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Whitby Free Press, 14 Feb 1979, p. 2

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v PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARy 14, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Aprl r~reg" a ration Cont'd from P., 1 Comrmttee at600 Henry Street Whitby, or cail the school at 668-2731. One of the major priorities of the reunion committee is to contact as many former students' and teachers as possible., To do this, a number of comimittees have been set up with various duties to perform. The steerîng coMmittee. deadline for Henry under, the direction of Johni The -address committee Bolton,. consists ,0f, Nolan conisists of Ron Ennis, who is Tagîart, RonEnnis, Dwight trying to locate peopile who Esier and Vvonne attended the old Whitby Chomnobay. 'This ýcommittee District H igh School before is in charge of the over-ali 1955; Wayne Stubbs who is operation of the reunion. taking the years 1955 to 1959; Angle Littlefield for 1960 to 1964, Rita Keenan for 1965 to > 1969, Judy Stonkus for 1970 to 1974 and Irenu Melli for 1975 t o 1979. INIEUSIThe steering comrnittee REPAIN recognized early in its plan- ning that people who attend- 'I d lhe roui Ied the old WhitbyDistrict r We'll moke High School and Whitby High 1111y wark il School when' it was Iocated on Coibomne Street before 1954, also wanted to attend the reunion. 14WY. 401 Former students Marion BLOOAT LUO'Donnell and Marion Irwin IAACO have agreed to assist the ocornmittee in cont acting « WENTWORTH4f these people. The school has records of its students back Hig hSchoi to 1927, but no current Eist of addresses. Dwight Esier, a teacher at Henry HigI- s in ctà&rge of contacting former teachers, and Nolan Taggart is in charge of advertising and room displays. Brian Winter, ,Coirnuniity Editor of the Whitby Free Press and archivist 0f the Whitby Historical Society has offered to supply old press clippings and photographs of the past 25 years frorn the archives, and set up a num- ber of historical displays. Besides contacting the form er students, the steering cornrittee is seeking volun- teers to organize class breakfasts, sports compet- itions, and any othier special functions th4ose attending the reunion may desire. During the next six weeks SOTTOUSLED ria I Seasonal changes may af- fect your haîr, Ieaving it' dry and briffle. [et us get it back in healthy condi- tion, perk it Up w'itt, new styting, taa. LA CONTESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE 119 Greça St 668,9262 I ,paign mn the Whitby-OshawI >area is being planned to maethe communities. aware of th.e.reunion. Letters have already been sent to ail the graduat'es of the Iast two years, a 1nd> more will be sent as the address* committees complete the ir work for -the earlier years, Within the next two weeks, about 400 to 500 posters will be distributed, and letters, and flyers will be sent to ail businesses in Whitby to dis- tribute to their customers. Letters will be also-,sent to the Mayor and Council and School Board.ý The steer'ing committee intends to have a banner advertising the reunion placed across Brock Street at Centennial Park., An intensive media camn- paign will be carried out, with letters sent to ail news- papers in Canada to alert 0students who have left town about the reunion. The reunion plans include an Open Flouse at the schooi on June 22 -foIlowed by a social hour (or two) at Iroquois Park Arena. On June 23 at 7 p.rn. there will be a dinner and dance at the Holiday Inn in Oshawa. The dinner wiil be a buffet 'con- sisting of various salads, piatters of beef, ham, turkey, whole salmion etc. Music will be supplied by a dance band. 1Other events may be plan- ned, depending on the res- ponse fromn former students and teachers. Anyone who attended Henry Street High ,Schooi in the past 25 years or the old Whitby, High School before 1954 is urged to get th *eir registrations in to the school as soon as possible, s0 the committee wvill be able to know how many people'wîll have to be accornrndated. So far there is consider- able enthusiasm by a srnall group of organizers who hope to turn that enthusiasm into a highly successful reunion. Feh. 19 The general public will have the opportunity to visit the Junior Achievement Centre and see what JA is al about. Junior Achiievement of Oshawa is holding an Open House at its business centre on William Street East on February 19 and 20 between 7:15 and 8:45 p.m. Everyone is cordially in- vited to corne and watch Junior Achievement com- panies in action, «and view displays of company pro- ducts. For the past ten years Junior Achievement, in con- juncion with Oshawa's and Whitby's leading business people, has helped acquaint teenagers with the Canadian system of business and dein- ocracy. Achievers gain experience,' knowiedge and confidence as they pcrform duties which would benefit a mnodem corporation. THE CORPORATION 0F )JTHE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F INTENTION NOTICE Is hereby gi ven that the Council 0f the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends f0 pass a by-law f0 change the naine 0f the highway known as Woodlawn Avenue to Woodlawp Court. The change in street name will apply to al 0f Woodlawn Avenue as shown on Registered Plans numbereci 709 and M-1164, andi registered in the Land Titles Office for'Durham (NO. 40). The reason for the change in street name is f0 have the sublect highway designated as a "Court"# instead of an "Avenue" f0 conform f0 the Town's policyof naming ail cul-cle.sacs "Courts"# WSTSfR-EET AS 41 #lI jWOOLAN Il COURT AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE, that the Council of the Town of Whitby wili, at the hour of 8:00 p.m., on the 26th day of February, 1979 in the Meeting Hall of the Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland' Road East, Whitby, Ontario hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor, or agent any person who dlaims that he will be adversely affected by the by-law, and who applies ta be heard. Dated at Whitby, Ontario this 26th day of January, A.D., 1979. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T.p C.M.C., Clerk-Administrator, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Wh.itby, Ontario LIN- 2M8 î 668-9262 ý01 reunion ý r mi i,'_'

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