aug. 23, 78 71 PONTIAC CATALINA needs some work. In running corad. $200. Colt 668-4058. Sept. 20, 78 70 CHEV Bei Air gond cond. Must soul $895. Colt 655-3583. Sept. 20, 78 69 CHEV, 6 cyi. auto., 4 dr., sedan' $600 certif ied. Colt 668-6408. Aug. 30, 78 69 VOLKSWAGEN Station Wagon, runs geod, needs sorne body work $150. Cati 668-3931. sept. 13, 78 69 4 cyt. ENVOY Epic. ln good cond. As is $400. Cati 668-8090 osk for Ait ie. Sept. 20, 78 68 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. Engine ira V gond cond. body soîid $300. Cati 655.3654 or 668-5471. sept. 20, 78 63 CHEVY Nova. 6 cyl., converted 283 V8 auto., posi. trac rear end With 411 gears completety new interior. Tear dirop hood scoop, hoodlers, g90e cond, great winter proiect $400 or bc¶t offer. Colt 655-3481. Aug. 9, 78 69 VOLKSWAGON, repainted. 6 mcntl's 090. runsc;qood Extra wheel and ,raowý tire, extra hoater and p.arts,, $200 or best of fer as r,. Phoie 655 3890 0C) ", ta 1972 CADILLAC ELDORADO. Excellent condition. Power steering, brakcs, windows, iocks, seats, trunk & sun roof. AM & FM stcreo, climate control air cond., mrise control, tilt & tetescopic stceriînc whccl, rear window defojgcer, twiight , sentinel, cornerinq and map lights. Leather uphotstery, front wheeî drive, air shocks, Michetin tires. Askincj $2,995, wiit certify. Cati day or evr'ninçi 668 0581 1973 GRAN TO RINO. New tires, radio, P/B, 302 motor. Ask ing $1995. Phone 668-0744 or '668-8623 Sil. U, 8.7 IALUMA OFF ROAD Dune Buggy comptete tubutar trame. New brakes, uines IL cytinders. 12W0 CC VW engine, runs great, ready to go $200. FIRM Coul 655-3481. Aug. 9, 78 1H.P. JOHNSON motor and gos tank with 81 Sea F100 for $150. Colt 655-3710 ask for Steve. Aug. 9, 78 KAWASAKI 100 CC 400 original miles A-1 cond. Cati 723-7055. Aug.,9, 78 161 ALL STEEL Beat $400 18 h.p. motor $200. For sale. Cait 655-3879. Aug. 16, 78 FOR SALE - i hardtop tent- trouler, electricity & canopy inctuded. Asking $450. Colt 666-1893. Sept. 6, 78 TENT WITH ottached dining shelter. Tentmoster 121 x 121 sleeping area, dinfing orea 61 x 12',irn good cond. $100. Cati 668-3931. Sept. 13, 78 75 K<AWASAKI 5W, 2 stroke, Asking $1000. Con be certif ied. Cou 668-U63 Sept. 13,78 1967- Yamaho Motorcycte 2_50cc, 2 stroke, $175 f 1irm. 2, 12"1 snowtires with rimfs, $30 for pair. Phone 987.5439 Oct. il STUD19NT MUST SELI 1978 750 Yamah Regutar. Onty 5000 Kitometers. Asking $2400 or best Offer. Cati 655-3654 or 668-5471. Sept. 20, 78 1971 VAMAHA Snowrnobite. Modet GP396 in good cond $150. Cati 668"744. Sept. 27, 78 75 HP CHRYSLER OUTBOARD comptete wifh 16' Mason Bozt and Traiter, $750. Phone 655 4107 0(1 IR 7P. AUTO PARTSI PAIR OF 874-13 tires ira excet. lent condition $30. Phone 668-1063. October 4, 78. 7 SNOWTIRES on 13" Ford rims. Used one seasora $50or best offer. Ca4l aiter 5 p.ým. 668-0127. Sept. 13, 78 1 VOLKSWAGEN gos heater complote, $25. Phono 655-3670 Oct. 25, 78 PýgeASEREAD When the advertised item is sotd, disposed of, or unovaitablo for whatever reason, the item witl be deemned f0 have beon sold and a commission wiIl be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iitustrated bolow, regardiess if price is stoted with "best offor"l if the item is NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad witI bo run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 witt oppty. Alil advertisêments mnust be pîaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at toast one month if not sotd. RATES [if article is sold]: 5% et advortised price'up te $400.00 2% of balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: Soid item advertised for $120.00 - commission due $0.00 [minimum charge is $3.001 Privato advertising only! Ploase notify us if you find a retaiior tisted as o privato odvertiser. Pleaise notify the Whitby Free Press immedlatety whé item is sold so that we may dolete it f rom the fottowing issues. Alit ds not f itting the Ernp%,rium guidotines will be troated and chargod per week os regulor ctassified ods on, a pro paid basis such as: services, help wanted, clothing, real estate, and personat message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Privoto ctassified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. if in doubt, caI 668-6111 MAIL AD$ TO:. FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LIN 5S1 OR DELIV ER TO: 131 Breck St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 4 STYLE STE EL wheeis 1311 - Trim rings - dust caps & iug nuts $100.00 or best offer. Cati 668-4804. Sept. 13, 78 2 - UNIROYAL RALLY M&S 155,13 Radial snow tires usedi one winter on Voikswagen Robbit $2450 each. Aug. 2, 78 394 OLDS ENGIN E with 6 pack and Muncie racing Parts, with pair of extra heads, water pumnp and one Offenhouser manifold for 2 four barreis $475. or best of f er. Cati1668-3495 atter 4:30 p.m. and ask for Steve. Aug. 9, 78 FOUR RALLY Wheels compiete wlth centre Hub, and chrome rings wilI tfit Monte Carlo, Camaro, good cond., Price $100. Cati 668-3587. Aug. 23, 78 2-F78-15' SNOWTIRES on Ford rims. Good condition, $30. Phone 655-3890 Octt 1, /8 DRYER in good condition $125 Phono 688-6919 ru October 4, 78. NeW G: E. Dryer neyer used eflly $220. Wringer Washer onty $30 in working order. Phone 668-0452. October 4, 78. ACME STOVE an oldie but goodie. 4 burner works perfect. Stove a bit unpredictabîe $35. Cati 668-2301. Sept. 13, 78 COMBINATION ELECTRIC f ryer & Grill <Moffat) $450. Steamn Table $350. Showcase Fridge. $650. Etectric Deep Fryer $275. Electric Grill $300. Black Vinyl Chesterfiotld Chair $350. Commercial Gos Stove $250. Cati 668-8091, Aug. 23, 78 GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHER AND SPIN DRYER. Welt taken cre of. asking $100. Moffat steve, good werking condition, $50. Moffat fridge. aIse ina gond work- iraq condition, $25. Phone 668 5526 - Oct. 25, 78 PORTABLE Kenmore dishwosher, white' i year old, $225. 1 black & white T.V., gond condition, $45. Phono 668-2806 Oct. il 1 SIMPLICITY SPIN-DRY woashing machine, $1155. 1 .S. W. portable dryer, $155. Both in excellent condition. Asking $250 for the pair. Phone 655.4610 Oct. 18, 78 I MUSICAL, SET 0F RADIUS 1A toud speakers. Rated at 75 wa tts RMS. Nine years teft on warranty. Seil for $200 for the pair. Phono 668-3471. Aug. 16, 78 ONE B3RAND NEW AM Radio with front speaker. Nover used witl fit MQonte Carlo or other Generat Motors Cor $70. Colt Aug. 23, 78 RECEIVER 'WiTH* Garrard turntabte and speaker onclosod in.34" x 23"1 cabinet. Bargain at $40 or best offer. Phono 668-4915 Sept. 13, 78 GRETSCH CHET ATKINS hottow body guitar with hard sheil case and Fender vibro verb amp with cover, $750. Phone 668-2105 - Oct1. 18, 7f, ZACHARY ORGAN, Rhiytlm r,, section, instru- melit sc tiori. Coct $700, iaskrcj $S. Phone 668-8271 Oct. 18, 78 UMCLAEU I Crib, $25, infant snowsu if, $7, Tet Ion wofftemaker, $15, Schick Facial Sauna, $10, Swing-a-matic Baby Swing, $15, Freestanding jollty umper, $7, double- sized bedspread & matching drapes, $20, cottapsabte walker, $5, coltapsable strotter, $8, Littte Mac Hamburger moker, $10, expanding circutar fonce, $10, high choir, felis te table & choir, $25. Ail good condi- lion. Phnre 668-8780. Oct. White Solide Pine Hutch1 Diranette set solid maple)i four chairs $200. Phono 668- af ter 4:30 p.M. ckt «4 SWIMNG POOL obove ground 15 feet diameter. New liner ail equipment included $200. Cati 668-4430. Aug. 23, 78 2 - 10 SPEED bikes, womons & mens, '$100 each or $175 for both. Cali 666-1101. Aug. 23, 78 KENMORE VACUUM cleaner with power beater. Like new, Cost $270. Seil for $1$0. Cali 668-5638. Aug. 23, 78 PING PONG TABLE $39. Two lamp shades, white ex. $450 each. Electric f ire log with motor $16. 1-2611 inside door $5. 2 siken brocade bedspreads made in 1India. Turquols gold, Yeliow & gold $35. each. Calt 668-0592.' 26" COLOUR consol in working cond. 668.1041. Aug. 23, 78 r-e tev son $160. Colt1 Aug. 30, 78 PURPLE CORDROY Beon Bag couch. Round foam chip chair $100. for both. Cali 668-4757 af ter 4 p. m. Sept. 6, 78 MESH PLAYPEN $25. Infant rocker $5. Colt after 5 p.m.. 579-2791. Sept. 13, 78 GIRLS HIGHRISE bicycle $25. Cali 668-1063. Sept. 20, 78 LEATHER BAR ln ex. cond. $175. Single dresser with mi rror $35. Drapes 84 x 150 gotd thermoiguard foomn backing $25. Coui 579-4605 after 5 p.rn. Sept. 20, 78 GENDRON POOL table complote with pool & snooker batis, cues & rack 2 yrs. oid $325 or best offer. Antique dining roomn set, round table, 5 chairs & buffett $500. Calt 668-0006. Sept. 20, 78 SELKIRK TYPE fireplace, hardly used, A-i cond. Asking $110. Cati 655-4995. Sept. 27, 78 SOFA BED FOR $65. 2 mirror, vterdrobe with drawers $25. Catif Oshawoa t 579-6786. -Sept. 27, 78 5 Piece Chesterfield set, with removeable bar and tables $450. Phone 668-0920 October 4, 78. SHORTWAVE EQUIP- MENT - Marconi CR55 Receiver. 100 Watt bi. linear power supply. Hos CB frequency - 2 Johnson Viking transmitters, in working condition. Pack- age deat of $150 or best off er. Phone 668-0989 Oct. 25, 78 DELUXE ACORN FIRE- PLACE, burnt orange, brass trim on front, black pote screen, cernent hearth, mint condition. Setting f0 remodel, $250. Phone 668-4096 Oct. 25, 78 FOR SALE - LIKE NEW, 2 Etectirc Train Sets with ait accessories. Complete Power Pack, Ho Scale. Ready to run, $60 for both, 2 lnsicde doors. size 22' x80" and 24"x80". One door wvith door iams, other door onty, $10 each. 1 Humnif îer, like new, $50. Chrome T.V. Table, 24"~ wide, $5. Stamlp accumulation, Canada, U.S A. & Europe, $100 or best off er, Phone 668 3A95. Oct. 25, 78 Electric water heater 110 Fold î2SIwin bed spread and drapes $25 single bedl complete 241 $25 ele:tric range $35 vanlty bench $3 black and white t.v. $10 7 table iamps $25 Phone 655-8000 October 4, 78. WOODBURNING COOK< Stove. Worm ing oven above fuit price $275. Space heoter (propane) complete with tanks, hose & regulator., Fuil price $175. 20 mtai sash various sizes $15 each. 12 Pr. of original wooden shutters, with f ittings -$30 . er pair. Cati 655-3488. Sept. 6, 78 COOK WOODSTOVE, new grades, wood or cool. Asklng $300. Cati 6.55.8081. Sept. 6, 78 Table with 3 chairs, $20. Carpet shampooer, $10. 2 Afghan's, $30 each. Torcan baseboard heater, $10. Phone 668-4032 1 crib mattress, like new, $10-00, 1 Starrett master vernier catiper 1211 wlth CaSe,S80.00, 1 universai precision gouge, $50.00, 1 Starrett depth gouge, 0-9 Inch, $35.00, 1 Storrett out. side micrometer, 0-1 inch, $35.00, mutti anvil micro. meter couiper, 0-1 Inch, $20. Ail new-best offer. Phone 668.2656. Oct. il 2 END TABLES, 1 coffee table, $65. Phone 668-2806 Oct. 18, 78 1 stove, presentiy setting for $325, asking, ,$200, 241 white stove, 6 mnths. otd, removeabte door, contin. dlean oven, 2 coats - 1 blue with white fur trim, very good cond. size 10, $15, 1 imitation fur with brown leather trim, size 12, practic. aliy new, $25. Phone 655-3814. Oct. 18, 78 YOUTH BED, $25. Binoculars with 7x13 focus, with case $15. Phone 668-6087 Sept. 13, 78 GOLDEN GREEN VELVET chesterfietd and chair, 2 side tables and cof tee tabte f0 match, asking $350. Phone 668.2259 Oct. 18, 78 BOYS SKATES, Bauer, sizo 6, $15. CCM size 6 1/2, $15. Like new. Phone 655 3773 Oct. 18, 78 5 PCE WOODEN DINING ROOM SET for sale. 2 captain and 2 side chairs. In fair condition. Asking $80. Phone 668.0581 Oct. 18, 78 TABLE WITH 3 CHAIRS, $10. Aluminium storm door, $20. 2 Afghon's, $30 each. Phone 668-4032 Oct. 25, 78 3-500 GALLON, 'SKID TANKS. Use for gos, oil or October 41 le. OL EHOUSE: E IIUMIDI- Igrain cabinet, "68 1041 Oct. 25, 78 Antique Secretary. Excel I666.1847. illent ccndîiin, soidi watnuf, b ' taî1 b y 2 2 w ide. BooKcase 1 î WH(l S650. wit' 3 shelves & carved PORTAIBLI witth glass dloors, drop leof desk FIER. Wooc .3,n6 with 3 drowers uracerneoth. %5 hn 80 years old. $550 or teSt $5 hn il lé. offer. Phone 668 1436 Phos à«CU -bdMd.fv ua»imas 1 1 1

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