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Whitby Free Press, 31 Jan 1979, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, JANTJARY 31,1979, WHITBY-FREE PRESS Premier'Davis is honored, March 30 Premier William Davis will be honoured by the provincial Progressive con- servative Associations within the Durham Region in Oshawa March 30. Ray Lunn, Presidet o f the Durham East PC Associa- tion, announced last week that Mr. Davis will be the guest of honour ai a (i,î,îer and dance at the Jubilee Music examstoday Lawrence Goodwill, a member of the Board of Examiners of the Royal Conservatory of Music wili conduct music examinations in Whitby Jan. 31 to Feb.'l. Mr. Goodwill came from Vancouver to study composi- tion on the CAPAC Scholar- ship at the Royal .Conserva- tory of Music of Toronto, and earned his Bachelor of.Music degree fromn the Faculty of Music. IUniversity of Toronto. Ilîs pasi, activites include studying composi- tion withi Darius Milhaud in the United States and concert experience, notably numierous recitals for CLIC Radio -in the West. Until recently a member of the pianofaculty, Mr. Goodwill continues to examine for the Royal, Conservatory of Music, as wcell as teach ai, his own studio in Toronto. Pavilion-on ML.date. Master of ceremonies for the occasion will be noted broadeaster Joel Aldred and music for dancing will be provided by Canada's best- known banâleader, Moxie Whitney,, and his orchestra from the Chateau Laurier Hotel in Ottawa. Other head table guests that evening will be Agricul- ture Minister Bill Newman who is MPP for Durham- York Riding, Sam Cureatz, MPP for Durham East, and. George Ashe, MPP for Durham West. Mr. Lunn said 600 people are expected to attend the event which will begin at 6:30 p.mf. with cocktails, fol- lowed by dinner at 7:30 p.m. He added that a fair demand for tickets bas a]- ready been evidenced and that anyone wishing to attend should purchase their tickets as soon as possible from one of the following people: Marianne Zakarow, Ticket Co-Ordinator, 623-7538 <I3ow- manville) ; Doug Terwillegar, Event Chair- man,« 725-6210 (Hampton); Ray' Lunn, ]President, Durham East PC Associa- tion, 576-3984 (Oshawa); Ted Marks, President, Oshawa PC Association, 728-5151 (Oshawa); Roy Fitzgerald, President, Durham West PC Association, -839-4363 (Pickering); or Merrill Van Camp, President, Durham- York PC Association, 986-4346 (Blackstock). Jud y Gales of the Oshawa Jayoettes(on guitar) leads a group i a sinie-a-long on the fitst evening of the WABO Tri-Regional Jayoette Conférence last week in Bowmanville. Jaycettes hold econference The WABO Tri-Regional Jay- cette Conference was held last .weekend at the Flying Dutchman Motor Inn, Bow- manville. Thé conference, or- ganized jointly by Whitby, Ajax, Bowmnanvile and'Osh- awa Jaycettes, attracted 70 women from as far away as Kingston, Elmidra and Chat- ham, Ontario. The conference ran from Fri- day January 26 to Sunday January, 28, and offered a varied programme of -semin- ars, meetings and social act- ivities. The Jaycettes are an affiliate organization of the Canada VfLVET TOUCI) Furniture Stripping *No cdip 0 Unique tanks flow-over caustics process REPAI RED- REFI NI SHED TETW 0FWHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Town 0f Whitby intends to pass a by.Iaw to change the na me of the highway known as Woodlawn Avenue f0 Woodlawn Court. The change in street name wiII applytf0all of Woodlawn Avenue as shown on Registered Plans 'numbered 709 and M-1164, and registered in the Land Tities Office for Durham (No. 40). The reason for the change in street name is f0 have the sublect highway designated as a "Court" instead of an "'Avenue" f0o conforni f0 the Town's policy of naming ail cul-de-sacs "Courts". I uams STREET EA&ST 41 i i WOODLMN Il COURT CLl AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE, that the Council of the Town of Whitby will, at the hour of 8:00 p.m., on the 26th day of February, 1979 in the Meeting Hall of the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor, or agent any person who dlaims that he will be adversely affected by the by-law, and who applies to be heard. Dated at Whitby, Ontario this 26th day of January, A.D., 1979. Wm. H. Wallace, AM.CT., C.M.C.p Clerk-Administrator The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 575 R ossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario LIN 2M8 Jaycees whose main object- ives are Jaycee Assistance, Community Involvement and Self Bettermeint. The Whitby Jaycettes currently- has a membership of twenty. At the request of the bar- gaining committee for The Durham Elementary School Teachers, the Board of Education has madie an offer of settiement on a one-year contract. The offer bas the unanimous support of ail trustees eligible to vote on Public School matters. The teachers have been without a contract since August 31, 1978. The Board's. offer consists of a salary increase of 5.5 per cent on the Salary Grid for' the period September- December and a 5.6 per cent for the period January-June. Proportionate adjust- ments in Principal's scale and some increase in allowances. for Vice-Prin- cipals and Consultants, who are paid on the grid, are part of the salary package. Maximum salary rates for teachers unde the latest proposaI would range from $10,512 to $28,332. Wine& Cheese Party Monday Februar-y 5 7:.00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. 185 Brock St. & Jhirmack of Canada - inmite vou to a Skin Care and Make-up demonstration. Cati 668-3892- Principals would be paid a minimum of $29,050 and a maximum of $33,550 by June 30, 1979. The total cost to the Board of the proposed increases would be $1,914,000 or 7.35 per cent. The Board has offered to incluide seniority guarantees in the contract and seve- rance allowances for those teachers declared redundant. The Board is proposing the present contract of 25:1 for Pupil-Teacher Ratio. The 1977-78 operating staffing ratio is 23.85:1 including a minimum of 3.5 special education teachers per thousand pupils. The Board believes that this staffing pracetice and policy is entirely consistent with the teachers' goal for quality education. The ýChairman of the Trustees 'bargaininig com- mittee, Trustee D.J. Sims of Whitby, notes, "In al] respects, we feel that this is a good basis for settlement. We can only hope'th.at the teachers' membership agrees and -so directs its bargaining committee."1 3 Kiwanis '0ducted Three new mernbers of the Whitby Kiwanis Club will be inducted at the club's regular meeting in the Centennial Building Thurs- day. They are lan Holmes, Vie lhrown and Don Fiddes. Bob Brodie'and Bob Reid attended the Cancer Society convention in Toronto Jan. 19 to represent the Whitby club. Plans are being made for another bicycle ride for cancer this year. February is Heart Month and the H-eart Foundation is again looking for volunteers to canvas door-to-door. Last year the Whitby Kiwanis Club had the highest returns of any canvasing group, and has been assigned a district again this year. The Kiwanis Club is plan- ning «a combination Monte Carlo night and dance to be held at Heydenshore Pavillon March, 30. Sehool board offers,- new contract. ternis

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