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Whitby Free Press, 31 Jan 1979, p. 3

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To think that aIl these years I've been missing out! The worst of it is I'm a TV freak and still the message didn't get across. ..get yourself the flu or a cold and you're rolling on easy street. Picture the poor unfortunate on the TV commercial who wakes up in the middle of the night with a rasping cough and wakes up his wife so she can get the cure-ail. What she's really doing is waiting on the guy hand and foot. That concept alone should rankle the bra burner s. Now before you burn me in effigy on my front lawn let me tell you I believe in equality for women but P'm sure to both women and men it would seem Snowarama aids crippled ci Snowarama is a tund- are pai raising event which takes rama. place evéry winter at arama various locations throughout place the Province of Ontario. Sunday Snowarama is sponsored Men' by the Ontario Society for particil Crippled Children with the two wa cooperation of snowmobile Firsi, cl uhs and associations, the bilers ii Federation 'of Snowmobile 100-ml Clubs, the Ontario Snow- mence; mobile Distributors Centre Association, and participa- On oi ting Easter Seal service ested clubs, with some financial attend assistance from Molson's Centre Brewery Limited., Sunday .Funds are raised by a.m. snowmobilers throughout In or the province riding any one the evE of a number of official 100- not hav mile courses backed by any or sponlsors on a pledge per club, ID mile basis. 11 $30 wo One-haîf of the net to pari proceeds raised in the Secor Snowarama events through- cari pa out the province go to the by pie( Ontario Society for Crippled support Children, and the other haif who is is divided among the partici- Pledg pating snowmobile clubs and basis,ç Easter Seal service clubs. the phe Since the inception of this mile mi event in 1975, aimost one $10. Inè ,million dollars bas been or less raised in total by the various less) n Snowarama events through- time of out the province. other1 I 1978, snowmobile clubs lected, and Easter Seat service been cc clubs in *the Region of It is Durham particîpated in the Sno war Snowarama event with even ri considerable success. year fo Last year the Snowarama- event in this area involved 168 snowmobile riders who had collected the -pledges D totalling $12,703.50. 0f the amount pledged, $10,124 was collected, and after expenses the event raised $8,933.44. Haîf of this sp~m went to the Ontario Society for Crippled Children to assist them in their work for physically handicapped children. once again this year, local snowmobile clubs and- Easter Seals service clubs 0o F CANADA OWNER OPERATE GS hmw "ciym çar cm li ROYAL< $159?95. PRmEIR$189?-5 SUPREME $249?5 AIL PAINT WORM GUARANTEEO iikren articipating in Snowa- 1This y'ear, the Snow- ain this area will take at Port Perry on y', February 11. nbers of the public cari ipate in this event in ,ys. t, interested snowmo- in the area cari ride the le course which corr- es' at the Latcham ain Port Perry. rder to do this, inter- snowmobilers should à at the Latcham cin Port Perry on y, February 11, at 8 Sder to, participate in rent, snowmobilers do v'e to be affiliated with )rganized snomobile but must have at least rth of pledges in order icipate. )nd, non-snowmobilers rticipate in this event adging their financial rt to a snowmobiler ;riding in the event. Iges are on a per-mile so that, for example, edge of 10 cents per neans a total piedge of idividual pledges of $5 s(5 cents per mile or must be paid at the ýfmaking a pledge. Al pledges will 'be col- after the event has .ompleted. the goal of the local ramna 1979 to - raise more funds than last r the support of the appealing to have somebody wait hand and foot on you if you were sick - or appeared tà be sick. What I'm getting at is that having or appearing to have a cold or the flu is a super excuse, especially at this time of year when flu and colds are so common. Mind you there are so me problems. Coming back to work after a week's absence because of the flu and having somebody ask you how you got the "marvellous tan" can be embarrassing to say the least. How many doctors will pescribe a week in Naussau for the flu? My doctor won't - I've already tried. I know a few people who, when they know it's timne to do mionthend statements, will suddenly develop a terrible cold. There are those too who would have the odd'suspicion that home hockey games also develop a flood of germs resulting in colds, the flu and even some rare maladies heretofore unknown to man. TI fact these germs seem so common that barely an eyebrow is raised anyrnore when an employee phones in "sick", at least at this time of the year. And ail this time like a fool I've missed out on this tremendous opportunity for the odd holiday. However as I sit here diligently at the typewriter with this rotten cold (really..) I'm faced with what to do about it. I believe one sage is quoted as saying that if you stay indoors, take medicine, lots of fluids and plenty of rest for your cold it will last two weeks but if you do nothing it will last 14 days. The alternative is taking great quantities of rum. It doesn't cure you, but even if you're sick you don't give a damn! According to the commercials there is a myriad of things you cari take to cure your cold. Somne fizz, somne are coloured and alI of them are'better than anything else on the market Ontario Society for Crippled Children. With this everý, now being open to the publia' it is anticipated that his goc will be exceeded. It is hope'u that the peni-ile of the Region of Durham,' snowmobilers and non-snowmoblers ahii<, will participate in and ý.up- port this very worthwhile event., Members of the pub]swh are interested in obtaining more information about Snowarama 1979 are invited to contact members of the Sriowaraina Committee or Bill Borinetta of the Whitby Rotary Club at 668-9372. World Development sennnar is Feb. 18 A World Development Seminar, in conjunction with "Ten Days for Worid Development," will beheld at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 18 at Al Saints' Anglican Church. The seminar, wili feature the film "Controlling Interest," which deals with the relatioriships between multinational corporations, the Third World, and -our- selves. A discussion will fol- 10w the semninar. COLLISIouIEs ,"igysir lamagmi car te MA*CG log we'N do the rest. Wefl <MIW. vau Wmacm aquel or broker. WeII make $urs ma adjoster lse yeu car. WeiI do quality wor al a, reuemaêl prin fed gin u, fait servie. FREE INSURANCE ESTIMATES g -579-4000 710 WILSON RD). S. ca OSHAWA, ONT. - j' b I w w (~La WHITIRY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31.1979, PAGE 3 according to doctors who will drag out reems of statistics and iab reports. Just once I'd like to gee a commercial where a Nader type cornes on and admits the pili is a ýplacebo, won't cure you, won't hurt you but certainly is guaranteed to take some of the strain off your pocketbook and give OHIP a new case of overdrawn at the bank. The naturalists on the other han 'd suggest such odd things as standing on your head in a corner for two days and two nights with a dirty wool sock tied around your neck, cloves of garlic hung al] over the room and a pine scented canidle lit. Sometimes 1 suspect the authors of these remedies must themselves have been lit when writing thein. Two things strike me as being the most difficult aspect of having a cold or the flu. The first is convincing people you realiy are sîck. When you tell them you get winks, little digs with elbows and always a sarcastic, "sure you're sick, I can see that!" Because it's a good reason for a quicky holiday everybody assumes that's what you're about to do. The second aspect that is even worse to handie is just what do you do about a cold or the flu? Do you stand on your head, take green pis, eat a bushel basket of lemons under a full moon, drink enough to get admitted to the Clarke Institute or admit you're sick, go to bed and expect everybody to wait on you hand and foot. As my Work. load has been rather heavy lateiy the last is most appealing to me. As a matter of fact I think l'Il move the TV up to the bedroom, stock in some books and newspapers, a bottie 0f rum and disconnect the telephone. Listen, it's been nice talking to you but I have to dash now - I've decided it's timne to go to bed! Ail you healthy people, eat your hearts out!! ]D]ELIT O US A delicious complete 5 REG. PRICE dinner, with 3 pieces of $2u0 inger lickin' good Kentucky Fried $3 Chicken, creamy cole slaw, golden brown French fries and Grecian bread. A good, satisfying hot meal for cold February days! OnIy $1. 75 when you prese nt this coupon at your nearby store. A complete inner for just> SAVE 55C~ Wiffi presentation of this coupon at participating stores, the bearer is entitled to purchase a 3-piece dinner for just $1.75. Offer good until February 23, 1979. OVER 100 LOCATIONS IN ONTARIO -SEE VOUR PHONE BOOK FOR THE ONE NEAREST VOU.j ENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 111 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITY 66-1464 t MOMRS Won ihro 1 t '. Ba6m a * $~iOom IL 1qqmlqqmw

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