WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1979, PAGE 1 *CLASSIFIEDÀbID AI; eli m sA m uma ý m ha m aa .Lit man" a m _______ues__ pq lauF SERÇES CARIPENTRY HOMEREPAIRS' IMPROVEMENTS. METRO Lic. No. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramice Tiling,- Drywall, Rec. Roomns, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FRBE ESTIMATES. Cail 668-4686. HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, dlocks, jewelry,- dishes, furniture, crocks, oïl paintings and sealers., Friendly Flea Market 725-9783 23 Kind West, Oshawa UandRE.FINISHINGI socket sets, wrench sets, many other tools for mechanics BRROOKLIN TOOL COO, Uofforpetê Automoiïitfive Garage Su * pies BUSINESS TIES OPPORTUNITY-YOU BET. TER BELIEVE IT.Earn.exfra money at home, in your spare time. It I5 worth a try. Phone Chuck at 655-4376. e Speedy Borsch wII warm upr any.cold winter's.,night. Drain 1 can (1 lb.) julienne beets; reserve the liquid. Add beets to 1 can (103/j oz.) vegetable beef soup, seasoned withll/2 tea- spoons Lawry's Seasoned Sait and 1/2 teaspoon Seasoned Pep- per; stir thoroughly. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Add 2 table- sp oofs lemon Juice. Makes about 4 servings; top each with a dollop of sour creamn. FORRET 'FOR RENT' 0 Ofce Space. Up to120,000 sq. f t. sprinklered. Hopkins St. Cali collect Toronto 633-1615 eWIMMING POOLS TO RENT *Will lease and instail for home- owners, family size, aluminum swimming pools with patio. Choice of 'styles, meeting ail fencing regulations on one, two, or three year rentai basis with option to own. Try before yoU uycM f01 ffree 1-800.268. 1944-5. FORSAE SWIMMING POOL Manutac. turer has new 1978 Aluminum Pools, regular price $2,190, now at our off season special of $1,355. Pools come with walk. around deck, patio, tencing, pump, motor & f ilter. Delivery arranged to your convience. For best selection and informa. tion cali toV f ree 1-800-268.1944- 5. HAY FOR SALE. Before 5 p.m. phone 683-7301, after 5 p.m. phone 655.4023. USED OFFICE FURNITURE SALE Used electric typewriters. From $249. Used electric ad- ding machines. From $79. Cali Dixon Printing* and Offi!ce .Supplies, Aa,683-1968. USED OFFICE FURNITURE SALE 30"1 by 60" double pedestal desk. From $119. Select f rom our warehouse. Dixon Printing and Office Supplies", Ajax, 683-1968. USED OFFICE FURNITURE <SALE Steel. filing cabinets. Four drawer. From $89. Select f rom our warehouse. Dixon Printing and Office Supplies, Ajax, 683.1968. OSHAWA ANTIQUE GUN COLLE CTORIS SHOW & SALE Kinsmen Community Centre 109 Coîborne St. W. Oshawa, Ontario Sunday, Jan. 28, 1979 9 a. m. - 1 p. m. Ladies Silver Dollar Draws Admission, $1, Ladies Free 1 --DIRECTOR 0F FINANCE .Applicants are lnvited for position as Director of Finance ln 65 bed hospital. Responsibilities for financial managemnent a nd other duties as assigned. Formai financial preparation a requisite. Preference given to applicants with hospital or health field experience. Appîy ln confidence to: Director of Personnel, The Dr. Joseph O. Ruddy General Hospital, Gordon .i iiceût, Whitby, Ontario. LUN 5T2~ WANTED COMPUITER PROGRAMMER KNOWLEDGE 0F COBOL REQUIRED. FAMILIARITY WITH BATCH INPUT CONTROLS AN ASSET. APPLY IN WRITING TO MR.P. FLETCHER FERRCO ENGINEERING LIMITED 1400.HOPKINS STREET WHITBY* ONTARIO LiN 2C3 Ministry of Health RE: CALL FOR TENDERS 78/34 WHITBY PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL- Tenders wiIl be recived by the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital for the followlng service- Contract for Garbage Disposai - for the period April lst, 1979 - March 3lst, 1980. Contractor to supply 18 containers of varying size, which will be emptied 3 timres per week. To obtain additionaî Information or copies of Tender Docu- ments, please contact. Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, Box 613, Whitby, Ontario. LiN 5S9. Att: J. Holland Purchasing Off icer Tel. No. 668-5881 Ext. 422 TENDER CLOSED FEBRUARY 13th, 1979. 1 pNO WHITBY SERVICE DEPARTMENT WANTED! CLASS "AeMECHANIC W td For 0ur 6Bay Service Depertment * Ail modern equipment * Own tools * Profit sharing * 40 hour week * Fiat rate wifh good earnings Apply hm Perm *HEAVY SAVERS The Canadian Bankers' Association says there are more than 24 million per- sonal savings accounts at the Canadian chartered banks. the Most remous baskeL- Phone 728m2l03j OMO. ERESP N IIT-. He orshe can Iearn... with a newspaper carrier route. Learning and meeting and handling people is part of the successful newspaper carrier's job. But, more important, is the experience gained before entering adulthood. They learn the value of money'and the importance of dependability. WHITBY FREE 'PRESS 66841.11 Is fitness Important? Ask any body, Iri~ NOW US The Canadian movement for personal ffitness. THE< TIMEI To Order. .Your.. FUEL Money on DX Premium Quality 3v,! Fuel OU', Phone 668-3381 .. DX FUEL OÃ"IL - r.à ll Us Tc>-Dev For Prompit Courteous Service * 15i17 DUNDAS ST .EAST W14 ,ItBY. E WANTD DAYTIME VOLUNTEERS Urgently required to help in a variety of programs with men- taîîy retarded aduîts and chiîd. ren. Training provided. Durham Centre for the Deveîopmentally Handicapped 668-7745, Ext. 435 Caîl between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. DAY CARE PROVIDED in registered nurseries. LOSTAD LOST - KEY CHAIN, numerous keys, Royal Bank tag and large "#lt on chain. Caîl 668-1801. Reward. J mmum" v