PAGE 18, WEDNESAY. MARCH 7, 1979, WHITBY FREPRESS Corrng Events PRINTMAKING EXHIBITION An exhibition of prints by artists and apprentices under the Experience '78 program is being held at the Whitby Arts Station Gallery until March 25. The Ontario Youth Secre- tarîat's Experience program rnakes this exhibition possi- ble. On behaîf of the Ministry of Culture and Recreation, the Ontario Arts Council administers the arts appren- ticeship component of this youth employment program. This special exhibition has been organized to present the art produced in the print- making program by six ap- prentices and seven artists with whom they worked. The exhibition is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Recreation and the Ontario Arts Council. ART FILMS March 18 at 3 p.m. there wilI be a film on copper plate etching by artist David Blackwood, at the Whitby Arts Station Gallery. There will also be a study of the technique of printrnaking by Frederick Hagen, and color lithography be Lautrie, Renoir, Cezanne and Vouillard. PRIgTMAKING DEMONSTRATION March il from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. there wil b9 a special demonstration of print. making by Otis Tamasaus- kas in the boxcar print studio of Whitby Arts IncorpQrated. Mr. Tamasauskas will be demonstrating etching and lithography. Mr. Tamasauskas has taught printmaking at Scar- borough College of the Uni- versity of Toronto and is presently director of litho- graphy at Three Schools, assistant director of litho- graphy and etching at Open Studio and is teaching litho- graphy at MeMaster Univer- sity in Hamilton. BOXCAR STUDIO OPEN 1HOUSE Whitby Arts Inc. invites everyone to meet Nick Novak, its etching and litho- graphy instructor and some wiscuss prîntmakimg at an TODAYS CARS AT YESTERDAYS* PRICES 1974 OBOAT1976 4/Dr.ý STATION WAGON MNEOM 4 Speed Blue Metahce 2300 C.C. 4ClWhÀt e Vînyl Roof 40,000 miles As Is Auomatic 35f 8 Cvl. Air UJC GCO 766 P/S P/B Radio LUC' KHX 921 $1400. $3800. 197MARQUIS B ROUUMA1IM Antiqued Ureamn Automatic 8Cyl. P/SP/B Vinyl Roof P/L Air, Radio UIC: KTR 764 $4800. 1978 ZEPHYR 4/Dr. Russett Colored Automatic 302 V8 P/S P/B Luxury Interior Group, UIC: MBZ 776 COLIN BALL MOTORS LIMITED Highway 7A West 619_ u Port Perry__ Telephone 985-841il 1976 CLUBWAGON Dark Metallic Jade Automatic PIS P/B 12 Passenger, Captain Seats, Radio LIC: KM6 363- open house ln the Boxcar Studio March 25 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Visitors will see examples of work executed by the students and will have an opportunity to try their hand at printmaking. Materials will be on hand. LAW REFORM MEETING The Durham Region Fam- ilY YMCA wiIl present an information meeting on thé new Family Law Reform Act. and its ramifications, March 8 at 8 p.m. in the lecture theatre at Henry Street High *Schooî. Participants for the even- ing are Bonnie Berry,,chair- man; lawyer Bill Living- stone, minister Rev. Keith Elford; and Bey Salmon, a representative of -the Ontario Council on the Status of Women. An open discussion period will follow the panel discus- Sion. WINTER BREAK PROGRAM Three special. events for children are pla.nned by the *Whitby ýPublic Library for the March Winter Break. .March 19 at 2 p.xn. the Young People's Theatre, with Santo Cervello and Kathryn Popham will pre- sent Antoine de St. Expupery's classie fantasy adventure "'The Little Prince. " This prograin will be for children in Grades 4 to 6 by ticket only. Tickets' are available fromn March 10 at' the childre n's desk.. March 21 there wilI be a film,." "Mickey's Cartoon' Parade," with special shows at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Admis- sion will be by ticket only. Tickets will be available at the film desk after March 14. March 23 there will be games for sehool age child- ren in the library from 2 p.rn. ST. PATRICK'S DANCE Hall Three of the Whitby Fire Department presents a Firefighters' St. Patrick's Day Dance March 17 from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. at Hey- denshore Pavilion. Tickets are available from fire-, fighters or at Hall Three (Brock and 'Coiborne r 6 " iÇ4Ù4ac Tb. mut Fmnoi Ist .1thww1i'" It's tinie to caJi your Welcome Wagon hosteas. Phone 820