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Whitby Free Press, 7 Mar 1979, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1979, WHIBY FREE PRE3SS Legion holds public speldg ones 1Royal Canadian Legion Branch 112, ByonStee South, held its anxiual'publi< speaking contest Sunday March 4. Sixteen area ',Young people entered the, vontestf, speak. ing on a, variety of topics from three to five minutesin length in two grade levels. The speakers were judged by George Ashe MPP -for Durham' West and 'Judy Schneider, secretary of To astinasters of Oshawa and Dave Uren, a meinher of the Oshawa Toastmaster Club. The Judges werelokn for delivery, appearance, gestures, voice and manner, ruaterial and language and literary form. >The*score on these points and staying within the time lumit were ca lculated to determîne the winners. The timekeepers for' the contest were Marj Burgess, past-president of the Whitby Jaycettes and Bob Brown, Provincial Command Public Speaking Contest Chairman. Heather Milburnwas the first Place winner in the Grades 4 to 6 competition. Heather, age il, in Grade 6 a t West Lynde Public Sebool, spoke on "Freckles. " She received a plaque and $10"for placing first. Second "Place went tol Jobanna Rippin, , age 11, attending E.A. Fairman' School i Grade 6. Her topic was ý "Nadia Comaniche." Jeanne received a plaque and $5. -BMUT YOUR NEXT USED, CAR FROM US..., ANEW CAR DEALER. *FOR SELECTION 30'RECONDITIONED CARS. *TO CHOOSE-FROM *AND PROTECTION 12 month - 12,000 mile 100% IAW.warranty avai la ble There was a tie for, third place between Tracy Robbins and Mark Fullerton. Both receiv!ed a. plaque and $3 for their efforts. Tracy's topie Was "4unusual animais."1 She attends E.A. Fairman School in Grade '6, and is il years oid. 'Mark spoke on "Dogs".,He is 12 years old, in Grade 6' at Palmerston Sebool. In the Grade 7 *nd8 competition, Elizabeth .Aquilina placed first wi th hertopie "Manners.". Eliz- aehattends. St. Jôhn's Sehool, is in Grade 7 and is 12 years old. Placingý first, she received a plaque and $10. Hayley Drew placed second and. received a plaque and $5. Her topie was ',Air Battle." She attends West Lynde' Public Sehool and is in Grade 7. Third place in the Grades 7 and' 8 competition went to Janet-Korstanje who' attends Dr. Robert Tharnton Public School. She is 12 years oid and in Grade 7.' Janet chose ta speak on "A five-year-old's first expe- rience in an Italian Restau- rant. " She receiÏved a plaque and $3. -Robin Lyon, public rela- tions officer for, the Legion an& chairman for the c on- test,, said the winners -of the co ntest will. go on ta' Ajax next Sunday where the Zone Finals wiIl be held. He also stated that if tâkes a lot for a student ta get up in 1977 DOO GE ASPEN 4 DOOR SEDAN, à C"ýLINDER. LIC. LHV 615 ECONOMY! SALCE 3895ý 1977 PLYMOUTH'FURY 9 PASSENGER WAGON. LIC. QEL 314 .GOOD FAMILY CAR! SALE $399 PRI CE 3 front of a hall, full of stran- gers and, present a five- minute talk, and would like to express the feelings of everyone i attendance when he say4 they were ail goôd speakers. BUS cut pro tested The Whitby Psychiatric Hospit.al is preparing a, brief on the use of the current -bus service ta the 'hospital, fol- lowing the Iannaouncement that the service, may, be, terminated at the end of April. Hospital Administrator Michael O'Keefe said that by the, middle of thiÈ week, a report should be available ta send ta the "1powers that be,"' regarding staff and patient use of the bus service. - A nmemo was sent ta al departments Iast week ask- ing who used the bus 'in regular trips ta the bospital. John Kunetsky, Adminis- trator of the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital said about 40 of bis staff use- the bus, not ta mention visitors ta the hospi- tai,, many of. whom are elderly. >Mr. Kunetsky said bis staff members were " ýquite upset" about 'the proposed termination af the bus ser- vic e, and he bas sent a letter ta cauncil autlmning their cancerns. Seé ypur Dodue boys" today: * KEVIN îO'CONNOR *VERN GRADY'.> *JIM SINCLAIR' *TOINY VILLA 1976 ASPEN WAGON 6 CYLINDER WITH 5 SPD. OVERDRIVE. LIC. KYB59 SALE$3 9 1976 CHEV MONTE CARLO 1974 AMC HORNET 1975 PINTO WAGON STATION WAGON ONE OWNER, 4 CYLINDER, EXTRA CLEAN CAR. AUTOMAIC, PIS, AUTOMATIC. LI C. KTT 202' 6 CYLINDER. LI C. JJA 982 TEST DRIVE IT TODAY! LIC. HR L714 ECONOMY PLUS GOO VALUE! 0000 LOOKS! SALE $A O SALE SALE PRICE -4 '5 PRICE D PRICE$2 '5 1974 MERCURY COMET 1978 CHRYSIER 1974 MONACO 211R. COUPE N EWPOIRT 2 D R. HTP. 4 DR. HARDTOP 226 6 YLINDER DEMO 30VS I OD AUTOMATIC. 30V8 IRCND LIC. NCE 145 AIR CONDITIONED. LIC.* LSA 513 AN IDEAL 2ND CAR! LIC. MYK 340 LOW MILEAGE!. SALE SALE SALE $2 9 $ 177d PRICE 923 PRI CE 19 Prices in effect until Tuesday'March 14, 1919 - Subjec tot prior sale. L»wiïllra CHYSE Chrysier Cro"edit Avilable. 200 DUNDAS WHITRY. STREET 668-688 WEST Elizabeth' Aguilina' and Heather Milburn first place Winners of The Royal Canadian Legion,' Branch 112, Public Speaking Cantest, are pictured above with Robin Lyon, Contest Chairman and Brancb Public Relations- Officer, George Asbe, M.P.P., Judy, Schneider', Dave Uren contest Judges and Henry Perry -Branch President. Free Press Photo by Marj Burgess DispIaying their placques and cheques are the, second and third place winners. Joanna' Rippin,. Tracy Rabbins, Janet Korstanije, Hayley Drew and Mark Fullerton. Free Press Phata by Marj Burgess,, For Loyers 0F FINE FURNITURE PIONEER AIINTEIRIORS Maklng the Iegacy of Our paut part of your future. 111 Dunlop St. West. Whitby Hwy. 401 to Hwy. 12 9 blocks north to Dunlop St. 668-4231 181 Church St., OakvilIe, 1 block north of Hwy. 21/2 blocks west of Trafalgar Rd. 842-2062 Hour: Mon.-Wed. 10-6, Thurs.-FrI. 10-5, SU. 10-6 66 un ý !.,. 1

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