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Whitby Free Press, 25 Oct 1978, p. 5

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WT-ITRY FREE PRESS' WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25. 1978,,PAGE 5 Clorridor Can'ers Hi everyone. Our Corridor Capers Dance 7 once again was more than its usual success. To ail the executive and dance committee members, congratulations! A job well done. Heydenshore was decorated with Hallowe'en goblins, pumpkins, witches and brooms, beautifully designed and painted by the Grade 3 class of Glen Street Public Sehool. The children used their vast imagination and talent and the resuit was stupendous. Not to be outdone by Glen Street Sehool, the Grade 6 class of Sunset Heiglits Public Sehool fashioned a Hallowe'en scarecrow, poaching in a corn patch. There is no way we aduits could create the original imaginary work of art mastered by both of the children's groups. Many thanks to Lynn Majoros and Leita Smithm, the cbildren's teachers, for lending us their hallow'en decorations. Everynne at the Capers Bail appreciated your efforts. Our famous ticket-taker, Samantha Holliday (Del) fiew in on her broom for the gala event. Parking was ber chief problem, but this was solved, not by twitching her nose, (she believes in mortal laws) but by Coundil members (we had a quorum) creating a new bylaw, allowing ber to park her broom legally. The bylaw wilI be known as CC1643-78, read a first, second and thrid time and finally passed on the 2th day of October, 1978. Signed by the Mayor, Council of Whitby and the clerk-adminis- trator. Anyone wishing to object will have 14 days to do so. So much for spot-zoning. Prizes for the evenirig were generously donated by K-Mart, Dominion, Oshawa Meat Market, Cardinal Cleaners, McDonaids, Woolco and White Rose Nursery. To our local merchants, thank you for your participation in our dance. The draw prize was won by Bob Attersley, who generous1y~ donated it back to the bar. We bad in attendance many distinguished guests, Mayor Jim and Marj. Gartshore, Regional Councillor Gerry and Betty Emm, Local Counilors Joe and Nan Drumm, Tom and June Edwards and Bob and Joan Attersiey. Guests came from Brampton, Toronto, Oshawa, Bowmanville and our many friends and neighbours from Wbitby and the Corridor. Our next Corridor Capers Bahl wiil take place on Saturday, March 10 at Heydenshore. You ail corne back. ANDERSON COLLEGIATE GRADUATION Graduation exercises for the Grade 12 and 13 students were beld in the School Auditorium Saturday, October 21. David Sims brought greetings from the Durham Board of Education and Tom Edwards was in attendance to bning greetings from the Town of Witby. Musical selections by the Anderson Collegiate Band wene enjoyed by ail. The Valedectory address was delivered, on behaîf of the gaduating ciass, by Rick Prinzen. Our congratulations to ail the graduates, award winners, Ontamio Schoians, Scbool letter winnens and the many students who made the Honour Society. Foilowing the formâl exercises, a reception for graduates and guests was beid in the scbool cafeteria. ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH KIRK BAZAAR - JusI a gentie reminder to attend the Kirk Bazaam at St. Andrews Preshytenian Cburch, Cochrane St. in Whitby, on Saturday November 4 from 1 bo 4 p.m. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION Executive Meeting-tbis Tbursday at the Whitby Municipal Building at 7:30 p.m. ELECTION FORUM The Corridor Ratepayers.wiii sponsor an election Forum on Wednesday November 8 at Dr. Robent Thornton School. Time 7:30 p.m. SWEET ADELINES Durham Region Lung Association Christmas Seal Concert will be beid at Eastdale Collegiate Ibis Sunday, October 29. The Oshawa Chapter of the Sweet Adelines wili be singing for your enjoyment. Admission is $2.50 per person. Cail Anna-Jane Sbarrad at 576-2358 for tickets. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH TURKEY SUPPER. The Westminster Turkey supper will be this Saturday, October 28. The congregation of the cburcb have aiways bad suceessful dinners and Saturday's supper promises to be better than ever. Tickets are $4.00 for adults, $2.00 for cbildren and babies are admitted free of charge. Contact any U.C.W. member for tickets. See you there. Nov. 18 - Westminster Bazaar Nov. 12 - Westminster Cburcb Anniversary This year a special service 15, being planned. Members of the congregation will recount the events that led to the starting and building of the congregation. In tbis way we will remember our past. Having remembered the past, we Winl then tbink of our future as a cburch. BON VOYAGE PARTY A bon voyage surprise party for Irene and Ches Burton was beld at Westminster United Churcb on Sunday October 15. The Burtons, wbo will be leaving our commnunity to live in Bobcaygeon, arrived at the cburch to pick Up their forgotten dishes. Mueb 10 Ibeir surprise and pleasure, the cburch was packed witb neighbours and friends to wisb themn well i their new surroundings. Tbe Burtons were presented witb a gif t of fire-place accessories on bebalf of the community. Jean Allan and Mary Glazier were the hostesses of the very successful party and Ray Hatter acted as the M.C. for the evening. We wish the Burtons mucb success and bappiness in their new home. Their presence wiil be sadly missed, not only aI Westminster United Cburcb, but in the community at large. Best of luck Inene and Ches. Have a good week. Attend the Westminster Turkey Supper on Saturday. Cail 72.-8967 witb news items for the column. M. McEachern 725-897 No plebiscite on buses Co nitee decides There wi.ll be no plebiscite on pubic ý ransportation in the Nov. 13 municipal eiection, cc>uncil's operations committei' decided -iast week. The committee reported that a petition from the Whitby Seniors Activity Centrefor à plebiscite could not be put on the ballot because it bad been received too late to go through-tbe proper administrative pro. cedure. Town Clerk-Administmatom Bill Wallace said at least six weeks are required before the election day to go tbrough the procedure, and the petition from the seniors' centre was discussed by the operations committee iess than four weeks before the election day. Mr. Wallace explained that a bylaw bas to be enacted bo put ýfhe transpor- tation question on the ballot, and the bylaw must be adventised for thnee consec- utive weeks befone il is passed. First publication of thc prop.osed bylaw must be not later than one month hefore the election, said Mn. Wallace. When a delegation from the seniors' Activity Centre asked the committee if they could petition the council for a bus service, Mayor Jim Gartsbore said altbough it bad been rejected during budget discussions last January, it couid corne up, again in one, two or thnee vears. <Councillor Bob Carson said the council was nol tunning down a plebiscite because il did not want a buts service, but because the request had corne in to0 laIe. He sug- gested that at the next elcc- tion,* the seniors gel their reques in earlier. Kitchgener bus trip Oct. 28 The Whitby listoricai Society will bave a bus trip to Kilchener Market, Walper 11 ouse and Woodside Nai îonal Park on Oct. 28, for ail members and friends. For furtber information ami ti'kets, caîl Kay Daigie 1i 668-z. '49 or Kay Hlutchings 1 668 3460 before Oct. 15. WHITBY FABRICS CUSTOM DRAPES. Patterns f Dress Goods Excellent I prices on drapes. 21S Dundas §t. E. 668-4821 NEW - USED - REGONDITIONED EQUIPMENT for " Food Stores " Restaurants " Fast Food Operations " Hotels " Butchers, etc. " Clubs e Cafeterias * Delicatessen ICE MAKERS - WALK-IN COOLERS REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITîONING EQUIPMENT SALES e SERVICE a LEASING COMPASS MECHANICAL CO. 808 CROGNAN 416 - 284 - 1117 19 Ontario Scholars at Anderson graduation There were 19 Ontario Scbolars in the lBtb Gradu- ation held at Anderson Colle- giate and Vocationai Insti- tute Sa turday. Many of these Ontario Scbolars also won several otber awards and eight of them received tbeir school letters for citizen- ship. The letters are recom- mended by the School's Awards Committee on tbe basis that these students have fulfilled the require. ments iilustrating 'good Schooi Citizensbip.' Tbey are Charlene Alexander, Jody Elliott, Doris Hildebrandt, Anne Keboe, Lisa Keenan, Monica Larish, Kazia Milian and Mary Stanic. The Ontario Schoiars are: Charlene Alexander, Brooklin; Arnold Ashton, Ashburn; Joanne Elliott, Wbitby; Doris Hildebrandt, Paul Hollingswortb, Ashburn; Brian Jacobs, Lisa ]Keenan, Anne Kehoe, Whitby; Monica Larisb, Brookiin; and Kazia Milian, .Tanice Nichoils, James Poiiey, Rick 'Pninzen, Jeannette Rensink, Mary Stanic, Pbilip Taylor, Henry Tenody, Steven Toenjes and Dennis Varty, al of Whitby. Monica Larish also won the UAW Local 222 Bursary, the Skiar Furniture Limited Award in Modern Languages and the Whitby Lions Club award. Mary Stanic received the Rev. David Marshall Scholarsbip, the J. Delaney and J. B3os Award in Chemistry. Charlene Alexander won the Whitby Station Gallery Award in Art and Rick Prinzen the Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Associates Ltd'. Award for outstanding work in matbrnatics. Arnold Ashton won the Wbitby Kinsmen Club Award for outstanding work in matbmatics, Steven Toenjes won the Lake Ontario Steel Company award for outstanding work in math- matics and physics and be aiso won tbe Anderson C.V.1. Student Council Award for baving the bigbest academic standing of t.he fifth year group. Rick Prinzen was one 0f the winners of the G.B. Quick Award in Music. Winners of the Royal Canadian Legion Brancb 112 Awards are Lisa Keenan, Kazia Milian and Philip Taylor. Winners of the Whitby Lions Club Award included Anne Kehoe and Joanne Elliott wbo also won the Mayor's Medal for Citizenship, presented by Councillor Tom Edwards. Also among the Ontario Scholars who won other awards are Paul Hollings- worth who won the Lou Valiquet Bursary in French, James Polley winner of the Whitby Kiwanis Club Bursary and Doris Hilde- brandt winner of the Ladies' Auxiiiary, Branch 112 Royal Canadian Legion Bursary. Emergency mail servie The Honourable Lorne Henderson, Miniser of Government Services, announced last week tha t the Ontario Government is pro- viding emergency mail deiivery services between government offices tbrougb- out tbe province during the period of disruption in Canada Post Office-services. Mr. Henderson said, that extensive use will be made of ail available means of deiiv- ery including bus parcet express, private courier services and Ontario Government vebicles. In addition, al Ontario Govern- ment offices wiii accept mail from the public addressed to the Ontario Government, for delivery to Queen's Park. Ail ministnies, agencies and commissions of the pro- vincial govennment bave been issued detailed instruc- tions for using the emer- gency mail service. CORPORAT1ON 0F1THE. TOWN 0F WHIT6Y NOTICE 0F ADVANCE POLI REGULAI POIL AND APPOINTMENT 0F A VOTINO PROXY Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of tbe Town of Whitby in the Regional Municipality of Durbam, that in compliance witb the Municipal Elections Act, 1977, as amended, an Advance Poli will be beld on Saturday, November 4th, 1978, at the Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Wbitby, between the bours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 8 o'clock in the afternoon to-enable Electors wbo are unable to vote on November l3tb, to vote on November 4th, 1978. Notice is also given thiat Regular Poils wilI be beld on Monday, November l3tb, 1978, between the bours of il o'clock in the forenoon and 8 o'clock in tbe afternoon. Also, application to appoint a Voting Proxy wiil be rceived 1w the Clerk, in the office of tlie Ch'rk. 575 Hossland Road East, W'hi11hy. dui-ing normal wor-kiiig hours froîn October« 24th to Noveinhei'îoth, iî97a anmd on Mondas. Novenuber 131h. 1W78 1Ixlween flic hoîirs of!) ~lckin thlicforeJion ami 5 O'cl<w. Ini The deadline for filing an application to appoint a Voting Proxy is 5 o'clock in the alternoon on November 13th, 1978. Dated at tbe Town of Whitby this 2âtb day of October, A-D., 1978 Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Returning Officer and Clerk-Administrator Corporation of the Town of Whltby 575 Roealand Rond Eat, Whitby, Ontario ROOFING -SHINGLES &FLAT DECKS A Good Job for My Good Company Establishedfin 1941, Bonded with Consumer's Protection Bureau G,073g Home Repaurisu Sericwe FREE ESTIMATES Prop. G.A. White - RR1 B"oIn "655-4741

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