PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7,1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Public will have a say on proposed roller skating rink Will there be a roller ska- ting centre located in Whitby? That all depends upon the residents, Mayor Jim Gartshore assured 20 resi- dents from the Blair Park subdivision that -nothing would be done until a by-law was passed. Such a by-law would not be passed until all the pros and cons have been gone into and "everyone wishing to have a say has their say on the matter," he said. Delegations can attend the Committee meetings. of Council and make their views known as well as attending the regular mee- tings of Council. All Council meetings and council committee meetings are held on Monday evenings and Mayor Gartshore wel- comed the ratepayers and taxpayers to be present at the meetings. Tim O'Neill of Harding Street said he is not opposed to roller skating operations in the Town of Whitby but he is opposed to the location. For one thing there would be a too close proximity to buildings and he pointed out Characters Hours: Monday to Thursday 10 - Up.m. Friday 10 - 8:30 p.m. Saturday 10 - 5 p.m. there would only be 225 feet between the proposed build- ing and the buildings locat- ing on either side of the roller skating arena. He and the majority of the residents from the Blair Park subdivision's Lupin Drive-Harding Street area are opposed to the traffic flow the centre would gen- erate as it would not only create a traffic hazard for thé children going to school in the area but "it would affect the quality of life" for the residents living in that area. Several members of the delegation suggested that the proposed roller skating arena be located at Iroquois Park. "We thought of Iroquois Park as well," said Mayor Jim Gartshore. "But the only problem, and it is a big problem that is facing the town, is that the whole area in the Harbour Area, and that includes Iroquois Park, is frozen for any develop- ment until the Region makes a $3 million connection of a main between Pringle Creek and Corbet Creek. This ex- tension of the water and sanitarv services is .to be 118 BrockSt. N. Whitby, Ontario done by the Region of Durham." Mayor Gartshore won- dered,.If the residents in the Blair Park area would object to the eoller Skating Arena "if there could be some type of control put on the traffic." Several of the delegates said they wouldn't object to the roller skating arena in the Blair Park area if there would or could be some type of control placed on the traffic flow in the area. They didn't object to the roller arena as it "would help to keep the children and young people off the street." Mayor Gartshore assured the delegation that it would le looked into to see what type of control could be placed on the traffic flow. He pointed out "if the parcel of land is sold nothing is done or can bc done until a by-law is passed by the Council permitting the de- velopment of that parcel of land. There won't be any by-law passed until every aspect is looked into and that includes the possible control of the traffic flow," he said. Councillor Bob Carson said he "concurred with what the residents feel." He is "convinced that a lot of thé traffic would go down either or both Hopkins Street and Blair Street on its way to the roller sk4ting arena. The proposai is good for the Town and in that particular location it will open up more land for industrial develop- ment in the area." Several members of the delegation objected to the location of a recreational facility in an Industrial Area. But Councillor Carson said he thought that "we as a Town have got to provide activities for the teen-agers. We have got to get them away from booze...vanda- lism and just roaming the streets," He ruled out Iro- quois Park for the roller skating arena. The actual site of the pro- posed roller skating arena which is a private enterprise run by Peter D. Boo, Presi- dent of Saints Roller Skating Centres located in Thunder Bay and Sault Ste. Marie is on town-owned land. The Town owns 14 acres of land on the south side of Burns Street East, east of Pringle Creek. The land is part of the Whitby Industrial Park. Planning Director Kevin Tunney said that the pro- perty is in "the preferred Industrial zone which per- mits a range of uses which includes arenas, audito- riums, recreational and edu- cational facilities." Town Treasurer Forbes McEwen who is also co- ordinator of Development pointed out that the property has a severe bank along the east side as well as a rea- sonable roll of land in the centre. "One of the difficul- ties in developing the parcel is that the knoll in the centre will have to be removed. The cost of removing the knoll could be taken out of the agreed purchase price for the two and a quarter acre site. The venture would give the town nine and a half acres of fully serviced indus- trial land," he said. Mr. Boo told the Council and delegates that his enter- prises always "invites the parents of the children to come to the Saints Roller Skating Centres to observe their children skating. The admission is free for parents of children skating in the-arena and there is always a pot of coffeé is free of charge." Since most of the custo- mers are children the arena closes at 10 p.m. every night of the week a little later on the week-ends. "It is another addition to the Community," he said. "Roller Skating is more warm, a more social attrac- tion; it is not a competitive activity. Very often mothers corne and watch their child- ren and we have a family night for the entire family when the entire family can roller skate for a one fee family charge. Benefit gani He told the Council and those present that Saints Roller Skating Centres "we are more concerned with the conduct of those present than with dress, although shorts are not permitted." Mayor Gartshore had in- quiries made about the Roller Skating Centres and learned that the police of both Sault St. Marie and Thunder Bay state they are "very well organized and keep the children off the streets." "We feel it has helped our community. No complaints. Very fine operation, building is clean and well super- vised." School principals state, "it is very well patrolled. A very decent place to allow children to frequent." le for cancer is at Oshawa March 10 The fifth annual benefit hockey game between the Durham Regional Police and the G.M. Salaried All-Stars takes place at 7 p.m. Sat., March 10, at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium. The game is sponsored by the Canadian Cancer Society and all proceeds from the game will go to the South Durham Unit. This includes the communities of Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa. Tickets cost $1 and are available from General Motors Employees and the Durham Regional Police Athletic Association. Children under 14 are admit- ted free if accompanied by an adult. As well, all ticket holders have a chance to win a one-week holiday for two to St. Lucia, arranged through Rogers Travel Bureau in conjunction with Sun Tours holidays. The winning ticket will be drawn at the game. The benefit hockey game is the kick-off to the annual "April is Cancer Month" daffodil campaign. The game serves as a major fund-raising vehicle for the South Durham Unit and committee members are hoping that this year's pro- ceeds will exceed those of past years. HAVE YOU CONSIDERED LEASING? 1979 FIREBIRD Roof Drip Mouldings, Near Window Defroster, Sport Mirrors, Floor Console, Power Brakes, 4.9 Litre V-8 Engine, Rally Wheels, Radial Whitewall Tires, Automatic Transmission, AM Radio and Power Steering. 36 Month Net Lease • monthly charge of *1790 plus tax • 3c a kilometer over 72,000 kilometers " customer to provide insurance; maintenance & replacement plates. 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