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Whitby Free Press, 28 Mar 1979, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS whitby w h itb y Published every Wednesday by M.B.M. Publishing and Photography Ine. Phone 668-6111l The Free Press Buildin Volco of the County Town* Michael an Burgess, Publisher - Managnig Edtor. 131 Brock Street North, hie only Whitby newspaper independently owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby esidents. P.O. Box 206, Whitby, O Community Editor -Brian Winter Contributing Edito -Jim Quail Production Manager -Marj Burgess Print & Promotional -Robin Lyon ManagerA - s nard Classified Ad -Leesa Menard Where were you Boband Jim Malin.g Permit No. 460 Member of the Better Business Bureau of Toronto whithy chamber of Commerce According to an old Chinese proverb, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single stèp. In the case of the regional headquarters of Durham Region, the Iourney of five miles to Oshawa began with the approval of the moving of the finance departmeni last week. It is no secret .to anyone that once a department of such stature and significance as finance, leaves the headquarters in Whitby, the others are sure to follow within a short time. Regional council has tabled any expansion of the headquarters on Rossland Road and the whole future of a regional headquarters in Whitby is in limbo. The saddest part of this whole situation for Whitby residents is that none of this need have happened if two of our regional councillors had been a little more attentive to their duties. Councillor Bob Attersley did not even attend the crucial meeting last Wednesday when the future of the finance department was decided. He said he was opposed to the move to Oshawa but he was not there when the critical vote to move to the Brock-Mary building was recorded, and lost by one vote. If Councillor Attersley had been present there would have been a tie, and it is likely that Regional Chairman Walter Beath would have broken the tie in favour of Whitby. He has signified his interest in keeping the regional headquarters in Whitby on previous occasions. Councillor Attersley said he had another committ- ment which he could not break, but when the future of the Whitby's place in the region is at stake, which is more important; another committment or one's duties at regional council? We must remember that Whitby has only three votes West Lyn must sol West Lynde is one of Whitby's most modern and beautiful new subdivisions, a community asset to be proud of. Its homes are weli kept up, its streets are clean, and it has all the appearances of being a model community. However, Central Park, which passes through the middle of this model community, in the words of Margaret Boyce, President of the West Lynde Commu- nity Association is "a total disgrace." Last Friday we took a walk through the park, after reading comments in the West Lynde Association's newsletter about its condition, and we found the comments were not exaggerated. The park was littered, especially along the edges, with ail kinds of refuse, -- newspapers (not ours), pop cans, candy wrappers, and ether unsightly garbage. Newspapers had blown up against the chain link fence of the tennià court, and we saw at least two piles of papers dumped in the park, which had appeared to have been there for some time. Besides common littering, the park suffers from vandalism. We saw one of the park lights broken, and have been informed by the West Lynde Community Association that the drinking fountain is often broken, too. When we looked at the park, the fountain was intact, but there was a muddy ditch leading to a large puddle several feet from the fountain. But the problem goes deeper than that. We are informed that dog owners throw their animaIs' droppings over their back yard fences into the park, dogs are let inte the tennis courts te do their business; bottles are deliberately broken on the children's climbing apparatus, and garden garbage is thrown over backyard fences inte the park. .West Lyn½de may look like a model subdivision along its streets, but, Central Park has become a catch-ail for aIl the refuse we don't see on the streets. The park is supposed te be a beauty spot fer the benefit of the residents of this community. Instead it is a garbage dump, abused by many people in many ways. on regional council compared to 11for Oshawa. Oshawa needs only 16 votes to obtain a majority on any matter that comes before council. It is not hard for Oshawa to find that five extra votes when It needs thern. With three votes, Whitby is very vulnerable and every vote counts when this town's interests are at stake. Mayor Jim Gartshore did a valiant job of trying to persuade the council to move the regional finance department to downtown Whitby instead of downtown Oshawa, but where was he when the matter was put to a reconsideration vote? The one-third majority required for reconsideration lost by one vote. If Mayor Gartshore had been present for this vote, Whitby would have had a second chance. If really makes us wonder what our regional councillorsare doing when they let such chances for Whitby slip so easily through their fingers. What does the outcome mean for Whitby? It means the beginning of the end for Whitby as a permanent headquarters for Durham Region. Oshawa Councillor Alan Pilkey is crowing to the rooftops about how the landing of the regional finance department in downtown Oshawa will provide an impetus for further large commercial office develop- ment in that city. Whitby has acquired two small office buildings in the last two years, but is losing the race to Oshawa when it comes to attracting meaningful development. Also, the regional finance and social services departments locating within a block of each other in downtown Oshawa sets a pattern for what is likely to come. More regional departments will be enticed to move to the new buildings thaf will be attracted to downtown Oshawa by the original move of the finance department. It is a snowballing effect. Meanwhile, the region cannot seli the existing headquarters to the province for court rooms and the province wants to build a new building of its own. The region has tabled any addition to the regional headquarters, and council is hopelessly divided on the future site of the regional offices. No matter how they may argue that their reasons for absence were justified, Councillor Attersley and Mayor Gartshore, each in their respective ways, have let down the people of Whitby at this most critical time. Because they were not present when those one-vote losses occurred, the Town of Whitby lost an opportunity to maintain its position of regional headquarters of Durham Region. Five years from now, see if the finance department will move back to Rossland Road when its lease runs out? Under the circumstances, we think not. Don't ever believe that one vote does not make the difference. In the case of the regional finance department it made the difference twice. Whitby had the bail in its court, but fumbled and lost. Our representatives who fumbied the bail should be held accountable for their actions and provide to the citizens who elected them an explanation of why they were not where they should have been last Wednesday when Whitby's right to the regional offices was under debate. Mayor Gartshore, why were you absent when Whitby had a second chance to save the situation, and Councillor Attersley, where were you when your fellow councillors from Whitby needed you to turn the tide in our favor? We would like to know. e Community ssoc. ve its park problems The West Lynde Community Association, we feel, has to take the matter in hand, for it represents the people of that community, and cannot expect the town to keep cleaning up the mess and repairing the damage done by By John Fisher of the Council for Canadian Unity vandals, many of whom are likely members of the association or their children. ..The association should develop a plan of action Conseil pour l'unite'canadienne regarding the park, such as organizing clean-bp crews In the United States Milwaukee and Vital and patrols to watch the park at as many times as there are hundreds of Guerin founder of St. Paul, possible. (Maybe a 'Park Parent' program). places bearing French Minnesôta. There are bylaws regarding the dog fouling, and if the names. The majority were The most celebrated members of the association report such acts, fines will pure French Canadian. traveller was Rene Robert be levied, and this activity will soon stop. They relate to the days Cavelier de la Salle. He All it needs is for one person to take a first step and when La Nouvelle France paddled down to explore report such incidents, and other people will fol low suit. extended from the Arctic the mouth of the Mississ- The Association could, if it wishes, levy a damage fee waters to the Gulf of Mex- ippi. He named Louisiana on ail its members to help pay for the cost of repairing ico and intrepid explorers, for France which Louis XIV vandalism. It will hit the innocent as well as the guilty, priests and voyageurs thought useless and rep- but it may make the residents of this subdivision angry roamed in their birch bark rimanded la Salle and re- enough that they will discipline themselves and their cances. called him to France. la children, for adults are just as guilty as children in this Detroit was founded by Salle returned, tried to find case. Cadillac. Duluth, Minne- the Mississippi by'boat and There is no need for the residents of West Lynde or sota and Racine Wisconsin ended up in Texas. He was the town's recreation department to have to put up with have Quebec lineage. So is trying to reach the great what is going on in Central Park. the capital of Idaho, Boise river overland but his men If the West Lynde Community Association has to be a and its leading city Coeur rebelled. One of them &hot police force to keep the park cean, then let it be s t d'Alene. la Salle. His body was left notthe town's responsibility but the respensibilityof the John McLaughlin of in the new land he claimed association which represents several thousand people Riviere du loup who spoke for France. An ignominious living in West Lynde. French as well as he did death for a great river. The West Lynde Community Association is holding a English was known as general meeting Thursday at 8 p.m. where plans to deal Father of Oregon'. Pru- John Fisher, Executive with Central Par.k can be made. dent Beaudry was first Vice President of the The residents of this subdivision should corne out in mayor of Los Angeles, Councl for Canaan Unity full force and give their association a mandate to take Soloron Juneau was was Canaa's Centennal whatever action it thinks is necessary. Central Park is a disgrace only because the residents (and some non-residents) of West Lynde have made it Letters to the Editor so. Therefore the problem lies within the subdivision, and should be solved from within the subdivision through the association which the residents elected to look after their interests.oW g,1 Ont.

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